Good but buggy
Thu May 02 2024 SawverineI like this game quite a bit, but the bugs make it extremely frustrating. How am supposed to complete a level if I am not given all the color blocks I need? I’ve been stuck on the same level (not even a hard one) for 4 days because of this random chance. Not all if the blocks disappear when they touch either. I can’t plan out my moves if the blocks don’t break.
Am I beta testing your game, Rollic?
Sat Apr 13 2024 Lyw22After a few days of play, I’m pretty convinced that Rollic’s business model is to bust out games as fast as possible to corner the market, and then fix the issues later. No settings control within in the game (only on home screen), no way to quit a level without playing it out. The power up buttons are too close to the play area, so they get used up accidentally and quickly. Lives don’t always replenish with the timer unless you force quit. I see they recently added “harder levels” - great, but I’ve been stuck on 38 for a few days now, and several times have played out levels where I didn’t even have the right colors to finish. Seems like they really need me to pay $13 for no ads and power ups, but I’m beta testing their game for them. Just wait on this one, it’s got potential and should be finished someday.
Super Fun But Frustrating
Sat May 04 2024 MB728I really like this game and play it every day. It has a few problems though. The lives regenerate every thirty minutes but the timer only works when the app is open and your device is on. It is almost impossible to get back up to 5 lives. I purchased a package at the store that took the ads away and was supposed to give me 30 minutes of unlimited lives but I never got the unlimited lives. Also, there are times when your not given all the colors you need to finish a level. All of this is extremely frustrating. I would love to see this fixed because I really do enjoy this game. I’d also love to see ways to earn helps and coins without having to purchase them.
Fri Apr 19 2024 indigogooseWhile I enjoy the idea of the game and most things about it, there are some annoying issues. Lives don’t always refresh when the timer says they should. Sometimes, when two blocks of the same color touch, only one of them loses that color instead of both of them (like they are supposed to). When you get blocks stacked up to the top, sometimes you lose a life when they reach the line, but other times the game doesn’t seem to recognize they are over the line. When you run out of blocks, you will often lose a life before all the blocks have settled so you don’t know if you may have actually finished the task.
Got too hard too fast
Sun Apr 28 2024 VV937459The gameplay is quite satisfying with the jiggling and pooping. I was enjoying it a lot, till level 29 or so at which point it got impossible and pretty much all luck based. The general gameplay involves some luck and it's not purely skill/strategy based, which threw me off. Especially in the levels that have the obstacles in them prevention larger shapes to fall down, if you end up getting 3-4 big pieces in a row, you're dead. Even if u end up with 1 big piece stuck in the middle, you no longer have a control on where to drop the next piece and at that point it's pure luck.
Max 3 lives
Sun May 05 2024 rpmendezI love the physics here, even through the bugs. My wife and son, however, get 5 lives max while I get only three… feels like I’m part of an A/B test, and I don’t appreciate it. We’re all on the same update, by the way.
I deleted and reinstalled… still had 3 lives max, but now I’m back at level 1.
Mon Apr 29 2024 kth1195It’s a good game for the most part, fun concept. It is fun to play for the first few levels but as soon as you get to around level 25 it’s very difficult to progress to any more levels without spending money to get more lives or tools. One tool costs the same amount as buying three new lives. It is just not a well balanced game, it’s obviously more focused on making money, which is normal for a mobile game. This one just makes you think it’s playable without spending money until you get far enough in. Do not recommend tbh
Fun but frustrating
Fri Apr 26 2024 espnbetterFun game but half the time they don’t even give you what you need to beat the level. For example you may need to clear 30 blue rings and you can clear every blue ring by the time you run out of moves and still need 5 more. Feels rigged to make you keep playing or buy power ups because it’s not overly difficult otherwise. Oh and sometimes colors touch each other and don’t clear to make things even more difficult.
Way too buggy and some levels are impossible.
Wed May 01 2024 JayCrispy06Tell me why there are some levels that have obstacles that completely block the biggest pieces. So the game gives you three to four of those pieces until the level fails. If the pieces can’t fit through to reach the bottom, why would the system not give you some way to get the pieces down before filling up above the line. It’s designed to fail instead of being logical. They just want you to pay money to buy power ups
It could be great fun
Fri Apr 26 2024 Jasntaffy1956I really enjoyed the game at first. Then when you get to level 55 and up with the “hard level” it’s impossible to win unless you spend a lot of money.
Also, getting very few coins back and having the tools cost 2k at the minimum means that you just keep giving your money away. After spending $25 I decided to give it up. It’s not worth it!