Sun Jan 21 2024 RickjaneI enjoy the game a lot I was thinking of some ways to maybe make the game better in the future. Adding different tools. So when you upgrade your weapon it upgrades all of them and just set at as “weapon upgrades” and you could have like 4 different tools you have to physically switch from 1. Axe for wood items 2. Wrench/screwdriver for electronic items 3. Machete/knife for rubber and canvas 4. Hammer for glass ceramic. When you use the correct tool to break an object you get 2x materials from that object. Just an idea thought it would be fun. Also the “trader” it isn’t much of trading it’s more crafting he may as well be called a crafter or engineer. Trading would be like I’m going to trade my screws for wood or of that nature. Maybe change his name or add an actual trader.
Takes too long to upgrade tool
Sun Nov 26 2023 thederknessLet me start this by saying that this was a really fun game when I first started playing. But once you upgrade the tool to level 20, it takes waaay too long to upgrade to 21. Before, it took 30 minutes of play time to gather resources to upgrade. Once you get to level 20, it takes days. You need 115 microchips to get one circuit board and one of the items needed to upgrade to level 21 are three circuit boards. I’ve completed 12 expeditions and have only managed to trade for one board. You only get 8-9 microchips per expedition and if you watch an ad to get 15% more, you only get one more. You can also watch an ad to get 4 microchips at the trading place, but that doesn’t really help. And why are there so many ads? It’s bad enough that there’s an ad taking up the bottom 3/4” of the screen, I also have to be interrupted every five minutes for an ad? And the expeditions so far feel monotonous. Yeah, they change slightly, but not enough to make it feel like a different area or feel fun/exciting. You break up the exact same stuff in almost the exact same spot. The only thing that changes is the building, at least in the vacation expedition. Even then, the inside of the building is the same as the others. I was having a lot of fun playing this game until I realized how long it was going to take to upgrade the tool to the next level. Now, I feel like I’m just doing some really lame farming.
This game should be called watch ads
Sun Oct 22 2023 Cody’s-reviewsI’ve played a lot of games on my cellphone over the years, and a lot of those games will have you watch ads from time to time. But never have I played a game that makes you watch ads like this. Literally everything involves ads. While playing the game every two minutes they will make you watch ads. It’s quite egregious actually. Also, you have a hammer that is used to break things, that hammer maxes out at level 24, even tho there are tons of other things that you could potentially smash if you had a higher level hammer… so even though the game allows you to progress farther and farther to harder and harder levels, your hammer will just stay the same, when it’s supposed to get better and be able to smash lesser o heats easier and easier. I am certain this is to make you watch more ads. Because if you are forced to stand there upwards of twenty seconds hammering away at an object, that is more time you have to be in a level, which gives them more chances to make you watch ads. I don’t know why I keep playing. I honestly do it very little. I’ll just open the app, and go to the trader and refresh my trades, because if you want something or you need to combine something that will take time (which can be skipped with ads.) In conclusion, if you like torturing yourself with ads, (and something I forgot to mention is these ads are longer than 30 seconds, some even going over the one minute mark) then this may be the game for you. One star.
Please read before downloading
Tue Jul 04 2023 keira taylorI am stuck in the game. There are no updates to your weapon after 20. I love this game. Please update because I broke everything and repaired Everything at the hub location. But it would let me move on the next location because I have to unlock by doing missions. I hate how it take so long just to get gas for you car. I wish there was an update that allows you to upgrade the oil pump and the oil refinery. I am questioning how to open the hatch at the hub location. It says it is missing a part. I destroyed all the pipes and couldn’t find it. Please let me know. Others then this the game is awesome. If I was stuck waiting are for gas to do missions I would have given this game 5 stars.
My thoughts
Thu Sep 28 2023 Query5So, I really like the game so far,I think we should be able to go back to all previous maps, where you might be able to break more things since you upgraded your tool, speaking of the tool I’m at the level where it states coming soon, please fix that now, the mall area, well many areas that you can access, but your blocked from getting too, I see tons of zombies and potential things that are breakable, but I’m not allow to get too..bottom like excellent game, need more things to do and I’m sure everyone that’s playing this game don’t like fact that we’re capped at level 25 for our last thing it states that. The app has been updated and now you can get to a train area -where? Please allow us to go back to areas (if we wish) to mine those things that were previously unbreakable. Just my two cents!
