Great game, would recommend playing.
Fri Jul 23 2021 Big sister of georgeHigh heels, A great game in the form of a woman’s fashion/style. It’s an amazing game showing off how beautiful Women can really be. The game is satisfying to watch and I highly recommend playing. Ive made it to level 50 already. But, beware, as there are many adds. I feel as if you could get used to them. Weird adds, but great game. Also, maybe add longer if not more maps? They are all the same, which in my picky statement, makes the game not the perfect experience. But, again I highly recommend playing High-Heels. Here is a note for the creator: Adds. Please, make the adds more, well, reduced. I know it does make y’all money but, a lot of people have suggested it. Also, the prices off the Packs/Game passes such as, Billie Eilish, Cleopatra, And hella punch girl are magnificent to see and I really would like to buy. But, Hella punch girl is way to expensive for what you get. But, Billie Eilish is quite cheap which I appreciate. One more thing, Maybe add some updates such as: Price reduce(s), Less adds, and more levels. Also, not to mention how it says “Ad not ready” when an advertisement for “The high heels” And you would like to get them by watching the ad, Once again like I said, it’s says “Ad not ready.” You you could please fix these honorable mentions for the “Customers” that would be awesome. Great game over all. Thank you, Sarvente. ✝️
Amazing Game but a ton of Issues😡
Fri May 06 2022 ❤️💛🧡EmmaRod🧡💛❤️I downloaded it just like 1 year ago…this started well 4-5 months ago I would say? I’m talking about when it says “Ad Is Not Ready!” Like hon do I care? There is a kitten in my arms who can earn me diamonds and a bonus…ITS SUPER CUTE! But want to know what isn’t cute…? When I want to unlock heels or skins and this freaking app just keeps saying, “Ad Is Not Ready!” Like child, I still have the default skin: I NEED NEW SKINS FOR THE LOVE ❤️ OF 😰 GOD 👄• Then later on I downloaded it on my phone 📱 great idea right? NOT!! It started freezing in the middle of the game..and I was like, “what the heck?” I then thought “mabye it’s glitching because of low battery?🔋 “
Nope. The game just crashed 😡😡😡
The good part 😊✨
Anyway, what’s the good? The good is the fun, what more do you need?…I like the challenge and how mistakes happen in the middle of the game: so you can learn from them!! ❤️❤️❤️ I love the way they did the pets because they are adorable 🥰 I also love how the avatars make you feel like you have to play more to get them—that’s what the game wants—anyway cute game!! 🔥 I love em’ heels 👠 🥰🥰🥰 anyway just wanted to give y’all the pieces of cake so you knew what it was like before ☝️ you ✍️ download 💭 because 👍 it 😰 mabye 👁 not your ☹️ type 🤩 of 💄 of 🧊 game 💙
Good but A few Issues
Sun Nov 13 2022 Gracky WackyI love the game. I can’t stop playing the levels are fantastic. But the ADDS. How can h play a game that has more adds then the actual game? Plus it’s such a lost opportunity! The games gr8! Why ruin it with twenty million adds. I haven’t opened the game for weeks all because of adds. I understand that u need adds for certain purposes but a few less would be great please. Plus, we get all of these coins right? And we don’t use them. They’re just there for no reason. So ur not earning anything but fancy hairstyles. U can buy pets and stuff to make the game more fun but with more adds. The coins are actually really fun to collect and I would love to put them to good use. Also just a warning this 17+ add turned on and it’s not too bad but it just has some stuff that’s for slightly older kids. Not bad but probrably not for some kids. I don’t know if the app controls this or if it really matters so it’s not to criticize the game. Also, ik this is twelve and up but some of the outfits aren’t good for 6 and under for sure. So if your deciding to get it for maybe a nine year old then then it’s just something to keep in mind. So this games orobrably aimed for tweens. Plus all the models are so amazingly beautiful and skinny except for like 3 so maybe add a few more models that aren’t quite like that. Overall tho a gr8 game I love it just get rid of ads add more models and ur all set. Thank u for reading:)
Addicting game, few problems/advice…
