Tremendously Fun Game
Thu Sep 13 2018 Hunterman328I usually don’t even pay attention to any of these free to play games and rarely do I play them, but something about Hungry Dragon caught my eye. I figured I’d download the game, try it out, then probably delete it and go back to something else.
That was several days ago and so needless to say I was wrong and I’m hooked on Hungry Dragon.
This game reminds me of the old school games of my youth. Games from the Atari 2600, NES, or Sega Genesis days when the games couldn’t be these 100 hour long, huge adventures, but instead focused on simple yet exciting and fun gameplay. Games where it wasn’t about “beating” the game or getting to the end of the story, but ones where you would just replay the same things over and over, not just because you were trying to do better, but because playing it was just plain fun.
Those old games are what Hungry Dragon reminds me off, with the added benefit of gorgeous graphics that, while the gameplay has an old school feel, gives the game the look and polish of the AAA titles of today.
I highly recommend anyone curious about Hungry Dragon, or anyone who is just looking for something fun to play, to give it a try. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re quickly hooked on the game, just like I am.
Great, but could use some more stuff
Fri May 24 2024 SnakeintineI want to start off by saying that this is one of the few best no-internet games I have ever played. But, like most games, it could use some stuff. Fist of all, it would be great if ALL the dragons had powers that weren’t reliant on skins. Yes there some dragons like this, but you have to pay 100 gems for them. What I was thinking for an example is a dragon that, instead of a fire rush, it would launch homing fire jets, or something like that. Not only would this make getting a new dragon more exciting, it also would make going back to play an old dragon more fun, keep people playing the game longer, and doing a boss fight more strategic. Which brings me to the next thing that could be better. There is only ONE boss. Sure battling the boss is fun, but it gets old fast. Also, if you could make one spawn in the world itself, it would make exploring the world a lot more fun. Which, again, brings me to another topic which I would like to discuss. The world is small. Not that small, but small none the less. If you could make the world bigger it would make the game SO much better. Maybe add another biome.
Those reasons are why I gave it only four stars. You don’t have to add these suggestions, but if you do, I would happily give it five stars. Also I think it would make the game more fun. Please consider it. But again, this is a great game. Would recommend.
Off to a great start!
Sun Sep 02 2018 TheGameConnoisseurThe deep sea crunch fest takes to the skies in a brand new saga! The dragons are quirky and each has its own personality and style, much like the sharks! Many of our favorite elements still exist, but with a new twists. Pets are no longer purchased, but obtained though the collection of eggs. Many quests begin with temporary issue dragons putting all competitors on a level field possessing the same abilities, making competitions a game of skill and strategy rather then in app purchase ability. World wide cooperative events give players quest to work together to accomplish rewarding all participants. The game is addictive and fun to play, however, it does leave me wanting more. Granted this game is in the early release stages of development, but what immediately caught my attention was the graphics quality. I must say, it is a several steps behind Its predecessor. The overall quality is VERY grainy. I am playing on an IPad Air, and as such do not expect console level graphics, but I find myself feeling deprived that the game could not match the very smooth graphical quality of Hungry Sharks. I hope later updates will restore those graphics. There exists only one playable map at this time, while large and expansive, a change of scenery would be much appreciated. All being said, this game has much potential, and I hope the updates continue to aid it in achieving such!
Could totally be perfect, good start
Thu Aug 30 2018 Voovle pieI totally love the concept of this game, and can understand its potential, but since it’s young, I have criticisms that are probably upgrades already in mind if the team, but I digress. Handling is different, which it’s probably supposed to be since you don’t want people who have mastered hungry shark coming to this game and instantly pulling the same scores as the other game. I have also noticed a harder survivability for younger dragons that’s not necessarily a part of the other game, also good since there’s less playable dragons at this time. I’m not totally a fan of time gated achievements since they’ve never been a thing before, but I’m not totally opposed to the concept. The additions of costumes was spot on. Completely different looks for the dragon with their own stat bonuses, keeps it nice and clean. The only grievances I would say I have is that the sensitivity is way weird. Scrolling and even trying to move as a dragon isn’t always reliable. Most of the time I’ll get where I’d like to be going but the dragon will stop moving altogether or not move at all. Also a larger number of teeny tiny prey items would be ideal as well. Interface wise, it seems a little clunky and flashy. But that’s just an opinion. Overall I’m really liking what it’s brought to the table being so young and can’t wait to see how this game grows!
Funny crap
Thu Oct 31 2019 Matthew EcclesWas have fun with this game. The fact it’s free and supports controllers is a plus for me. I read reviews before and downloading, so I have an idea of kind of crap the game had to offer. But gave to see how bad it was, since they were grind walls rather than pay walls. The fact that after unlocking two dragons, I now get aid to buy a dragon for real money every time I log in gets a little on my nerves. The problem another user review was prominent, which the medium dragons that spawn and eat you (1 hit) after 5 mins of game play if you touch. But I’m not too annoyed about that. The problem I have is I need grind and through every dragon in sequence which includes multiple dragons of the same size class. But wait, you can’t buy pass your size unless you unlock some dragons in that sequence namely blaze.... just saw an XL dragon on discount for 200 gems. This plus the game needed to download 200mb additional content which from looks of are all pets??? The final problem I have to bring up is the aids. Do you even test the one that save you from death? Did you think to implement a system that force a aid stuck loading to end? Did you check if the cancel button during these times actually work? Cause this locks the game requiring me to restart it and you lose your score and most of your experience gained that run. The aid in question that cause this is called shatter slots Vegas casino or something cause it opens the App Store after locking up the game for me.
