ANT-SOME! (sorry, don’t use puns much)
Wed Nov 18 2020 Fierce the DragonIt’s extremely satisfying to watch the ants work as you progress through the game, there are even awesome looking special ants that you can get for just $9.99 as a bundle, but only if it pops up, the bundle is not in the shop, but you will be able to get these ants with or without the bundle.
Just download the game and give it a whirl, if you don’t like it, then duh-delete it. But if you do end up enjoying it, I hope you’re having as much, maybe even more fun than I am.
Anyway, this next bit is for the developers:
A button to switch from current upgrade progress to starting progress (something like that, as long as the upgrades reset.) would be a great addition for the game, it would give players different ways to play and make it extremely satisfying to only have a single ant have maximum strength and watch it work.
And a button to activate/deactivate the special ants would be a nice feature too, the game would then be absolutely perfect from there as more worlds are added to it in the future.
I’d even pay $2.99 or SLIGHTLY more to actually get to use those features if they were added to the game. And no, that wasn’t a bribe, at least it wasn’t intended to be. I mean, if I’m going to spend money on something I might as well enjoy it, and if I get the chance to help make it better, then I (try) to make myself heard.
Thanks for reading and have a G’day and a G’night.
AWESOME GAME, but I HATE gems and ads
Wed Oct 30 2024 TOASTLUVERFirst off, this game overall is great. The textures are great. Its super satisfying to see my little army eat boats or fridges or something like that. I love the different kinds of ants you can unlock and the army ants. Very creative. Very demure. Very mindful. Second, I hate gems. Why do you overprice EVERYTHING? It’s either you grind or pay money. I tried to grind. I saved up 40 gems but when I attempted to buy five eggs, I got soldiers, and more soldiers, and one peasant ant. That got my strength only up by like 100. I was 80 points away from beating the boss. Those ants that are super cute that you can unlock for your team? Overpriced. One little flash ant, 30 gems. That one I get. But over 60 for the second upgrade? NO. Third of all, WHY SO MANY FREAKING ADS? THERE ARE MORE ADS THAN GAMEPLAY. Done eating? How about 3x your money? If you click no you will still get an ad. If I wanted to watch ads, I would want to play this game. But guess what? I don’t want to.
Forth of all, this game repeats itself. Unlocked a new world? Do the same thing over again and again until you have enough gems to buy useless ants. Would a bonus fun level be so hard to add? Maybe you can become an ant in a bonus level. If you fix this and DON’T JUST REPOND LIKE sorry for your problems, AND READ THE WHOLE THING THEN UPDATE YOUR GAME, I will give 5 stars.
Almost okay! But not okay.
Sat Nov 28 2020 LeeppyI like tycoon games. I don’t download many app store games, but one day I decided to see what the app store had to offer. I saw that this was a tycoon game and sometimes I just like clicking on things to make numbers rise. This game is so close to being good, but the fact that you HAVE to watch an ad after you beat the level makes the game nearly unplayable. This app isn’t worth the $9.99 that removes the ads. Maybe $5, but all I’m doing is looking at ants run back and forth. I’d actually gladly watch a few of the ads that give you bonuses, but I don’t want to because the developers got so greedy that they decided to force you to sit through an ad after every level. When levels only take about 12 seconds to get though, you’re staring at an ad for longer than you’re looking at ants. It probably gets as bad as 30 seconds of level, 30 seconds of ads sometimes. This game should be called Idle Ads. They claim in the newest update that there’s new sound design but the only sound that this game makes is the audio from ads. Ads ads ads. I get the feeling that the developer(s) don’t care because they probably make $200 off of each person from ad revenue. Apple’s not going to do anything about it. So the developers are going to sit there raking in money. And here I am, beating a level, closing the app and reopening it just to get past a level without having to sit through a 30 second ad.
Okay great game but one problem…
Fri Nov 12 2021 ShInYDiOmOnDThis is a great and satisfying game. It is simple and fun! One problem- adds. Whenever you finish a piece of food there’s an add. This is extremely annoying! Now, I understand that all games need adds for money but can you lower it? It would be a five star if you did. I think before you get the app- although it is tempting by how satisfying it is- make sure to read a review like this. I would give this a three star but it is really great and simple I admit. I mean- back to the adds- have you ever seen a game without any adds? (Except for roblox) no. So I really do understand the adds but I don’t think you need that much. Personally, it makes some people want to rage- literally! So please just make the adds like- you finish a piece of food- add. Finish another one- no add? It would make the game much better. For a person who moves around a lot when playing games I just simply leave my iPad and watch a show, when I come back my reward is ready. I know it is a long review but it’s worth it. Thanks for reading! There is no need to respond- but read this and keep in mind my thought. Great game- needs add changes! Hoping to see an update will love to see one! Bye!
My opinion about the game.
