Please contact the developers, google!
Sun Aug 07 2022 ase750Whoever google representative who got this, please contact the Developers and show them this review so they can fix this! I love this game. This silly spoof of a zombie apocalypse survival game is hilarious! But there is an annoying problem. I cannot break the toilets on the level “Paper Trail.” I’ve read some reviews, and a lot of people have had trouble with the level. Most of them have my problem: I can’t break the 6 toilets to fully complete the level. I know you’ve seen so many reviews complaining about that. Please fix this. I cannot complete the game without it. It’s like a cliffhanger you can’t find the outcome to. (I have an iPad 8th Generation if that helps at all.) Thanks, Some random kid (speaking on the behalf of himself, and everyone else who has had this problem)
Edit: No better. Game has not been updated for a year (probably more.) I really wish they’d update it. I think it is because there are no breaking physics (e.g. a pot shatters into pieces if you throw/shoot/hit it) so you cannot break the toilets. Please update!
Great game but there’s some problems with it on mobile
Tue Mar 28 2023 you will kill meSo on mobile which I’m playing on first of all, there is no sawblade shooter or whatever it’s called second of all I can’t get the arcno gauntlet on paper trail, because the toilets are invincible third of all on paper trail, you can’t get the cheeseballs in the vending machine because glass works differently on mobile overall still love the game I uninstall it for a while and then I remember it and then I come back to it then I finish the game within like an hour and maybe 30 minutes I don’t know but please fix these problems. I want to get the full game in all of its glory again, I can’t say this enough you make the best games. Don’t ever stop making them OK I’m not saying your game is bad. All I’m saying is that I had some problems on mobile. Love the game.
Major Problem
Wed Jan 11 2023 The Annihilator01On mobile in the level paper trail you can’t shatter toilets. THIS WOULDNT BE A PROBLEM IF I DIDNT NEED TO SHATTER 6 IN ORDER TO PROGRESS THE GAME. In the level paper trail this is a mission which you cannot complete. This game honestly is really fun but I can’t complete the game without this. I paid money for this but can’t progress. I would say I recommend but at this time you should probably be aware of this glitch if u want to complete the final level (which u need all arachno gauntlets to complete)(arachno gauntlets require all missions in the level to complete) so I can’t complete the mission to finish the game! Would rate five stars if fixed please. Another problem is I’m missing a flavor which is another tho my bro collect. In order to do this you need to break a vending machine’s glass but guess what. IT ALSO DOESNT WORK PROPERLY. My guess was that they removed the ability to shatter things because it was too hard on mobile, but in the first levels you CAN break toilets! Gettin the last level fully unlocked requires obtaining an unobtainable chip bag and toilet smashing on paper trail so that’s a real problem
One of the best games to get on mobile, a must have
Wed Aug 21 2024 bigist baddieWhen I first played this game, I had a great time. I love the art, I love the sounds and the gameplay! I think the idea of killing spiders( I’m scared of them) is very unique! I bought the big pack I forgot the name. I would have preferred to just get the full game and get the experience of unlocking the items, but thats not for everyone! I think this is fairly priced and the people that give one star just because of a small price are wrong. I would love a sequel and hope one comes out! Also, the HUGE variety of weapons gives you hours of fun! The game is a little bad in terms of replay ability but it makes up for it in variety! A must have, it will give you an experience worth the price.
Great game, still needs a couple fixes
Mon Mar 14 2022 Elevatorman69Last week I bought this game and played it all the way through. This week I’ve been trying to finish up all the challenges and find all the loot I missed the first time through.
What I’m finding though is that I can’t complete a couple of the challenges I have left because the mobile version of this game can’t keep up with the graphics quality. For instance on the level you play in the office space. The challenge is to break 6 toilets. But you can’t do it with anything in your inventory and I mean ANYTHING. So in turn you can’t finish the challenge and get to the point you can play through the arachnid-gauntlets to complete the final level.
Overall I’ve been extremely happy with this game. I’m just bummed I can’t complete it to 100% done
Would give 5 stars if not for a problem
Mon Jul 05 2021 JustSomeGuyHereI love this game, it is excellent in a lot of ways. But there is a problem with the level “Paper Trail” in which there is a mission where you must break toilets, but this simply, is not possible. This causes the entire game to be rendered unbeatable because without the ability to complete this mission you cannot unlock the gauntlet for the level, which is needed to complete the final level to fully complete the game. Also a secondary issue is the fact that there are still ads even though I had paid $5 to unlock the full game in which the game becoming ad-free should be a standard. If these 2 issues can be fixed I would gladly give 5 stars.
Recommend it even if you don’t play the full game
Fri Nov 19 2021 alex the pugI do (and did) recommend this game. I didn’t play the full game but the first three levels and I really enjoyed playing em, though i wasn’t expecting much because of what today’s mobile games are mostly like. This is the kind of game I would actually play! It isn’t super realistic (which I’m glad it’s not lol) and it’s also a bit challenging I guess? I saw it as the game of the day and saw that I could burn spiders so of course I downloaded it. Though I was a bit sad that I didn’t play the full thing but I was still pretty satisfied with what I got to play. I wish there were more games like this but glad I got to play it.
Fun, but... *Devs Please Read*
Wed Oct 06 2021 Yeet-o-saurus rexI very much like this game. The graphics are good, there's a fun story behind it, and there are tons of cool weapons and locations to choose from if you decide to get the full game. However, one of the levels calls for the player to break some toilets as an objective. The game is set up where if you do not have all objectives on a certain level, you cannot complete what is called the arachno gauntlet. Without all of these gauntlets, you cannot unlock a special ending. This is definitely a problem that needs to be fixed, as the whole purpose of the game is compromised if the problem persists. If this problem is fixed, I will definitely give this game five stars! Thanks and God bless.
In-Game Purchases
Sat May 07 2022 Bekim1nyThe challenges were great and it had an amazing feel playing around the rooms locating and hunting said spiders. Sad part towards the game is that after the 3 missions are over and fully completed you must purchase the next missions in order to continue playing the game unless you are okay with playing the same completed mission areas over and over. I wish there were more missions available that are free to enjoy & perhaps have items in shop that cost money rather than having to buy the rest of the game in order to enjoy the experience. Still enjoyed the small 3 missions and what it had to offer for the hour of enjoyment it brought.
Tue Apr 02 2024 jjdjghfkfjAfter I came to the 3rd level I completed it and so I started to go on to the next level, and it wasn’t unlocked and so I thought, oh it must’ve been a glitch. So I restarted the game and, it still wasn’t unlocked and I tried to unlock it by completing the level again. Nope, I was mad because I saw in game passes, You must buy the rest of the game. I was mad 😠. Because when my dad tried to buy it, it asked for his credit card number?! Why? Just why? My dad said it was a scam. And I thought it was too! Why can’t you just let the players play the game with all the levels unlocked? How about that. And it’s so annoying because every game is asking for credit card numbers! It’s so annoying! And I’m super mad 😡. So please someone fix this game! Please and thank you! 😊