Great game! Super addicting!!
Sat Mar 26 2022 awesome Ava🤪😉🙂💕❤️👍🏻🤩🥰Hey everyone!! ✋
This game is very fun! I would totally recommend it. I’ve only been playing for a few hours and I’m already super far! The little person is cute and the way that they designed the cat to be huge is also also awesome! Though this game is great I have a few suggestions… 💭
1.) Everytime you get really far on endless mode, for example you get 31 times confusing the cat by hiding, you only get like 18 coins. I really don’t think it’s worth it. ITS JUST SO HARD TO GET MONEY. Maybe the creators could let us get money easier. 😤
2.) You can get new little people to hide from the cat or you could get a new cat..clothes for the cat..etc, but you have to watch an add to get every single item. It’s super annoying. But this game is so good! Absolutely ZERO adds randomly pop up! It’s great besides the item add thing. Maybe let us use our money we earn? 💵🪙
3.) You know how I said that you have to watch an add to get items? Yeah. Meaning you don’t get to use the money you worked so hard for. You barely even get to use your money at all. It’s really annoying because you can use your money to buy these present things, but that’s almost about it. The creators could probably let us use our money to buy new items for the cat/person/other things. 😞
ANYWAY. That’s it for now!! Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Thanks for reading! 🫠🫧
Fri Mar 19 2021 seseserenityms(Press more to see more good things and other games) This game is Great I really love the quality and you have to watch a couple ads and you don’t need to run that much and sometimes it takes a while for the cat to come back so you have to get time and wait for that moment so you can have time to actually run to the house or where ever you’re trying to go and you can get there safely without the cat looking for you and you only have to simply hold to hide behind things and you get gifts along the way and some coins and you could also get a mouse to look for you and when you unlock it you’ll get some more cats and it’s a really fun game and I suggest you guys play it it’s great quality and if you’re reading this I suggest you get to Dave’s it’s a High Heels! and Gacha Life oh and basically through but you should also get gotcha club the second version of Gacha Life it’s they are really good games and they are great quality to I’m just suggesting these games to you because I know you’re talking about an app you can also in this game get new outfits and as I already said you can get them out more cat skins and you get more girl skins it is a really good game I love the quality and yes you will have to press more
Fri Aug 27 2021 UnderscoresmileeI love it! The only problem are the duration of advertisements and where advertising is being used. When there is an option to watch an ad to get a reward; most people don’t watch the ads. But after you click no you get an ad anyway. If you are going to put an option to watch an ad to get a reward, don’t give the player one. It makes them angry as they have just watched an ad for nothing even they could’ve gotten an reward. Also the ads are a bit long and the problem is they don’t really fit the game since its a small game and a level usually takes a small amount of time. This game is also repetitive so adding more stuff for to it would be nice. I don’t think it’s finished but it is a nice game and it would be good to play for a little bit everyday. Sorry if there was any grammatical errors in this review but I do recommend it.
🩷Some suggestions and Game Rating 🩷
Wed Jul 03 2024 Anonymous Watermelon 🍉Ok y’all, I have some opinions on the game, I love the game a lot and all but the ads are nonstop, and when I was reading all the other reviews they were all talking about how levels are really hard and to delete the game, please don’t, have some patience. If you can’t wait for any reason, do what feels right to you. With enough practice on endless mode you can get through many levels! There were some creepy bugs and glitches, like for example, I got The Wheel of Angels accessory and when I finished the ad, the hat was all glitched the game crashed and said failed and my iPad started to let out a loud BLEEP! But then it was normal again, kinda creepy but it didn’t damage anything, just a little story of my experience. All the little outfits are adorable too! I feel like more updates and bug fixes need to be made, but overall, AMAZING game! 🩷🩷🩷
The game is great, but….
Mon Mar 28 2022 Cori_ReignbowThe game is great, cute, and just a great time waster if you ask me. Not long ever getting it I invested in ad free because I don’t like being pestered by ads of other less than mediocre games that are nothing like what they present to you! However, after a couple of months of owning the game, and paying for it mind you, when I open the app I have no game. Only a gray or black screen and then it crashes. This would easily be a 5 star review, but what is there to review anymore. Also I have taken notice that in the App Store it has an English name, and when I first put it on my phone it had an English name. And now it is an Asian format. Thinking maybe if I delete and reinstall might fix both issues that maybe my phone just glitched on me, still nothing. I don’t mind the Asian format name title, because I can visually see it’s the game I like…. But I can not get past paying for a game in ad free and then wasting my money because it’s no longer working. Fixing the issue will fix this review.
