Great Game :)
Sat Jun 13 2020 alexxa :)This game deserves all the hype. Every character has an intricate design and ability that make the experience worth while. The game has a custom mode, with a concept called “single training” that allows a player to test out any character regardless if they own it or not. It allows you to test out the abilities of the character you choose while practicing against a bot. This is very beneficial when deciding what other character to add to your notebook! The amount of puzzle pieces needed to buy a character is reasonable, if you log in every day and play for at least an hour, you’ll be able to buy that character in a span of at least 3 days. The biggest issue I’ve seen with these reviews regards how unfair it is for a hunter to camp. Personally I don’t think this concept is bad, everyone has a strategy that can aid in their victory. People have asked the game to allow the hunter to remain near the chair for a certain amount of time. However, I don’t believe that would be fair for the hunter. If the hunter is restricted on how much time to camp, then it would be fair to ask to limit the number of times they can be stunned as well right? If we change one thing there would ultimately be another area that would prove to be unfair. In conclusion, camping is not a defect of the game and if you really want to get the save take a hit and run! Take one for the team :) The game as a whole with its matches, room decoration, costumes and events make it very entertaining!
It is amazing! But..
Fri Sep 20 2019 ThecursedshipThe game itself is absolutely fantastic and I love everything about! But there is one problem I have noticed, there are players around the world on identity V that aren’t able to participate in events such as Persona 5 for example and they aren’t able to achieve the prizes within those event. I had an idea that there can be an event that happens once every year on identity V where all the events that have ever happened are mashed up together in one huge event where it includes all the prizes in them and even include limited items or skins and etc that’s weren’t a part of the event, players can get points and buy certain prizes from the store with clues, echos, or inspirations, exchange inspirations for points, or by playing a match. These point can allow them to get the prizes that they want, but this event will only last for a certain amount of days, but on the last few days before the event ends players will get a multiplier and can get more points to give them a chance to get the prizes they want, they will also be able to earn a lot of points by paying an offering of some sort in the event that’ll cost them either echoes, inspirations, or clues. I just want people like myself to have a chance to get some prizes from the past events that we haven’t participated because of not being aware of this game yet. I hope this is a good idea or at least something that can be an inspiration for an event to do something like this
Wed Apr 19 2023 kqu33ni3I love this game I don’t think I could ever get tired of it however I do feel like it’s a little bit unfair that the second my phone loads into the game I’m being chased by the hunter. Therefore I have more losses then wins because the hunter is always spawned close to me and I can’t take even two steps once I load in without having to run for my life. I feel like the game should wait for everyone to load in and put the hunter as far away from the survivors as possible therefore they’re actually doing their job and “hunting” us down instead of getting and easy win because they were spawned close to a survivor and can immediately get someone once the game loads. I get y’all are trying to make things fair for survivor and hunter but the hunter already has the upper hand by being fast so at least 9/10 times the second I load into the game I’m being chased immediately and have no chance of escaping because the hunter is super fast and eventually catches up. Also I feel like the struggle button should be more fast. I’ve played this game over a thousand times and only struggled free once and that was because I was lucky enough to direct the hunter into a wall long enough to break free. What’s the point in even having a struggle button if there’s a 1% chance you’ll even make it out of the hunters grasp?
High spending expected
Wed Aug 14 2019 VytraeaThe biggest problem with this game is that the number of unlockable characters just by playing the game is extremely limited. You have to spend spend spend if you want more than the daily freebies that are only free for that 24 hour period, or more than the first few original characters. It is extremely frustrating how long it takes to build up in game currency just to unlock one character. You can play all day for a week straight and barely make enough to unlock a second hunter. The survivors you get a lot more of, but you still have to pay to unlock more. Not all of the in game currency is earnable. Some of it you have to purchase. You can’t even run the board and unlock a character by getting far enough; at best, you win these gatcha type things and all they do is unlock different stances or outfits for characters you don’t even have, not the actual character. It’s very misleading because there’s no option to build your own unique character, like it insinuates in the advertisements. I would really like to build my own character from the ground up, looks, skills, etc. and I don’t know why people complain about camping so much. It takes less than one second to free a comrade, and then get away from the hunter. If survivors would coordinate better, they would win more. If you’re not a very skilled player, instead of complaining, “git good,” and maybe I’ll stop kicking your whiny butts.
Game is not hunter sided
Sun Nov 27 2022 dave352Let me start off by say that is game is amazing, it has great graphics, unique characters, interesting abilities, and a cool designs. I also appreciate that they update the game very often with events, new characters, and new cosmetics. I love the many ways you can customize your character. On top of that the crossovers are very well done and have even helped me find some new games. Now the gameplay, the story at the beginning is very interesting and I love that the developers have put thought into each character’s background as well as the entire plot. The game itself is also very interesting. I am currently a C badge geisha on the Eu-NA server and have noticed some things, first if the hunter doesn’t down someone within 60 seconds and if the survivors have a decoder the game is almost pretty mush a tie at most. Second tide turner (the one that gives the survivors a safe period after getting saved) is a hunter killer and gives the survivors so much time. Third, and this one is really sad, only certain hunters can get consistent wins in higher ranks, this is the unfortunate truth of Identity V, weaker hunters are simply unplayable as they get countered really hard by almost everything. This being said, hunters do have many opportunities to win for sure, all it takes is one survivor mistake to complete screw them. All in all good game, needs some balance, we’ll definitely continue playing.