Mon Mar 01 2021 XxWolfie_GachaxXMy opinion about the game isn’t that it’s the worst it’s just not the best. Someone said there were a ton of ads but I just put my device on airplane mode so I didn’t get a chance to see if there were or not. But, honestly I don’t really like the game for the so fact that you just sit there watching ants go over to something and then take pieces of it into a hole. The only interacting thing you can do is upgrade and at the end either multiply your earning or push an x. There’s nothing to really do so if you’re looking for a game to just kind of sit and watch and do few interactions with then this is good for that if you’re looking for the total opposite then I’d say this probably isn’t for you. I mean, who knows? Maybe it is for you. Just because this is my opinion on the game doesn’t mean it’s yours too. If you want to see what this game is all about go for it, try new things maybe you’ll end up liking it. I don’t know. But, a heads up is that I think some stuff is over-priced. You shouldn’t have to pay for different ants that only have upgrades that you can just use your coins to buy. The ants in the store should be bought with coins not actual money.
That is my opinion on the things I went through as I played the game. If you want to check it out I say go for it maybe you’ll end up liking it. Who knows?
Great game!
Mon Nov 23 2020 JoshjameshawkSo for anyone reading reviews, it’s a good game. Not super busy like some other idle games so it’s easier to look at. It’s fun to watch as well; the early game is kind of relaxing to look at.
For the developers, I’m excited to play it. I like that the game isn’t aggressive to look at. Watching the ants go back and fourth makes me keep the app open longer than some of the other apps like this (trust me, I have a lot lol.) The thing that eventually makes me look away is how the ants start running through each other; it sorta gets hard to follow, then it’s just not as nice to look at. Ants in the wild create little “highways” where they form lanes of traffic. I think that adding something similar would really increase the time that people keep the app open, and squeezing a few more add views in there as well.
Thanks for the app and keep up the good work!
Beat the game. Would like there to be more.
Thu Sep 24 2020 WorheadAfter spending some time on the game I managed to max out the 3 options, speed at around 125 if I’m not mistaken, ants at 143 and strength at 25. The game breaks going past any of these options and you either have to reset or simply wait out any ad timers there are. I sped the game up immensely through the use of ads, taking my play time up from 5 hours to about 2 and the game was over. The reason I did this was to not only see what happens at the high speeds and how many ants total you can have, but also just because it was fun to watch them deconstruct the foods at those high speeds. If there is any way for you to add more of anything to the game, (a prestige system, more food, challenges, color variants to the ants, etc.) that would be wonderful. Until then, I cannot give this game a full 5 star rating because of the game breaking elements and the lack of content past the cap.
it doesn't work for me at all anymore :(
Fri Nov 11 2022 shibafluffi used to love this game. like So much. i played it to the point where there wasn't any content to progress in. this was 1-2 years ago if i had to guess. absolutely one of my fav games
now it literally just. doesn't work. i have 999 stars, can't do anything w them. i have 0 gems, can't do anything to get more. i have 200 bucks, and it doesn't even work. i have No ants. i can't build, i can't get ants with stars, i can't fight bosses. i try to disconnect my game center account from the game to see if that does anything but i literally can't. the button doesn't work. i don't even know if it's registered my game center account. it looks like it hasn't but at the beginning of the game the little drop down thing that says my game center acc user name shows up. i've tried deleting and redownloading the game multiple times, that hasn't worked. im still stuck in the same position
really sad this is happening. hopefully there's something that can be done to fix it
Too Few Levels, No Progression, Bugs
Thu Feb 04 2021 DbombfuserI beat the entire game in 1.5 hours:
The game was fun and slow at first, and I kept watching ads to get the bonuses, which seemed worth it at first. I absolutely hate how they force you to watch an ad regardless of if you will get the boost anyways. I ended up paying the $20 to remove ads and then get all the special ants. This allows you to constantly have 2x speed, profit, free extra squads, and free VIP ants. The game literally does not scale to this kind of play, and is why I finished all the levels in 1.5 hours simply by spending $20. This is not rewarding and is terrible game design. Also, the VIP ant lets you spam press it while it’s walking out if you have purchased the “remove ads” and you will get the money multiplied by the number of times you clicked the ant.
Overall I liked the game at first, but clearly this is just to make money for lazy developers, who will post “balance tweaks and bug fixes” every now and then to look good on the App Store, but ignore the blatantly obvious problems with the game mechanics.
This game is about the ads, not the ants
Fri Feb 05 2021 Hyper08490You spend more time watching ads than ants. It’s definitely not worth anywhere near the $9.99 to remove the ads. And even when you’re watching the ants, you’re bombarded by pop up asking you to watch more ads for bonuses that aren’t needed. Each level already only takes 10-20 seconds to complete. Don’t download this crappy app. It exists just to make money on showing you ads, and is probably mining all your data while doing so. This is seriously a terrible example of corporate greed.
Developers, if you actually care about making a good game (which I seriously doubt because clearly this is just about money), my suggestions would be the following:
-don’t require an ad to progress to the next level. You already have an option to triple the money gift for finishing a level by watching an ad. So what’s the point of making them watch an ad either way?? Oh right. Corporate greed.
-make upgrade purchases more expensive. The game is too overpowered such that levels go by basically instantly (meaning yay! Another ad!)
-decrease the bite size of each ant. They’re eating too much of the item, again making the levels super short. Instant gratification isn’t necessary with idle games - they should be more about the slow burn.
-decrease the no ad purchase by at least 50%. This crap game isn’t worth $10 and you know it. You’re just gauging. It makes me extra not want to support your nonsense.