Love it - Huge potentiel here
Tue Aug 13 2019 dr coqLove the game a lot! Since i’m in the health field this game really allows me to have fun while learning, the accuracy is really impressive, I love that i’m able to zoom in and identify everything physiologically with my knowledge. I rarely write reviews (if at all any) but you guys really deserve
a good rating. Also as an MT that regularly addresses the muscular system I see a huge amount of potential in this game, in the future im certain that this could (and should) be used in an educational setting. I have just one suggestion.
It’s going to be a lot of work but if it was possible to actually click on specific area, bone, muscle, etc you get actual facts on that not just fun facts (unless you want to, you guys seem to love fun facts). For example if I clicked on the model’s biceps I could see the muscles: Origin, Insertion, Action, what nerve innovates that muscle etc. Also when you’re models complete (skin & hair) you could make it possible to “peel” back layers desired to get more facts about the inner organs, muscular system, skeletal system even though you’re already complete.
Thanks! I’ll leave you with a fun fact
(Not everyone has a Palmaris Longus, in fact it’s absent in 14% of the population)
Great game (developers please read)
Sat Dec 02 2023 KingKong0529I have been playing this game since last night and so far it is very promising. The ads are bearable as they can be skipping within 5 seconds for the most part and, compared to other games, this game is very high quality. It can also be very satisfying to watch your own human come to life with the upgrades you purchase with the cells you produce. However, here’s where my problem comes in. I currently use an iPhone 14, meaning that I have a dynamic island. Because of this, the cell production and number is covered by my dynamic island. If there is one change I would suggest it would be to add an option to either flip my screen upside down so my cell amount is no longer covered, or to move the cell amount display down a little bit for phones with the dynamic island. Otherwise, this is an amazing game that I would suggest to anyone looking for a entertaining and relaxing time.
Suggestions 🤙🏻👌🏻
Thu Aug 08 2019 #1BACONFAN🎊First off I'm gonna start by saying how much I love this game. I generally try these types of games (the create your own type) and then uninstall them because they get boring after a while. This game is fun and educational and I now know a lot I did and didn't wanna know about the human body lol. But anyway, on to suggestions. A few things I think would make this game better are being able to choose the gender you would like to create, and or customizing how they look (ex. Skin color, hair color, eye color, height etc.), then being able to either name them or categorize them in some way whether it be folders or whatnot. That brings me to my next point, I think there should be a place to save our progress and be able to start a new "human" and be able to choose what they look like again. If we could also have all the organs, that would be cool, as well as be able to pick if we could make a child or an adult. These are my suggestions, but overall it's a great game and I see potential in this game and I have recommended it to all my friends. Thank you for coming up with this clever idea! -Your fellow science mate👩🏼🔬👨🏼🔬
Had so much fun but now all progress is gone
Mon Aug 26 2019 sheepdude123456I played this game several weeks ago before the female came out, and I binged it for hours upon hours for several days. I finished the full male, but there was nothing else to do, and I was just building up cells with nothing to use it on, so after about a week of that (and since my storage was acting up on my phone), I deleted the app. I thought there would be no issue and I could reinstall it later if some cool update came out and resume where I left off.
Today, I saw the female update came out about a week ago, and I wanted to come back and build her right away since I’d already done the whole male. I reinstalled the app, and all my progress was completely gone. Started entirely from the beginning. Not even a single cell from my old game. All that progress gone because I deleted the app for a few weeks since there was nothing else I could do with it and my phone storage was going crazy. Literally any other app I’ve used has saved the data even if you delete it. If I can get my progress back, I’ll rejoin the game and rate five stars. I even have screenshots of while I was making him. Until then, I’m very annoyed with this.
it’s good but ads
Tue Nov 12 2019 briodyrowanThe game has a great concept, it’s very informational and addicting. But here is what made me a bit mad. I in-app purchased the “Ad-free” version of this game for around 2.99. Which is already a lot for just removing ads in a game. But “ad-free” is most definitly not, if you want power ups then you have to watch an ad, if you want to upgrade different things, it’s an ad. You cure a virus and you want the prizes for doing so, another ad. It’s honestly ridiculous that they’ve programmed the game to be based off ads. I know it’s their way of making more money from the game, and i understand the business perspective of it. But i feel like it’s completely unfair for them to offer a customer an “ad-free” app, only for the customer to find that they were screwed. i’m not trying to be a karen, but i’m in college and working , i pay for ad-free games so i can help myself time manage my off time vs my daily life, i’m not rich and make 10cents over minimum. if i knew it wasn’t going to be ad free completely, i would’ve just played it without purchasing the extra upgrade, and would’ve used the $3 towards my groceries
Best game ever! But there are two stuff I'd like to say!
