Hauntingly beautiful and enthralling
Fri Nov 06 2020 kendradogSo fun and beautiful. Completely fair. Fascinating, wonderful, thought provoking. A great payoff at the end. I loved it. I ALMOST used a walkthrough, I gave up a few times, but figured things out eventually on my own. (Edit: on round 2 I had to use a walkthrough once but the answer was hard but completely fair)
My only complaint was that “stonefish” should be two words. Oh and the item described as a “spring” isn’t. These are minor mistranslations but should be corrected. Also I left a critical review of the previous game but never got a response.
Anyway this is truly a great game, it reminds me of Braid in its fusion of art, gameplay and philosophy.
Amazing game!
Mon Apr 06 2020 Lou in LouisvilleExcellent game! Super FUN! Worth every penny, including the money I spent to buy hints (.99 for 8 and I bought them twice). I just finished the game and it took me a few hours to complete without looking at any walkthroughs. The puzzles were VERY challenging at times but since I’ve played all of the Isoland games, I pretty much knew what to do but still needed hints. I definitely recommend playing the others in the Isoland series before this one or the puzzles might seem extra hard or not make sense. But the game was DEFINITELY fun and I recommend it!
Great game as usual from these devs
Mon Mar 30 2020 smjjamesHowever, I’m stuck on the second gameplay and can’t figure out what the number sequence is for the coin operated viewer in the observation tower. I would use the time coin thing for the full hint but the payment isn’t working atm, just hangs on ‘loading ingame purchase list’.
I suspect the hint is supposed to be the lighthouse drawings on the side of the theatre, but no clue how I’m supposed to use it.
Encountered a bug?
Sun May 03 2020 Kelly JinHi, love your game but I think I encountered a bug. When I give my bird food to one of the four birds, they are supposed to give me back a coin so that I can buy another bag of bird food. But the last time I fed one of them, it didn’t return with a coin. Now I’m stuck because I can’t buy bird food to feed the bird by the red wheel..... Is it just me?
Another awesome game in this series!
Fri Apr 10 2020 GammygamerAfter I got mad at myself for using a couple hints in the previous game, I was determined to play this through, no matter the time it took! Eureka! No hints, several accomplishments, and game finish! Most excellent!
Notes are disappearing
Sat Apr 04 2020 Mr.mojo723I loved the first two Isoland games, the third one I didn’t like at all, but they seem to be back on track with this one. My only problem is that my notes keep disappearing. I come back to the game and everything is blank. It has happened twice so far. Please fix this and I will add a star or two.
Mon Mar 30 2020 AngelWhisper121I just beat the game! It was hard at times but worth all the frustration. This game fits perfect with the rest. You have to think way out of the way with things!
Great game and beautiful!
Tue Mar 31 2020 XbattletoadsAwesome game that is fun but difficult. Good challenge!
I am currently stuck on the coin lighthouse number sequence on my 2nd gameplay that has no hints available. Wish I could finish the game!
They typically makes great games
Sun Jan 26 2025 DUMPTRUCK johnson33But this one seems like a step backward. The puzzles don’t seem fleshed out. It’s a paid game, which is fine, but the only way to attain hints is to purchase them. Normally I wouldn’t mind, but like I said: goofy puzzles that are kinda erroneous.
Thu Apr 23 2020 BuddhistGeekI liked the artwork and the story line - very original. However it only took me 1 hour to complete. At one point I thought I could use a hint, but that costs extra! Definitely not worth the price for the amount of game play and lack of hints.