Mon Jan 22 2024 L4RRy_So I’ve had this game for a few months, I play it every day in my free time, it’s very relaxing and fun. There are some questionable things in it though… I’ve been searching for a review that goes over this but I can’t seem to find any 😭
This isn’t one of those reviews that just goes on a rant about ads and complaining about them. I honestly don’t even mind the ads anymore, I’m too used to games filled with them, and this game is actually a lot better with the ads than the majority of free mobile games.
I just find it a little bit confusing, and actually quite funny, that there are certain outfits in this game that you can buy via watching an advertisement.
I did however, nonetheless, purchase these outfits, there’s one for the cat and one for the human 😂
So, for the cat, there is this dark green has with a red star on it (LOLLLL)
And then for the little human girl, there’s an entire war uniform, (A green hat with a yellow star, and a MINI A RIFLE)! (Mind you, this game is rated 4+), I find it very amusing, not sure why it’s in a kids game though, but it’s amusing.
The other outfits are very cute though! My favorite is definitely the jail themed one, although I never managed to get the outfit for the little human in time for the campaign 😭
I would give u 4 and a half stars, but it wont let me XD.
Please read if young*
Thu Feb 01 2024 3 mochis in a trenchcoatThis is a great game, and I just adore the other apps created by Usuya. This one a the type of app that you can’t really get bored of, and yet I still have some meaningful reports. I keep getting these *weird* advertisements, if you understand what I mean. Also ads for casino games and “whiskey” apps. Like what? Are these really your sponsors? And speaking of the way *weird* ads, it is quite perverted. And a bit of nudity is just a GREAT addition to this whole thing! I believe it was a puzzle game with a zombie apocalypse.😔 I’m disappointed in this choice of arrangement of ads for such an awe inspired game of pleasurable graphics. Oh, don’t get me wrong, this game is far more preferable than tofu girl, (in my opinion) but this has to end. For all the children who play this game, I hope you read till the end.
I never write reviews but..
Tue Nov 14 2023 Idk bru😨But this game is so fun, I can’t put my phone down, it’s way too addictive. I’ve been playing this for a few years and I still love it, the art is actually great especially the background art, the game is fun kinda repetitive levels, challenging, easy to set goals, not irritating and boring as the other mobile games, and there are varies of hats for the cat in the background and clothes for the girlie (they’re adorable😭💕) the dog is really cute but a little interrupting, but that’s what makes the game more challenging, and i love it.
“b-but th-th-th-th-the ads !!🥺🥺😭” just turn off your Wi-Fi if it really bother’s you that much, and besides, without the ads the user’s won’t get any fun or cool rewards.
In short, awesome game and i definitely recommend it based off my experience :3
Wed Oct 30 2024 Mimi717171717111This game is sooooooooo cool . Let me explain, this is a game where u have to hide from the cats sight. Ur a girl and ur mini sized and u right from point a to point b. And u have cute items that u can hide behind the cats eye to it doesn’t see u and u can get free cute gifts in between running u will hold it isn’t that so cute !!! And u can change ur look like normal which is a pink dress and school which it a adorable school uniform and there are many more! And the cat u can change the cat according to the country like USA cat and china cat and so on. ( not like the location ur at the cat type u choose ) and the things u can hide behind gets more harder to hide behind like moving toy cars but it’s not to easy nor to hard! That why I love this adorable game, if u don’t believe me get the game! ✨
This game is pretty good
Mon Jun 26 2023 zbsx,!. fgzg2;6;4So I just got the game and I’ve seen it on ads at first I wasn’t very interested. It seemed boring and really had no purpose but the other day I saw it on an ad and it’s like my fourth time seeing it so I thought wow this game is very very popular so I decide to try it out, once I got the game I looked at it and the graphics are pretty neat but then I said if you like buy us a drink we will remove ads so I didn’t really know what that meant so I put chairs on and once I did it, I realize that it paid money before I could finish loading. I shut down my phone and it reset it. I started playing after that and it was pretty fun. I recommend this game if you like puzzle hide and seek games. Thank you have a great day.