Mon May 04 2020 Worst game ever on earth #1This is one of my favorite Idle games. It's the perfect idle game ever! But there are two things I hate about the game. 1. At random times, something pops up and tells me I win a certain amount of cells. There are two options, either watch an ad to get the prize or do a better deal, by watching an ad. To me, these free cells are helpful, but I don't really want those cells so I would just exit it ou-NOPE! There is not exit button, and I really hate as it forces you to watch an ad. It seems like the developer wants money. 2. For some reason, after I watch an ad, or when I'm in the middle of the ad, it suddenly turns black and crashes my game. It's really annoying when it happens, because I just want my upgrade or prize. Is this a game error or crashing issue or problem??
But overall, if these were fixed, I'd be able to enjoy the game completely and fully 24/7.
Love it and a few suggestions
Fri Sep 29 2023 CoreyannaaaaSo this an amazing game and it would be absolutely perfect if not for the ads. And I don’t mean like where you have a choice to either watch an ad or pay with gems or something, I mean like where you don’t even have a choice. When I first got the game and I started playing, after a few taps on the cell thing where you get them, they said that I won a bunch more. The problem is that they said that to get it I could either get 3X to watch an ad or get it normal… but only if you watched an ad. Also I really like that they changed what happens when you destroy the virus. Instead of forcing you to watch an ad for cells after destroying the virus, they tell you that you can either claim the cells ( by watching an ad) or x out of it. I just want to say thanks! But I still suggest you should try to read the reviews here and improve to make your app way more popular!
Sat Aug 31 2019 Madden is DoneSo I’ve been playing this for a few days now. I love the game but I have a HUGE problem. I can’t make progress because of the ads not being available. I want to upgrade my cells per tap, but I can’t because it won’t let me watch an ad to do it. I’m fine with paying cells to upgrade it but it won’t let me do that. It switches in and out with cells to buy the upgrade and ads to do it. But everytime I try to upgrade things by watching ads, it won’t let me. I don’t care about watching ads but if I can’t upgrade the things I need to upgrade solely because there’s no ads available. There’s no option to use cells instead. Only to watch an ad. This greatly slows down progress and makes it a mediocre game because I have to wait for hours just to watch one ad and then it goes back to no ads available. Fix this please. I literally can’t make progress because of it. Don’t say there’s “no ads available” yet give me a random ad for some game 2 minutes later. I get random ads while playing this all the time yet it tells me I can’t watch ads for upgrades??? PLEASE STOP RUINING A GOOD GAME DO YOU DEVELOPERS NOT THINK PROPERLY??
A little easy
Mon Sep 30 2019 JesterJ101I have a idea of what you are thinking this is a idle game of course it is easy, and to that I say fine. But this idle is stupid easy to complete (like a week of passive play at most) and with the way the system works when they release a new “body” or whatever you can easily steamroll through it cause at that point you have so much money (in this game cells) that it takes no time to beat.
On a different topic I do like mostly everything else the models look good (except the females eyelashes) and it is fun seeing your body be built one piece at a time. This one of the few games where in app purchases are almost nonexistent. The only in app purchase (minus the remove ads) are gems. When ever you want to use gems, you will have gems. By the time I need to use them I had over 300 just for playing(nothing special)
Overall this seems like a good game to give to a little child beside(or just want to feel rich I guess). This is not the game you are looking for if you are looking for a long game
You like ads? We got plenty of them!
Tue Mar 24 2020 McWhacker“Ads for free upgrades? We got em’. Ads for prizes you cannot opt out of? We got em’.
Hey if you want you can pay us $2.99 to remove ads, sounds good right? You should def pay us to remove ads! Oh you bought it? Sweet! Wait why are you mad? It’s not like we said we’d remove ALL ads. Just that we’d remove ads. We removed the prize ads so you don’t have to worry about not being able to opt out of those. Aren’t we so kind? Oh you want remove the ads for free upgrades? How can you NOT enjoy watching a 30 second ad for every other upgrade? Come on now you’re just being ridiculous. It’s only 30 seconds. 30 seconds every other upgrade. It’s not like you HAVE to watch them, but uh, you can’t really progress without them so I guess you’re kinda stuck... Hey but at least you paid us $2.99 to remove those other ads! Those were a pain right?”
Forget this game. Devs were way too focused on ad revenue to make this enjoyable. If they stopped with the forced free upgrade ads and let you just use cells to upgrade, this could probably turn into a really fun game.