Sun May 29 2022 ariana liz grandeHi! Ok so don’t get me wrong but this game is great! Extremely addicting, satisfying, and over all amazing! It is really fun to play with and love the characters! But I have a few things to say myself. I have been playing since 2020 but recently downloaded it on this new device! Few problems: •Too many adds!!! At least have updates w/ letting you have less ads, no one would pay for it b/c it is pricy for no ads •Characters, again too pricy! Like at least have some characters like the money ones for some gems or ads! But these characters that y’all make are straight up BEAUTIFUL!! (Thanks for listening to my advice on this one!!) • New levels, same levels over and over again! Please have an update, be more creative and fun! Again, it is a GREAT game just make it more creative and fun for us Advice: •Lower some prices for cash items more often, might get better deals. •Ads maybe every 10 rounds have an ad or two. This will be more exciting for us players and more people will play hearing that you have less ads! Somethings that need to be changed fast: We need a pause button! Or else we fall off a cliff (which is satisfying but we just DON’T want to) I will say this for the last time, your game is amazingly fun and interesting! I just think this might be more helpful for the advice and somethings to be aware about! Thank you for your time!! Xoxo, Yasi 💙
This game is good , but there is a few problems.
Sat Mar 04 2023 ohhhhhhhhhhehjejskskshdhdhdSo this game is fun and addictive but there are problems. THE ADS . If you want to adopt a pet you need to watch 3 ads and same for wanting to make your own avatar. And after that there is ANOTHER AD . Not to mention these ads are like 30 seconds long so like around 2 minutes of ads . It might not seem that bad, but if you’re sitting there watching ads for two minutes straight, it’s really not cool. They are kinda unbearable .
Another problem is when you are customizing your own avatar. There are not really lots of skin tones , outfits , hair , hair types . Yes, there are like at least 10 but most of them are yellow and weird or red , just colors that are a little weird for skin tones, and the normal skin tones you can barely find any like only . For Black people there’s only one skin color selection because the “other “one is kind of red and for the white people there’s three high is not a lot. There are no mix or anything. Only used to races . There is literally only one hair type. no frizzy no curly no wavy it’s just straight. I hope you guys make other skin tones and other hairs. Another problem is that when you’re walking to collect that he owes you can’t stop what if you wanna think about your decision for a second or trying to avoid obstacle but you can’t stop . But overall this game is pretty good and addictive . That is it.
What the…?!?
Wed Dec 01 2021 Chess Playing GameI like this game but it has WAY WAY WAY too many ads. That’s what all the games have. Ads. And you have to pay to take it off! Money, money, money, that’s everything people want anymore. It drives me nuts! 😤And I feel like no matter what, if possible, people voted zero stars, the makers would still NEVER FIX IT! But the game is also, at first, pretty LEGIT! It has awesome characters who are B-E-A-Utiful! Most of them, anyway. Ands so are their heels. Now, when I got this game, I was like, “OMG, where are the pets? There are pets in that little box icon that you see so you know what the game is, right?!? Where are the pets?!?” But after a while I finally got them. But you had to watch stupid ads to get them! Some, like this annoying ABC Mouse ad that was like 1 minute, of course came up! And the gems, like what are those even for?!? And also, where is the pause button?!? If I want to stop the game, I either have to throw my character of a cliff, ( which is super satisfying if you know what I mean), or finish it when I’m being called. Dude, like what the heck? But the game just keeps repeating after some time, jeez, annoying much? But overall, I am addicted to this game. But a piece of advice everyone, if you’re anything like me when it comes to this game, save some games for another day! I know, it’s addicting, but is it the end of the world if you stop playing the game or fixing up all the unpleasantness that’s being written in my review?!? I’m Just Saying!
Reading this would be appreciated!
