Awesome game
Wed Nov 04 2020 Umm hi bruhWhen I got this game I thought it would just be a game to burn some time when I’m waiting for my food at a restaurant to finish. But really, this game is amazing which I spend a lot of time on. I would recommend this game if you are thinking about it. It’s a great game if you like to make things look better. It have good graphics, and if you are thinking that you are going to be broke in three minutes, this isn’t a game where you lose a lot of money, or it takes a lot of time to get it. No, this is the opposite, I got two house in under four hours. Obviously not all at once 😂 also, if you think that this will have a ton of ads there really isn’t any at all. Which makes this game even better. One thing I don’t really like, is that if I buy a house make it look ten times better. It doesn’t even match up to the original price that you bought it for. I think the more you do the more it should sell for. For example, if you clean the place up replace everything, then it should at least sell for more than a thousand dollars more than you bought it for. If you paint, add more items, get new floors, practically remodeling the home. It should at least be ten thousand more than it would be. If you read this whole thing, wow first of all, and get this game (:
Fun, but inconvenient flaws
Tue Aug 24 2021 ArtrmotusI first got the game because I thought it would be a great time waster, and it was! Very fun and despite it being a bit repetitive, the different costumers always was kept it interesting. Even put a couple dollars on it cause i had a ‘why not’ attitude. It was just that fun of a game.
However, recently, I’ve run into a problem that has completely turned me off from this game, and it’s that I had recently went through so many orders cause of how much I was having fun and exited the game as per usual (went to office then the main menu.) I recently came back to the game the next day, and low and behold, all of my previous hard work was completely gone. There were a couple of things that had stayed unlocked during the process after I bought, but a majority of the stuff I had purchased were locked again. Even worse, all of the orders I had done returned incomplete. 10 whole orders! I tried to figure out if it was an internet problem, but that can’t be the case cause I was home, where my internet is perfectly fine, and I’ve been stationary as I played.
Only thing I can explain it as is a horrible glitch that needs to be fixed. I’ve deleted the game because I’m just absolutely disappointed that had happened. I might redownload it in the future, but I highly doubt it if such a problem persists. I don’t even know what I’d do if everything I’ve ever done was deleted in that moment. Can’t believe this.
Fascinating game that’s very delicately detailed!
Tue Jun 14 2022 UwU EmmaOk, I loveeee this game! It takes up time and it makes me relax. There are so many tiny details that no game would usually incorporate. Although much is detailed perfectly not all things are realistic. Like using a mop to clean cobwebs and the wall. It doesn’t teach true information all the time. Like I get they only want so many items to use for cleaning, but I think they should add a duster instead. It’s a little more true and they can then use it for other things. I also love their backstory’s of why the people need their house cleaned. They also tell you the estimate cost of money and coins it’ll take to finish so you can prepare and make sure you have the right amount. This is a very accurate and fantastic app. If any of you need a realistic time killing game this is definitely the one for you! And preferably I don’t like things that you have to get money by playing the mini games, well luckily this game doesn’t have that either. They give you money to start with so you can clean the houses and you can learn on the way. They also let you decorate a apartment or house of your own! How cool is that? Other than the little bit of false information it’s perfect! No glitches or anything. I’d definitely give this game a 4.9/5!
Very good game but prices are too high for a flip a coin
Fri Jul 21 2023 Funny. Faces. Stickers@snappyHi this is one of your most fanatic players to start off I think this game is very good and is perfect in every way except for one where are the flip a coins are too highly priced that is my only complaint also this is me a few months later are you out of the weekly update I feel like the game really needed that also I believe that you should give them more flip a coin to start off with as an also you should give them some more items to start out with I feel like you were very limited and must spend most of your foot points on the items that you want example for me I had to spend a coin on a phone or a computer or mouse and I was pad a bunch of stuff so I just think they should get the basic office things that are modern that’s my critique also very fun game and I have convinced my cousin to download this therefore your game is extremely fun versatile and many people like it it makes a great family game Sincerely your most fanatic player with every hope in my heart I believe you will read this and will make the changes that I so desperately requested to your Game and just one final thing before I go you’re awesome and I hope you guys have a very successful developmental career PS : wallpapers are really good
Best Renovation Game Ever
Tue Dec 01 2020 OZMozes01This game is a great time killer, not only that they let you be the person who is cleaning and doing the actual renovation process; gives you a great perspective on what it’s like to renovate an actual house in real life. This is almost like a blueprint you can use to renovate an actual house and see what it would look like without starting the actual renovation. Almost a real Minecraft except more modern, because you have to work for your money and put a little money here and there into anybody’s house that your working on. There is the problem that I have to wait an entire four hours or pay 10 - 20 coins in order to get my money with more instantly. But in order to make money from an app thats free you do have to put some IAP in it, so can’t blame you for that. Even so this isn’t a pay to win app, the IAP are more for the impatient ones and five bucks isn’t really that much for a game, because if you pay the five dollars you pretty much pay for everything you would ever need with this game. Anyways really thank the developers for this game, did this for the 25 Coins originally but I genuinely think this is a great game for anyone. Can’t wait for the next update to see what you guys will think of next.
Love, Your Loyal Fan
Super fun!