Fun and beautiful, but a lack of reward for the grinding
Mon Sep 17 2018 BookiwoogI like most of this game. It’s got a lot of action, beautiful scenery and the controls are very fluid, but one thing that disappoints me is a huge thing: unless you purchase gems or coins with real money, your progress is extremely slow. You need different sized dragons for different things, like for breaking through some barriers on the map that restrict you from moving on to a new area, but there are multiple dragons of the same size and you have to not only purchase those dragons if you want to advance, but you also have to level up each and every one of them in order to move up to the next size. You end up doing a lot of grinding of the same scenery with the same dragon just so you can save up enough coin to progress to the next dragon, only to find out that he’s still only just a medium, and then when you finally unlock the next size dragon, you still have to grind like crazy because he costs 3 times as much as the one you’re currently playing with. I guess that’s what to expect for a free game with in app purchases.
Between this and Rayman Adventures, it’s clear to me that Ubisoft has jumped on the bandwagon of mobile money generators, rather than just making great games. I’ve been a fan of their games since the 90s and it’s sad to see them go down this path.
Seriously Recommended
Tue Sep 04 2018 AidedBump33098About a year or so ago, my sister downloaded Hungry Shark for me. I really enjoyed it, but, due to a backfire on my phone, lost all my data (I was a legitimate player too). I don’t blame the app, though, because, now that I’ve upgraded to an iPhone 6s Plus that hasn’t been tortured by falls and water damage, it worked perfectly fine again. I continued playing it until recently when I was forced to delete several games for storage; Hungry Shark was one of them. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy the game, I knew I would recover everything later on. Then I saw Hungry Dragon. I knew automatically who the makers were, so I quickly made a few taps and got started. My phone hasn’t been reduced to ashes and my eye sockets haven’t been incinerated, so this game is high on my list!
I would, however, like to make a recommendation: Add more dragons! I have not completed the game yet, and it will most definitely take me a month or so, and that’s if I work at it. But I know there are some very determined people out there, and I am, rather sadly, not included. But for those who are, this game could be one of the first they get completed. For theirs’ and the Hungry games creators’ sakes, I ask for more dragons.
Fun, but needs more content to explore
Tue Jun 16 2020 baphometpalesAfter playing the Hungry Shark games as a kid, I decided I wanted a change of scenery. This game was extremely grindy in the beginning, which was frustrating but at least the costs aren't as bad as they used to be. The biggest hurdle is probably from M to L size, because that's when you can unlock all 3 areas. Now that I've unlocked every dragon, what I'd like to see in the game are entirely new map areas (like how the Witch Tree is a separate map area), because on longer runs, you end up looping back and forth over the same 3 areas constantly. It gets really boring when you're always seeing and eating the same stuff.
I'd also like to see a bestiary option where we can view details about all the enemies (and maybe pets) in the game. There's a lot of enemies that just show up and get eaten, and adding a bestiary would breathe some life into the setting of the game - even if it's a single line about them. In my opinion, the game doesn't need more dragons at the moment, what it needs is more background for those dragons to shine in.
One bug in the 2.10 update is that the big number for the multiplier doesn't fill up as I eat anymore. It always shows as 3/4 full even when the number increases.
Amazing but suggestions for updates
Thu Nov 22 2018 werryuophhfdfvhfdccbI think you should make a lava and ice map both of those would just fit in. There should be certain dragons that you can get from doing maybe 50 challenges on that map so for the ice one you have to do multiple things and then you will uncool a frost dragon. And the same thing for the lava map. Also I feel there should be Mystical dragons that you can get once you have unlocked all others. Such as a hydra. Maybe partner with some companies that have made well renowned dragon movies or shows. Kinda like the thing with that movie The Meg back in hungry shark. And put dragons from those into it. Take How to Train your Dragon. You could add toothless or maybe even the one his mom has and put them in a special category (separate from the mystical category) Then compared to how powerful they are in the movie or show make them either have unique eating abilities or make them small medium large and so on. Ik not all of this can come out in one update but I would really love if I could play the game knowing I’m also working towards unlocking some other things that will be released later on that ik for a fact I will enjoy. Thanks for reading!!!
Amazing game, but...
Sat Jul 11 2020 SeramthginTo start off, this is an amazing game. You can collect so many different dragons all with different descriptions and personalities, some with different themes to them. (Such as the dragon Umbra with darkness). You fly around collecting coins, all while eating your way through anything that moves. You collect pets that have different abilities, and skins for your dragon that gives them buffs. There are lots of places to explore, and different things to see. There is only one bad thing about this game, in my opinion. It crashes. If you die in the game you can watch an add or pay 1 gem to stay alive. If you do either, 80% of the time the game will crash, erasing everything you earned on that run. It also might crash every time you complete the run, but that only happens about 20% of the time. It’s really frustrating though, when you’ve just gotten a really high-score or collected a lot of coins and the game crashes. Anyway, besides the frustration in crashing, this is a game worth playing. Very fun, very addictive, and just a great game. (By the way, I just want to make it clear that it may or may not crash on your certain device. It happened to crash on mine, but that doesn’t mean it will for you.)