Wed Mar 09 2022 Kris060585I’ve had this game for a year or so now… I’ll play for a while then get tired of it then come back to it… I’ve topped out on the points scale, so there isn’t any excitement there. I’ll start first on the scenes that have been around for awhile. On the island theme it’s IMPOSSIBLE to eat the volcano. Which is annoying. I used to be able to now I can’t. Please make new skins to be able to achieve. Also, make more of the mini challenges within the rounds. It’s gets old trying for the same challenges over and over.
The new stuff… Finally after a year they’ve added 2 new scenes. The farm scene is very boring and kind of glitchy. The office building scene has a challenge of eating 10 vehicles but there aren’t any vehicles in that theme which is also annoying. This scene also has walls that are edible after you’re large enough but before that your hole just knocks them over onto the smaller items making them very difficult to consume. Maybe this is the intended challenge of this theme, but it’s kind of pointless. It essentially blocks anything that you can eat when a wall gets knocked over
The amount of ads doesn’t bother me because I paid the $2.99 for ad free. The only time there are ads is when I choose to have one to gain more time for a round. This game is a good time killer and I find it satisfying to watch the items filter into the hole.
Please fix the glitches and for the love of everything holy- FIX THAT VOLCANO ISSUE!!!!
Already maxed out!
Mon Mar 02 2020 daniellagravesI’ve already maxed out at the highest level and I’ve only downloaded this game yesterday.... it’s super fun, and I really enjoy it. Especially because I don’t like a whole lot of games.... BUT this app needs a major upgrade... 1) it would be better if there was an option to just have like a free for all by your self, where you can kind of practice and have fun without the 2 minute limit. Also an option to pick a map would be great. 2) this game really needs to be live. We need to be playing against real people and not the bots. I’ve found this game way to easy playing against the same old bots... 3) this game also needs some new maps... turning the map in a different direction doesn’t make it any harder for me. again, I’ve only been playing this since yesterday and I’ve already figured out all the tricks to winning. It’s way to easy 🤷🏼♀️ 4) lastly this game has some major glitches. For instance, in the battle royale, if you and the last person are as big as you can get, there is no beating the other person. I literally have to exit out of the whole game and start all over again. On top of that the game has many glitches which I WOULD HOPE the developer knows about.... INVEST some time and money into this app and it can very well be one of the top ones. It takes a lot for me to like a game, and I really enjoy this one and another one by this developer.... fix the game and I’ll fix my rating to a 5 star.
needs more effort
Fri Dec 22 2023 cute chubby catThe lack of playing is much. I don't care if I have to watch an ad to grow bigger. I've also had this game for about a year so I've kept it but it's not very addicting. I also do not like how some of your ads make it look fun on the ad but then when we download it, it's very not like the ad. That makes me angry but you guys do not do that so that's the thing im happy about. but I feel like im playing with bots on the game. Because if I chose 20 or 30 more seconds, im not sure if they chose that same thing. So I think on the first round there's real people but to make it fair, you guys add bots. If you do that's gonna really upset me. What I suggest to add is a chat. Because then we would know if they were bots or not. Also add friending people. Not copying to Roblox, just to make it more fun because I play Roblox. and the chat and friending made it EXTREMELY fun! So I think your games would be more attractive if there was a chat/friending. Also I understand you want to make money from your games from buying coins, and etc. But it's very stupid how you CHARGE for maps. I'm not sure if you charge real money for new maps but I think it is true. It's very crazy how you do that. It's just not necessary. Like your charging for coins and maps? That's just not. That's all I need to speak about! plz update with these suggestions and complaints. Ty for listening!
Do better guys.
Thu Oct 03 2024 hrrfvhyeefgtI’ve had this game well over 5 years. I’ve always loved it and never had an issue. Up until a couple months ago when they decided to add new maps, skins, and just an all around update. Initially I didn’t notice much bc I was excited that they had finally changed it up after so many years until I started having issues with the arena glitching out. I would defeat everyone in the arena and I would still be stuck in it like I have been the past 3 weeks. When I first started playing, you could choose the map you wanted to play on. Now they have it set to switch the maps after each game. BUT they don’t even have all of the maps like the city or the farm are still missing and they added a point system to where I can’t even get the satisfaction of eating the entire map anymore or even choose which map I would like to play. Also, I pay for no ads, but I still am having to watch ads in order to play “special levels”. There is also a section of the home screen that is locked and has been locked for who knows how long. It always tells you “play more levels to unlock this feature” and right now I’m level 75 and have no idea what the locked part is. I’m just gonna be honest this game is a whole mess. Like I said I’ve been playing for YEARS and yes it got boring after a while and I do enjoy the updates, but do better guys. There’s no reason this game should be so laggy and pointless.
Fun, but could be improved
Fri Jun 16 2023 TinyWingsI got this game earlier this week and have already unlocked all the levels and most of the upgrades. I do enjoy the game, and felt the price for no ads was fair, but there are a few things that could be improved: 1) Endless Hole does not seem to work. I can eat the donuts and collect stars, but they are not spendable and I never level up. 2) Other game modes: I used to play this game on Snapchat and there was numerous game modes. There were also lots of quests. I have seen in this game the option to play other game modes such as last hole standing, but you have to watch an ad first and it is only available for a limited time (e.g. 30 minutes) 3) As others have mentioned, once you get all the worlds, gems become useless. Maybe we could trade them for coins? Or use them to unlock other game modes? There’s also a few small things: 1) As others mentioned, not being able to eat the volcano. May be possible but I have yet to accomplish it 2) Sometimes power ups spawn to close to the world’s edge to collect 3) I’ve already collected all the stickers in less than a week. Add more? 4) Whenever you collect a letter in solo mode, the overlay stays up, blocking your view of your score and the remaining time. Overall, I will continue to play but there is lots of room for improvement to make this game even better!
