Great, ads make game not pay to win
Tue Feb 26 2019 Lyssa216Got to the Beverly Hills level, the one before Miami, and unlike what most of the recent comments will say, it isn’t impossible to do so. At first, I thought it would take quite a while to reach the money goal to move on, but I kept playing and upgrading. To progress in this game, all you have to do is come back to the game often, wait, and upgrade. They give you more then enough options for extra things when you watch ads, which in turn massively speed up your production. I was able to reach my money goal in a half hour with the ads that give you the express bonus and the double money from the ad. There are no forced ads in the game as well, which makes having to watch ads for the perks even better. The developers get money and I get perks, fair trade, but I see a lot of people complaining about this even when the money the developers are getting isn’t coming out of their pockets. I haven’t bought enough anything in the game. You do not need to spend real money in the game, and it is fun! I imagine that the last few levels might take quite a while to complete compared to the others, but that’s what idle games are. great game, very fun. In my opinion the things I have discussed make it a much better experience in total.
Worth playing
Mon Feb 18 2019 Asimon18Lots of upgrades, plus when you upgrade it’s not just a stat boost it does up stats but also changes the actual cosmetics of the departments, and products. I love the inclusion of the food trucks as well. They do have a gold membership but you forget it’s even there because they don’t force it on the player. It’s a great Idle game and even with notifications on doesn’t consistently bother you to return like a clingy girlfriend for attention. Ideas I’d like to suggest if the developers ever look at this is maybe in the later supermarket you can gain access to self checkout, or maybe add it Security for the customers who try to steal as a way to increase the dynamic personality of the customers. One more I’d like to suggest is this: So I live in Pennsylvania and we have Giant Eagle, and at Giant Eagle they have a play area/ daycare that parents can leave their kids at so they can shop in peace. So why not add that, a play area / daycare for the parents in the game to drop their kids off at and as you increase the size, and productivity of the employees watching them it can then increase the happiness, and checkout value of the parents
Long story short, I love your game a lot and truly enjoy playing it and I hope you guys keep up the awesome work!
Limiting Creativity
Sat Jan 11 2020 Trig studentI know that this isn’t going to make any difference, but the only thing in the world I wanted was to build a nice big bakery and produce market, with loads of cashiers to make it so there is NEVER a line. That’s it. But you can only buy three cashiers (even with hundreds of millions of dollars) unless you buy a butcher shop as well. Paying to upgrade these cashiers gets unimaginably expensive and hardly makes ANY difference (0.1 more customers per minute). I’m a vegetarian, I don’t want dead animals in my market, but unfortunately I have to because the developers think that’s the best way they can make money off of me.
Would’ve also been nice to edit the name of the business, or the sign, or the German flag out front, or the interior design of the building, or choose themes, or buy different kinds of ads, or make charitable contributions, stuff like that.
I’m sure there are people that really get off to just “expanding”, but I actually wanted to build something specific, and expand off of that. Would’ve been nice if wages and product cost and location actually affected things, but there are no recurring costs, which makes the game extremely shallow, which the developers are counting on people enjoying. There is an open market for ANYBODY to make a idle tycoon game that doesn’t force you into a box. Tempted to make one myself at this point.
Enjoying it far more than I thought I would
Tue Jun 29 2021 ifitsfreeitsformeI wasn’t expecting much form this game and only downloaded it because I liked the graphics. I suspected most of the reviews were fake, but now after playing it for a few days I can see why it has positive reviews. It’s an enjoyable and visually pleasing game. I don’t normally like games where I’m mostly watching something happen, which is the case with most idle games which is why they’re called “idle” in the first place, but for reasons I can’t explain I enjoy watching my “progress” in this one. I did make a few in-game purchases, as I always do for games I truly enjoy, but an IAP is not necessary to progress. With or without purchases you will eventually make enough money to move to the next location. I strongly suggest searching for tips about the game as they can save you a significant amount of time. Even if you don’t normally play idle games you might end up liking this one as I, much to my surprise, have been. I hope the developer either expands this one or continues developing similar games.
Mon Dec 02 2019 plaintigerThis game started out a lot of fun. All the ads are elective, and thus fine by me. As I’ve progressed through the locations though, the game’s gotten progressively buggier. I’m only on the third city now and the bugs are really starting to slow my progress and get in the way of my enjoyment. It’s a rare bonus item I can tap anymore that will actually display an ad and give me the bonus it’s supposed to; most times now when I tap the bus or the shopping cart in the upper right of the screen, or the V.I.P.’s car, and then the button that’s supposed to run an ad, the button does nothing and I have to quit and relaunch the game to get the bonus items to work again...which they will exactly one time apiece before breaking again and requiring me to quit and relaunch the game again in order to collect the bonuses. Tedious.
I enjoyed Idle Airport Tycoon for some time until its repetitive nature drove home the pointless, treadmill-like nature of what I was doing, and I don’t recall having encountered a single bug in the months of play I got out of it; maybe Codigames is just getting lazy. Maybe their entire test engineering staff just up and quit. But for whatever reason, this game is much more problematic than that other. A shame, as it is (or was) very enjoyable for a little while there.