Thu May 30 2024 Devin.BerberichThe games starts out fun and seems interesting but after you get past the tutorial area it kinda falls off. What makes it fall of is the progression after leveling up your hammer to 20 you have to upgrade your camp and then all sense of progression halts. The amount of ads are absolutely insane, I get having ads to speed up wait times but every 2-2.5 minutes of playing you get an ad. Not to mention that most of the ads are 45 seconds long up to 1.5 minutes long. You end up watching more ads than actually playing the game. Might just be me but usually when I played for 10 minutes I would get 2 ads if not 3. You can obviously pay $8 minimum to stop the ads but out of principle that’s dumb. They’re already farming everyone for ads as it is. All that being said the game was fun to start out and they could improve it by making the progression seem steady and chill out with the ads, like a 30 second ad every 10 minutes.
More then worth your time zombie game
Tue Sep 05 2023 MrtinypantsEverything you destroy stays destroyed so you start to discover the map little at a time and with those resources you get stronger. The destruction is not random and leads you in a very satisfying hunt for what to destroy or you can leave big patches at the end to just mega destroy piles.
The game has a neat/funny story that says it all about running from zombies and killing them what more do you need. Not complicated but still does the rpg thing great with gear (yes there are guns to not just close range weapons).
There is so much to say but I really want to just go back to playing it so have fun and destroy everything!! Lol 😂
Great game, could use some tweaks
Wed May 22 2024 PointyMarmontFirst, there are a lot of ads in this game (which is usually an automatic delete for me), but the ads are very short (like 10-15 seconds). However, for $7.99 you can get rid of the forced ads and I think this game is well worth that so I paid for no ads.
I enjoy collecting resources and following the “story” progress, however, I think the wait time to complete things is a little excessive (which is why I gave it 4 instead of 5 stars).
Some things take a lot of resources to trade in order to get the parts you need. The problem is, after you do all the work to finally get all the parts (which involves a lot of waiting on the trader), you then have to wait again for the project to be complete. It’s about the only thing I don’t like about this game.
If you like collecting resources to advance the story, while fighting zombies (you also have the ability to upgrade the main character…attack power, armor, etc.) then this is the game for you. You can absolutely play it without paying for anything, but getting rid of the forced ads is worth the $8 to me!
I hope they continue to develop the game as it’s a lot of fun!
Got past lvl 30
Fri Mar 15 2024 itsme miIf you are stuck on level 20 or 24 whatever it was when you got the “coming soon” message on your tool, if you go to the airport, you can upgrade your tool.
Also if you repair the airport enough, there is another trader that will provide screws, planks and spools so there is no longer a need to go back to the previous base. Unless you want to break stuff you could not before.
Yea, it takes longer and longer to accomplish the missions but this is game progression right?
Criticisms: it would be nice to have a more logical method of upgrading equipment and weapons. Still haven’t sorted that one. And it is a near dealbreaker at higher levels when it becomes an issue for qualifying for expeditions.
Ads are seriously annoying.
The 3x damage multiplier should last for the whole expedition or be available for most of it.
There are no red and higher items. So far I have only seen up to purple and if they are upgraded you get purple II and purple III. We want the bonuses that come with the better color levels.
Wanna watch ads?
Wed Nov 01 2023 LoohfIf you like to watch ads, this is the game for you. While I normally support ads in games this one takes it to the extreme. I’ve been playing for around an hour and I’ve had to watch about 30 or so ads, not including the ones I’ve voluntarily watched to skip time. There is a remove ads option for $8, a little high for my tastes to remove ads, but it’s there. And with the sheer number of ads I’ve been bombarded by, I most likely won’t be getting that.
As far as the gameplay goes, I’m enjoying it. Taking my time and destroying everything I can and I’ve oofed a few zombies along the way. I would give this game 5 stars based on gameplay but the insane amount of ads drops it to 3.