Pay to play
Mon Apr 22 2024 Flyyyyy12This comment is mostly a reply to one of your responses in a previous comment. I gave two stars based on the concept alone, the gameplay is okay. The comment I’m referring to stated the game is designed for you to run out of funds very quickly and in order to continue you have to use real money. Out me actually enjoying the concept of the game I’m making this comment because it would be really cool to actually be able to enjoy the game. The monetization concept is completely understandable but you guys could at least design the game to where that’s not the only way you can get anywhere.
Interesting game, but not worth the cost
Fri Dec 22 2023 WhovianJThe concept of this game is very interesting, and it looks like it could be fun. However, you can’t get very far in the game without them forcing you to pay real money. It is designed so that you run out of funds very quickly, and the ONLY way to progress in the game is to buy more in game currency at real cost. The packages are too expensive for a game that is only mildly interesting. To me, the content of this game is not worth even the lowest package amount, which starts at $5 for a very low amount of in game currency. Additionally, it doesn’t give you enough time to really get invested in wanting to continue the story before demanding money.
It doesn’t appear much thought was put into the content. There are a lot of grammar errors, misspelled words, and a limited number of events before you are forced to wait 45 minutes, or watch five ads, yet they want to charge high amounts on the packages, for low returns. It is clearly just a money grab, they don’t even try to hide it. It’s obvious.
Do Not Buy this game unless you are willing to pay 50+ dollars
Wed Mar 27 2024 Darth Gandalf the darkOverall, I enjoyed this game. It has an interesting premise, engaging storylines, and a decent progression system. This is all ruined by greed. The game seems to be designed to wring the most money out of you as possible. Every minute or so, you are required to watch an ad, and then every 5 minutes, you have to watch 5 ads, or else wait 45 minutes to wait for the game to unlock. The only way to get around this is to pay for a premium membership (which is the only thing decently priced in this game). The part that gets me, is it seems to be designed so that you run out of funds as quickly as possible, essentially stopping you from being able to continue, and forcing you to pay real money within 20 minutes of playing. Do NOT buy this unless you are prepared to pay 100+ dollars to play for a couple hours.
Fun game but…
Wed Mar 06 2024 Neverseen2016The game has potential, it’s extremely fun to play when you can play it.. firstly, it’s impossible to play the game without dumping real money into it. It’s designed so you run out of money almost immediately and can’t progress in the game.
You can also only go through a few scenarios and then you’re prompted by an ad break, which you can try and watch the videos but it always times out after 3-4 videos and doesn’t let you finish to end the timer. If you exit the app, the video counter resets.
Ultimately I think they should focus more on opportunities in game to make cash so you can play it and reduce the amount of videos needed to continue with scenarios. Whenever Im prompted to wait 45 minutes to play a mobile game it loses all the joy with it.
No improvement.
Sun Jul 14 2024 Zachw_12I read a review, expressing the struggle of getting any actual value out of the game without spending real money in the game. I assumed, that because it was in January, and the creators responded promising to overlook their system and improve it, that their would be changes and the game would be better. It is not, you only really have 10-15 minutes of playing the game until you are forced to spend money in the game. that’s even after you pay for a week pass so you don’t have to wait 45 minutes between each session. This game has much potential and I would even have been willing to pay the 5 bucks if it hadn’t been for the obvious greed.
Wouldn’t recommend unless critical changes are mad
Lost potential
Wed Jan 10 2024 pgm03Aside from the fact that this game asked for your money at the turn of every corner, the ending was the most underwhelming thing that I have witnessed. I did multiple play throughs to win the election without spending money under the impression that once you win as president you can now open up an entire new world of opportunities. Instead, I was met with a measly restart screen and no continuation of a poorly written story line. Imagine spending 5 dollars to discover that this game can be completed within 2 minutes and for free. Absolutely pathetic. At least give the player options after successfully winning the campaign. That is literally the most interesting part of that job.
Got bored and use of real money
Fri Jul 12 2024 DisappointedUser31Didn’t like you have to spend real money to move on in the game, and once you’re elected you don’t actually run the country, all it said was congratulations you were elected president, try other endings, I thought once elected you’d get the chance to try and run the country for a term of presidency. Try including fundraiser events in the game to earn money (how it’s done in real life) also once elected allow the user to continue and actually be the president don’t make the game end after election.
Cash Grab
Sat Jun 22 2024 Phoenix_0777Within 2-3 minutes of actual game time you’re out of money and have to wait 45 minutes, watch 5 ADS, or pay 10 bucks for a year of premium. It’s truly disappointing how developers of these game companies just blatantly and openly waste consumers time. We understand you have to make a living and pay for the game to improve but what they’re doing is greed, nothing but greed.
No developer cares about the consumer anymore. If you want people to pay money make a fun game that makes you want to keep playing everyday, games like this I would probably pay a dollar for in the App Store, not 10 for what could be a barley put together cash grab.
Mon Dec 11 2023 tylermathew98I feel like this would be a very fun game if it wasn’t so obviously a money grab, if you want you can subscribe to a weekly subscription or an annual one (WTH is with that?) not to mention you can only partake in a few events until you’ve got to wait 40 minutes for new ones, and if that’s not enough to ruin the game, if you run out of money you can spend literally 100 US dollars for money in game currency. I thought EA was killing themselves with Micro-transactions but this takes the cake. If you want me to pay weekly to play this at least have correct grammar and English in the game. Overall very disappointing.
Should have read reviews first…..
Sat Apr 27 2024 denarleyFar too many hoops to jump through to be able to enjoy the game for any amount of time. Basically you get a minimal amount of actual game play before you run out of money and have to wait 45 minutes or spend money to keep playing, or you can watch FIVE ADS for another couple minutes of game play. Matter in fact you cannot ever finish or win game unless you spend actual money. Most games you can be successful without spending money…… this isn’t one of them unfortunately because the game itself is pretty cool