Kinda cool but dunno why I paid for it…
Wed May 12 2021 BrandroidFrizzleThe other reviews are pretty much spot on. It’s not really a game, but closer to an “interactive experience”. Probably the right term is “kinda interesting tech demo”.
It’s like a very polished version of something a student would come up with for a semester project in a game design course. It’s very short as noted in other reviews (less than an hour, most of which is a rehash of roughly 5 different scenes).
$3 isn’t much and I wanted to check it out. I rarely regret spending $3 on a game, but I kinda do in this case. I’m not sure why they’re even charging for something like this, it’s literally just a short tech demo.
I hope they make a game of some sort in the future, maybe that would be cool. Dunno. I’d save my money on this one though.
4/5 only so little complaints but still enjoyed it
Sat Oct 19 2024 ArtKing2005I saw laurenzside play this game, so I figured eventually when I get a checking account I would buy this and I don’t regret it much, the voice acting, the soundtrack, sound as well as the overall asthethic I had fun with this game, the only criticism is that I wish it had more levels and maybe more creative ones, I’m not saying the ones we got aren’t creative tbh I found some of them very memorable and tell a story I just wish there was more, another thing I found annoying is the fact it picks you up where you left off I just feel like it ruins the experience don’t get me wrong I like going back to levels while at the same time, I don’t know how to explain it too well also I didn’t get why this was 3 dollars sure it could of been worse and this is art don’t get me wrong, but that dosent mean I don’t love it, this was very memorable and I would definitely get into more of playables games if given the chance!
KIDS these days…
Thu Aug 10 2023 otjhfjtdnutvjyGreat game. It was a little expensive though. There are 34 levels. Each of them are about a minute or less. How do I know how many levels there are? After you finish it shows you a picture for each level and when you tap it you get teleported to that level. Kudos to you if you also found or find it. Here are a few things I would like to change. 1. More levels! I was hoping for maybe 50. 2.Too expensive maybe lower the price by a dollar or two. 3. Maybe give us a hint if we don’t know what to do. It took me a while to figure out what to do on the level with the two lines of stampeding kids. 4. You should have a mode where you can change white to black and black to white. They had this mode in a game called hidden folks. Thank you for listening to my opinions. Don’t listen to everyone who thinks this game is trash. P.s, the music is still ringing in my ears :)
Cause+Effect the Cartoon Version
Fri May 31 2019 CuriosityscatKids is a rather Strange and Yet Strangely Addicting, Cause & Effect, Group Dynamic...The point of the Game is to determine the Cause that creates the sought after Effect...
For Example, If You run to the Right, Everyone Runs Left, and if You run to the Left Everyone Runs to the Right...So, what is the point? Perhaps it is to make one man Jump, that then causes all the Men to Jump? Perhaps, it is to run to the Top instead of Right or Left? ...Meh!, Who knows, certainly NOT Your cartoon self...
You, just have to figure it out for Yourself..
......and that’s always part of the fun of a puzzle, Right?...Figuring it out for Yourself..
.....Good Luck!...I Enjoyed the 1st run through, it was sort of calming, But I do not see myself playing this game paid $2.99 for the privilege, Worth it?..
...*shrugs*...Some will say, “Yes!”..and Some will say, “No”...but then, that’s so much like “Kids”...
Just stop
Tue Jun 11 2019 Cool gogoEveryone stop saying that this game was “too short” and not worth its price. i can agree with you that it’s not worth $3 but it literally says that the game is 15-30 minutes long. If you didn’t like the game because of how short it was you should have read the description first. other than that it was an alright game. i see where the creators were doing with this has potential and very unique. hopefully the creators update the game with a lot more things to do or make a kids 2.
Why not just make it longer or have an infinity mode for the puzzles?
Tue Jun 11 2019 YouinbctfxnkThis could have been a really cool exploration of the indenting of community that kids share and looking at the problems that we adults can’t seem to get right.
There could be a billion levels for that.
The idea, while intriguing doesn’t go far enough in the world building aspect of why it’s here and why it happened.
And to charge for this is a very strange choice. There is no pass because it’s “art” - this is actual money that people are spending and you know the rules of charging for an app.
You could have made waaaay more money with in app purchases - because the kinetic experience is so cool - there are a million ways you could have played this - it could have been a newer version of pocket god.
It also could be something that plays off of all the other games on the App Store - there was just a lot of missed opportunity and an over valuation of what this was.
Strange Experimental Experience
Tue May 28 2019 KupaManThis is a weird game. The combination of smooth animation, crowd mechanics, and spartan audio make for a weird, satisfying experience. It’s sometimes amusing, sort of gross, and a little unnerving. There’s no puzzles or scores, just a series of interactions. These repeat themselves in similar ways over the course of the short game, which is a little disappointing. This isn’t for everybody, but if the trailer looks appealing to you, you will probably find something to like about Kids.
You get the point...for some of it
Sun Sep 01 2019 bubble gum playerSo I mostly understand the mechanics of the game go with the crowd or against it but I do have to say I don’t get the part that looks like a stomach it really doesn’t go with the flow of things another part I don’t understand is in the black water? Why they start singing and also I don’t get the clapping part I feel like it had no purpose
Amazing Art Style and Story Showing.
Fri Nov 29 2019 M/miles👍🏻Kids is the story of the people of Peer Pressure, and not going to lie, it’s a great experience and tells the story well, without words.
Ignore everyone saying that’s it “lame and boring and short”, this game has a nice style to it and even if it’s short, you can replay it, and make it feel like a movie or even to in inspire you if you’re bored.
The game feels like a Plug and Play two, but better. Heck, the government is funding it! see the credits.)
To simply: This is an good game to play, worth $3 to support the makers, great game, epic art, and cool story.
(also, shut up, this game LITERALLY SAY that it’s 10-30 mins or idk, I know you guys are acting “smart” but this is a abstract experience.)
Thu Jun 27 2019 lgkgtisEven if this game is a little longer it’s still not worth three dollars. But, I love this game so much and I want to make another one but I hope if they do make another one that they would take more time as much time as they need so they can make it super long and more interactive and maybe, just maybe, cost a little less. I dunno