Progressing impossible due to this glitch!
Fri Apr 05 2019 bcutillohhhI’ll start with the positive stuff...
I absolutely love this game. I love lazy games that don’t show ads every minute or show. I love how lazy it is. And the graphics are really cute.
Now for the negative...
When you updated it recently everything just stopped working just about. When I open the game and I see what I’ve earned and I go times two multiplier and ad does not show up and I only get the number that was on the screen. Some of those times it just freezes and I have to restart the game completely. If I had to three times multiplier that’s another issue. I lose 20 of those diamond tokens or whatever they are but I don’t get the money just the money amount that’s on the screen. It’s making everything really hard to progress. I’m trying to earn those tokens by doing the challenges and I can’t progress seeing how the game isn’t giving me The money in the beginning. I don’t spend money on games. These types of errors are one of those reasons why I don’t spend money. I don’t need you guys eating up my money and I don’t get the reward. The rewards never come when I do the challenges. You really need to fix those because I am sick of watching ads but getting no rewards. And I’ve had to reinstall the game twice already!
Hmm... Also Good
Sun Dec 29 2019 dreamdancer3792I have had this game for about an hour, and I’ve noticed something weird. Whenever the bus comes, I have the option to click on the watch video button, and when I do nothing happens. This happens with all the things you can watch an ad for. This means I can’t get more customers from the bus or more money from the VIP 😢.Otherwise, this game is very great and I encourage you to buy it. Have a nice day!
EDIT: Also, I forget to mention how great this game is! If it’s your first tycoon/idle game, it may be a bit confusing at first. After a while you’re the controls down and before you know it, you have something that you might think is better than your local supermarket! The thing I love the most is that your shop stays open for two hours (I think) after you close the app, so you can be lazy OR want to keep playing all day. You also have the option to buy a manager to keep your shop open for ten hours (I think) after you close the app. BUT sometimes tycoon games such as this one may get little problems that make the process slower (like mine with the ads). Let me just say this game is easy for a kid such as me. Again I will say, have a nice day!
Phenomenally Amazing Game; New Ideas
Thu May 07 2020 RC ViewerAt first glance, it seems like your average idle game. However, this idle game is much more enhancing and addicting than most. As someone who enjoys games like this one, it was this particular game that caught my eye. In addition, the department stores are incredible, which brings me to my next topic of new ideas. Once you actually fully upgrade all of your departments, there’s not much left to do except to participate in franchises (which is a fun addition to the game). Some ideas I had in mind are including a plant section that starts with simple fauna like fake grass to more exotic plants. Another department idea would be a travel agency that can send you off to a beginner spot like a farm to a more complex and expensive resort. My last idea is that for one more place to set up your supermarket is in literal space, where every being can enter your supermarket. Overall, I would highly recommend this game to the full extent!
P.S: if you want to talk about adding more things to the game, if you’re interested, you can contact me via review and email if you need it.
A Satisfied Customer
Good Game, Bad Bug
Thu Mar 17 2022 Fizzy LemonsI love this game. I actually love practically all of the Digital Things / Codigames idle games. Unfortunately, this one continuously crashes. This is a newer bug, I believe, as I've played it before a while back and this never happened, but now, occasionally it decides not to open. It stays on the red "Codigames" logo screen for maybe 30 seconds and then simply closes. I would love to give this game 5 stars, but this bug makes it all but impossible to play. It's highly disappointing as it's genuinely fun and I spent upwards of $25-50 on in-game purchases and I would like to get my money's worth in playtime. It has great mechanics and I even enjoy the Franchise events. Being able to log back in and see my progress and mass upgrade is really nice. In order to make progress now, though, I have to stay in-app for as long as I can. Once I close the application, it's almost guaranteed I'll have to delete and reinstall it in order to play again. The bright side is that it manages to save my progress between reinstallation, but I wish I didn't need to do it in the first place. I hope this gets fixed soon...
Good but needs help.
Sat Nov 09 2019 xoxobreatheI love this game, it’s fun and keeps you coming back and I love that you can just watch short ads instead of paying real money for things. I like the franchise update also but my only complaint is that when I go to click on the vip car or one of the little power up things half the time lately they won’t work. I’ll click view ad and nothing will happen. With the vip car it’ll just go away like you watched the ad but you didn’t and didn’t get any rewards and without those things working it makes the franchise very difficult. ALSO my only other issue is that this app DRAINS battery so bad. I didn’t notice it as much on my iPad but I really noticed it when I got it on my phone and my phone was dying so fast and as soon as I delete the app it was fine. I get it’s because it runs In the background BUT that’s no excuse, I have other apps that run I’m the background and take up 1% of the battery and don’t drain it. I think I’ll honestly end up deleting the game off my iPad because it drains the battery so so bad and because the ads and franchise glitch and make it difficult. I don’t want to delete it because I actually really like this game but it needs fixing.