Only play A.I.
Sat Oct 27 2018 Aaron MelloyGame is overall amazing, but unfortunately it is only played by A.I.. If there is actual players I just don’t see it. The movements of these so called “real” players do not appear like free-thinking people. In today’s society, I also know there would be names that literally stand out and not once have I seen it (you know...vulgar/outlandish). I have gotten to max rank and I wish there were stats but I know I’m at a 90%+ 1st place finish (with the exception of a few I finished in top 3 or quit cause I had slow start). If I was versing against real players I know I would fair okay but never that good. A.I. becomes predictable and easily defeated so long as you keep playing very aggressive. This is what keeps my review from becoming 5 star. I have unlocked everything in 2-3 days and that’s literally like 3-5 hours of play due to work and home life. 2 maps with random creator is good and all but needs more. Definitely more to unlock needs to be available (especially if you only play A.I. cause way to easy).
For those of you who hate’s my advice. Finish the game, when it shows scores/leaderboard, hit “Continue” and then close app immediately and then reopen. You can literally jump right back into a game in 5 seconds, skip the ad, and keep your score. I’m all about farming and this grind was laughable at best... Great concept, poor follow-thru.
Potential was & is very much high, just NOT living up to it!
Thu Mar 05 2020 Zale46wThis used to be a very fun, addictive, & challenging game! Unfortunately, a while back last year or so they redesigned ALL 3 of their course maps that changed the values, animation, look of every piece of each course map! I still somewhat enjoy playing it as you can lose yourself in trying to beat your own score, but the “redesign” features have totally served as a downgrade! It does at times have bugs or glitches with the use of animated holes that you can choose as your avatar, but works much better with very little interruptions if you choose just a solid color! This too makes it a bit less appealing! The last critical but constructive criticism I can offer in the slim chance ANYONE in development cares enough to reads this is the lack of course maps! There’s only 3 & each are “random” in which you might play! If given the opportunity to set the course maps to random or the course map of your desired choice, that would 100+% offer a nice touch for the player, but the expansion of offering MORE course map choices would definitely make the game infinitely more invaluable! I rate it a 2 overall because of the flawed redesigns & lack of creative expansion, but the game itself deserves a solid ranking between a 4.5 - 5 depending on your attention span & ability to accept a constant 2 min. gameplay experience.
Was fun
Thu Sep 27 2018 scott e mI played this game a lot when it first came out and I loved it. I won some I lost some but either way it was still a competition. I love how you added all new stuff since I stopped play. But there are some problems.
I can’t see behind most buildings like before and sometimes even get eaten. Battle mode is the worst, only one o tried to far, hopefully other are better. It just seems so one sided. Yea I haven’t played in about a month or more but I didn’t forget how to play. Like 80% of the games I get eaten up by someone who’s already max before I even level up once. It’s kind of annoying. T wasn’t this way before. I accidentally won the first game I played, the rest of the games, I was lucky if I lasted a min. And I’m not against ads but if I’m only playing 30 seconds games I don’t want to be bombarded with ads. I wish this game could be a little more like the original .IO game (I think Argio) where the smaller ones had a slight advantage cuz the went faster, though not by much. Are there new power ups in the game I’m not aware of yet? Like some that make them bigger or faster? I wouldn’t mind this but can you try to match people who are at the same level give or take a few.
AGAIN 5 star game when it first started and still has spite too. To have 5stars, but needs some bugs fix, and make the game fair for people to actually play.
Enjoying but ...
Mon Apr 15 2024 Blueis826My original review was how much I love this app. I’ve had it for years. I paid for the no ad version shortly after download. However, at this point in order to do anything, you have to watch an ad. Also, I’ve enjoyed playing the endless whole part however, I am now stuck on level 145 I believe and I cannot go any further. The screen is completely white. I don’t see the hole anymore and the only time I’m earning anything is just the coins. This is extremely frustrating, also when you change the game to play totally differently it would be nice if you would have directions on how to play instead of what the goal is. It has taken me weeks to figure out what I’m trying to do. I would really like some help with the endless game and I have tried to contact customer support and have not been able to find a way to do so. my original rating for this game was five stars but every day of frustration it’s going down. I have always wished I could do a version that is not timed just so I could eat everything. I keep getting stickers, but I’ve already completed the set so the extra stickers I should be able to get coins or something for them. Would also be nice to be able to pick my own map on time to figure out a strategy.
Was 5 star game a few years ago, but trash after the last big update
Fri Nov 01 2024 RC-ichardI got this game several years ago it absolutely loved it. It was during the boob of all of the similar games where you compete in a enclosed world with others for resources cutting out those smaller than you. I unlocked EVERY skin because they were achievement based. You could only kill someone ONCE per game, and it was won by last man standing or highest % destroyed at the end of the timer.
This recent update took away all the features I loved about the game, and replaced it with some I don’t really like - for example the “locked” icon in the bottom of the Home Screen that I can never unlock. What about the gems you have me buy/earn but have never given me a way to spend them. But the absolute worst of all - you took every one of the skins I earned away (flames, rainbow, etc) and then removed the quest option and made them cash only. I understand if you change the structure to make them cash only, but you did the grandfather in those who already have them and allow us to keep them rather than strip them away and offered no reimbursement.
I guess I will be personally boycotting the game, but I’ll be checking back in the future to see if either my skins were returned or some future update brings the beloved functionality back.