Tue Jul 06 2021 annabanana1279Took another star away because it’s near impossible to gain anymore coins once you have earned all of the achievements. There should be a monetary amount to unlock items as well. I’m not going to buy coins with my actual money so if it doesn’t change anytime soon to make it at least within reach, I’ll change my review again and delete the game. I’m well aware that the creators are trying to earn a profit and I’m more than well aware that they can’t cater to everyone, but making a game that forces people to use actual money instead of making it harder to earn them need to reevaluate their business practices. Games that require actual money are usually rip offs in the long run.
Although I am writing this to get extra coins, I do like this game a lot. There’s other games that have the same gameplay but there’s really no comparing it. This game is easy to play, it doesn’t repeat areas over and over again, and has plenty to unlock. I have 2 complaints. The first is that if you don’t have enough coins or cash, the level will allow you to cancel or use coins to unlock it anyways. I have twice cancelled instead of use coins and it went ahead used coins anyways. The second is that you have to wait to get paid. That’s kind of silly to wait 4 hours for money. You can instantly get paid for coins so I get the point behind it, but 4 hours is pretty silly.
Great Game
Sun Nov 08 2020 Volume 2For the most part this has been a great game. I love the fact you can play it without the micro transactions if you so choose. I hate games that make it impossible to play unless you want to wait 8 hours for something to be built. 4 hours for rewards if fine, however it would be nice if the longer you played the less time you would need to wait. I would also like to see a few thing in the next update. It would be nice to see some sort of purchase history to keep track of what you bought a house for and what value each addition will add to the overall selling price. And a screen when you sold it to let you know what your profit was. It would also be nice if to see a tad bit easier way to earn more flip coins. Maybe make them available to earn at the end of a project and not just when you level up, and some more varied projects. It would be great to be able to tear down and build walls. I feel like the free projects (the 3-4K projects) that don’t require flip coins and cash are the same house doing the same things. I am on the cusp of shelling out for the starter pack because I think the instant reward is worth it, but I like to know that the developers instead to keep updating and improving a game before I am willing to put real money into it. All in all great start, just needs a bit of refinement and variation.
Great Game! But, one thing!
Sun Dec 27 2020 🐱❤️KittyKendi❤️🐱First of all, this is a GREAT GAME! It is a great time killer and it is very interesting. It’s not like the other house flipper games, because the other ones just have the same exact storyline, and all the same houses. But, this one is 1. Realistic, 2. Different (A different story-line) and 3. Fun! Now, this game is an amazing game, but I have one suggestion. Could you possibly add a before and after picture? So like, this is how it would work: You would have an in-game video area, specifically for the before and after mode, where you can walk around the building and it would record the areas you are looking at, and in the end, the game would choose some rooms to show in your room album. Then, you would go back into the game camera and take a video of the after building. Then, the game would collect pictures from the video and compare them to the same pictures you recorded before! So, yeah! Oh, you can also have a contest online with the before and after pictures. The person who wins can get 1 million dollars and a free house, or anything else but yeah! ( I chose the prize so high because if you added this, a lot of people will want to join, so the chances are slim of someone winning.) Thanks for listening to my review. Bye!
It’s good but kinda annoying
Sun Aug 21 2022 emmie_6161There are too many parts where you have to simulate placing stuff and it starts getting annoying, also the amount of cash you gain isn’t much while the amount of most stuff in this game costs quite a bit, I think it would also be better if in every house there was a pc or a laptop instead of the tablet wherever you go. The waiting time when it’s for free is a lot considering this is supposed to sort of simulate flipping a house, it would also be nice if there was a little more lore behind the game, there isn’t much of a story here. I feel like there could be a feature for pets and maybe instead of the player always being alone, there can be an NPC in the house too, in the entrance, and then they tell you what to do and then leave the house. If there does end up being pets then it would be nice to also have all the furniture for pets as well as a way to either buy or save pets. When you level up there could be an animation where you walk on the streets and then spot a stray pet. The possibility of sleeping in beds to speed up time would also be nice, and if there was another way to expand the area without buying a new house. Also a way to earn in game cash from playing mini games would be nice. If you could eat and drink just for fun, restocking fridges and such. There is also a few bugs.
Pretty good for a free game
Wed Dec 29 2021 AtomicDonut2kI’m actually surprised, most of these games are completely infested with adds and micro transactions. I was completely expecting that going in. So far, however, it’s been pretty good! Actually a nice, decently paced game that feels rewarding. Only gripe is that you don’t receive your funds for completing jobs instantly unless you 1. Pay with the premium currency, which you can earn (slowly) through normal gameplay, or 2. Pay 5 bucks to unlock the permanent instant transfer option. Also, the premium currency is required for upgrades, which affects the speed at which you do things (ie, paint, mop, lay tile, sell items, etc.) and the cost adds up pretty quickly. So either you just pay your way out of it, or spend what I can imagine would be several hours worth of gameplay (keep in mind, this is just a mobile game, so I don’t expect most of us will be playing this a lot) or, you can just buy the currency with real money. That’s pretty annoying, but nothing new. At the very least they allow you to actually earn this currency through gameplay, something that can’t be said for a lot of other games that use this tactic.
Overall, 4/5, a nice relaxing game to enjoy for a while before you go to bed or during your breaks at work.