Very Enjoyable! Just a little problem recentyl
Thu Feb 04 2021 SGT JSFFirst off, the game is pretty fun! You don't have to pay to win, but if you're not willing to throw cash at the game, then you'll have to grind quite often (which is something that I, personally, do not mind). Characters can be bought with echoes (currency you purchase with real money) or clues (currency rewarded in-game)! Skins can sometimes be bought from the shop with fragments or echoes, but many skins are obtainable through Essences, which are part of the gacha side of Identity V. They have a few free characters every day and switch them up, and there are often events that come and go.
Now, here's for the little problem I have that has occurred since the recent New Year update. I've tried to enter the game through my phone but it will not take me past the Netease screen, and instead, boot me out of the game. It functions as normal on my iPad and on the PC, so this is a problem only for my phone. I've checked on my phone's storage, and it should be enough to run the game. Just in case, I have deleted many apps and other little tidbits to fill up space, and it still won't load up for me. I've uninstalled it two times by now, but I still cannot enter the game. Besides this recent problem, I really enjoy the game!! I can't wait for potential Kurt content in the future!!
Many bugs
Sun Sep 02 2018 MedicGeorgeThere are so many things to say about this game, I’m not going to say any compliments because the game is one of the best that has come to mobile, now on with the problems everyone has playing this game!
First of all, the campers, now this is exactly what it sounds like, the hunter knocks out someone, puts them on a rocket chair and just waits and watches as they slowly get ready to die, preventing other survivors from freeing their fellow comrade! This is a major problem that not only takes the strategic gameplay out of it, but it also makes the survivors want to break something, it makes everyone mad and takes the fun out of the entire game itself!
So people are not going to stop camping unless something is done about it, now don’t get me wrong, many of the hunters don’t even need to camp because of how powerful they are, take The Feaster for example, with all those tentacles spawning in, its impossible to get by...but that’s the first of many problems...the newest hunters are way too overpowered and because of this, players just waste this power on camping, so fix this issue where the campers have something happen or ban camping or just do anything to resolve this!...can you also kind of nerf the Geisha a bit, even though she enters panic mode when someone looks at her, she’s still very very fast, I think she’s faster than the ripper when he’s invisible!
Amazing Game!
Mon Aug 12 2024 dolphin girl 1556Identity V is probably my all time favorite game because it has the right amounts of fun and stress at the same time, if that makes sense. Unlike a lot of games that I tried out like this, the game has made so much improvement throughout the years. I’ve only been playing for the past 2 years but I will say that the gameplay from 2018 to now has gotten so much better. I’m really enjoying my time playing this game and I hope that it continues to be as fun as always! I love how it isn’t only one mode but lots of modes like Duos and Tarot mode. The only thing I’ve had a “problem” with is that getting the same map a lot of the time can be quite boring. I completely understand that the main maps like Arms Factory and Sacred Heart Hospital are far more common because they were there before but the other maps more recent maps. But maps such as Whitesand Asylum and Golden Cave are very rare to ever play a match on, maybe it has something to do with ranking and it could be more common to play on them the higher rank you are but I really do think the odds could be changed up a bit. This is just a small suggestion that I personally think would be nice but others may not care as much. Other than that suggestion I highly recommend this game for someone who’s looking for some thrill 👍🏼.
Very nice game BUT..
Sat Mar 13 2021 ĆORPSEI have problem that like the CAMPER I don’t understand why do they always camp the chair and it impossible to get untie out of the balloon because the chair is ALMOST EVERYWHERE I have the idea that when the hunter is near the rocket chair is should stop the timer and if they are far about 3 inches away it should make the timer go on. And how the character cost so expensive and you should make the login path clues for 30 so like we have enough for character and more!
I notice something that the player all over the world doesn’t really have the anime skin or limit skin u should have a event that happen once a year that last for like 3 weeks and where u can earn points from play match anything and u can buy the limit skin or anime skin with the points ( quick match : 40 points ) ( duo hunter : 100 points ) and etc. and I notice about the ping it was really bad for me and when I try running away from the hunter it kept walking and walking back and when I try to stop walking it keep walking in place so please fix this bug 😕
Another thing is about the HUNTER it too overpower! For example about Jack the Ripper his skill is overpower because he can go invisible and could do the fog thing. And u should change the survivor character skill to have 2 abilities like the priests when she open the chest it doesn’t let her change the things so I really think u should make every character have 2 abilities!
Amazing... but has a couple of major downsides
Wed Jun 10 2020 PopgoestheShadowSo, as I said it is amazing and there’s no doubt about it that it is one of the best games that has come to IOS. Now with that out of the way, here’s a couple of major downsides that aren’t that controversial, but may need to be fixed. The downsides to an amazing game are that characters cost a whole lot more than they are actually worth, and because of that, is the second downside which is pay to win. Now you can win with the default characters, but it’s hard and in order to get a good character you need to save up for it-in some cases can take a week, others maybe a fortnight. But the over reliance on good characters overshadow the good things in the game. Here are a couple ways they could be fixed. Add a couple of game modes for the regular characters as such. Default, Easy, Medium, Hard. Here’s how it could work. The default characters get their place to help save up. The mediocre are the daily free to play and any character with 1 Star. Then as it goes up, you get to go for harder characters and so on. This would help saving up but the actually good characters are, again, a chore to save up for. So make it easier to get characters like 1000 clues -which you should get in about 1-2 days to get- then increase by 1000 every star -as stated before. The game is good but these easy to solve problems can kinda ruin it for around 1/4 of the people that play the game.