Mon May 31 2021 WrestlercutieAlright so this game has came popular so I decided to try it. And I actually don’t regret it. So the game is simple and I've actually have got pretty good at it. So basically you have heels and you collect more by “walking through them”, and you use your heels to go through bricks, and there is other obstacles and I don’t really know how to explain them(sorry!) but my opinion on this game is that it’s good and definitely worth it. People say that there’s “so many adds” but that’s how they make money off of the game so I can’t blame them. And it’s also clean, no non children friendly adds which is good! I also have a bit of a problem with the graphics.. they aren’t very good and it looks like they were just trying to get the job done fast. The graphics could be worked on but it’s not that bad of a game. the challenges are really easy for me and there isn’t that much of them and I really like doing them so if your fine with it, could you please add more challenges, and make them harder?
Okay so that is basically just me kind of complaining about the glitches of this game but yeah. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day!!❤️❤️💖
Fri Nov 05 2021 3st3llaI can’t list the amount of times I’ve been playing a game and I have gotten and add for this. I finally decided to try this out, and I’ve been quite pleased. It’s fun, addicting, and satisfying, in a weird way I can’t describe. I’m not going to complain about the straight up adds, because I know every game like this has tons of them. It’s just another ‘watch an add to win’ game. I am annoyed with the fact that I was playing and picked up a dog, and afterward I had to watch three hands in order to keep it. The adds didn’t bother me, so I decided to start watching and got through an add that lasted pretty long. After watching the add, I tried watching the other two I needed to watch in order to get the dog. It said the add wasn’t available , but I have full bars of WiFi and a new, updated device. The one add took a really long time to finish, (longer than usual, that is,) which is the main reason I’m annoyed by what happened. I’m also annoyed because right after I gave up on trying to watch the other two adds, an add that was about 30 seconds long and unskippable showed up (it was an add I didn’t get anything from.) That made me wonder why the one add wasn’t ‘available,’ if other adds were. Other than that, the game is still very fun, and I do recommend getting it.
Very fun but a few issues
Mon May 31 2021 Genie@So this game is really fun but their are a few problems. First, this problem is a big one that has been identified once you start playing it… THE ADDS!!!! There are to much of them! Pretty much after every level an add. I understand this is to make money but please, please, please, make the adds come after like 3 to 4 levels!! And the next reason is, so this was the first game I had on my phone and this problem just started to occur and it never did before, it is that while I am in the middle of a level a small black box pops up on screen and it says “open failed” I have no clue why this has happened but maybe check it out. And lastly, this only occurs a little bit like every few levels and it is that sometimes when I am on the ice I can’t go forward and my character gets stuck. They still have the walking motion, but it looks like they are trying to walk with an invisible wall in front of them. Well that is all that I have to say about High Heels, but if you are looking for a new game to pass the time and overall just entertain yourself, this is the best one!! Oh and I could never forget to say that I LOVE that all the characters are different and very inclusive and cool!Thank you! (Sorry for the long review)
Please read!
Thu Apr 01 2021 Mrs_Mae MaeOkay so I kept getting adds for this app and I finally said fine let's try this out and wow I am pleased! This game is really addictive and fun! All the characters are really cool and I like that there is plus size and slim and queer characters! I also love that you guys included Doja Cat! But seriously I love this game! Now there is a lot of adds but I mean you can't really blame them for that because it's the only way to make money off of the game so yeah. I also think the graphics and the drawing of the characters could be a bit better but that's okay cause they all have a cool design! Small suggestion maybe since you guys have a dog poking out pf a bag you could make a cat doing the same thing? Oh and the splits omg it gets me all the time! I also like that this game is very child friendly like for example the ads are very clean (I personally have not gotten a inappropriate ad) and the characters are pretty clean unless you don't like crop tops and mini skirts! Another small suggestion could you guys make the levels a little harder and maybe add a few new obstacles in the levels? Okay well to wrap this review up I would like to say that this game is amazing and you should buy it!