Always room for improvement
Fri Jan 21 2022 Jelly.Bean122421I love this game, I’ve been playing it for almost a year now, and I don’t miss a day. As many say, it is a game that to gain more things the game offers, you have to pay, that is normal. What’s not normal is the pricing of the items compared to the ingots you gain in-game. You could easily gain without boosts, and depending your rank, no more than 300 ingots daily. You could gain a bit more if you buy their monthly pass or lifetime pass, but obviously if you don’t expect to spend money on the game, it’ll take you much more time to gain power and resources.
I did read in some of the feedbacks given to bring up options to exchange silver for ingots, and I do think that is a good idea, the same for the cloud brocades. Why? Well because you accumulate si;ver, but there are rarely any options to spend it at. The new event that came about Wei Yingluo gave the option of spending silver for plates so you could move, but only gave you 4 steps, no more. 4 steps didn’t even get you half way which clearly forced players to spend ingots which is stupid. They should’ve given more opportunities with silver spending. I don’t think the game developers will see this or even bother since as long as they keep making people poorer, and they keep getting their money, they wouldn’t care..
After playing for a year…
Tue Mar 15 2022 breann1967It’s time I finally write my review on this game..
First and foremost, I love this game. It’s become almost a comfort to me. To get home and log on. I downloaded it for the storyline, I stayed for the casual daily playing/tasks and the community. Now, I’ve been seeing their adds on other apps and some of the are nothing like the game. I’ve even poked fun, saying that I can’t protect the game devs if they keep it up. But in all seriousness, it’s a very good game. It has the story, the tasks, the community, events, and they’ve even incorporated outfit designs that players have made. It’s incredible how interactive the devs are. (I realize everything I’ve said is positive this far so let me clarify, I’m getting no reward or anything for this. I just want others who enjoy this type of game to try it, as it has brought me solace oddly enough). The game can start off slow if you don’t pay attention to your “quest” and the game does have the infamous currency that is harder to obtain than other- more common- currency. (Called gold ingots). I’ve seen people complain about having to pay to get them. You do NOT have to pay. You can gain these by daily tasks and saving up. Of course, it’s encouraged to buy them especially for VIP status and perks but it is not required for everything else in the game. I really enjoy this game and I hope it will continue to grow as I’ve made it a part of my everyday life even if only briefly some days.
I love this game so much
Mon May 16 2022 i have 3.5 kids in my basementThis game has so many unique features that keep urging me to play more. There’s a detailed and quite intriguing story line, many events, so many outfits to choose from, and other factors such as guilds, debates, a kitchen and farm, ect. (more once you level up.) There are many ways to get recourses for upgrading partners and confidants. From my experience, the game also has a welcoming community to chat with. Players are kind and higher ranked players can help with any confusion in the general or guild chat. There is also a translating system that easily destroys language barriers (as I speak english while many other players speak languages such as spanish in my server.) There are a few things I would change though! Although I do remember a bit of guidance at the beginning, I wish there was a more detailed guide to get you going. Eventually, after playing long enough, things become clear. But with all the things to do, starting can be confusing and overwhelming. The game seems to be also quite reliant on real money sometimes. From VIP, to ingots (main currency to buy most things), to gorgeous limited outfits… It can be hard to get valuable recourses without guidance, but you can still get things if you learn how to do things correctly. Anyways, a lovely game (with no ads) that I would say defiantly deserves a try!
Good game.
Sun Jun 28 2020 RissunChanI downloaded this game after seeing the ads for awhile and I’m not usually someone who plays any kind of phone game, but I like this one a lot. There isn’t a very in depth explanation to how to do anything and there’s a lot of systems I don’t really understand or know why they exist but nothing is hard to do so it doesn’t bother me much. When I first started playing it I noticed that they have a currency called ingots that can be bought with real currency and used to speed along tasks and buy new outfits which is par for the course on any mobile game like this. I was pleasantly surprised however to learn that you actually collect a fair amount of them just by logging in and doing all the little tasks every day. It definitely takes time but it’s not a very long time and it’s not hard at all, so I’d say that’s a definite positive. It’s a fun game to take up a little bit of time everyday and the story does seem completely ludicrous at times and kind of jumps around but it’s still fun to read along with. There is however one glaring issue and that is that anytime during the day that the majority of people are awake the game is hellishly laggy. There’s a lag on every action you do and it’s honestly too frustrating and slow to do anything. Overall I’d say it’s a fun little tappy game, if you can play when there’s no lag.
I play this everyday now
Wed Aug 03 2022 Katkatie3090I really do love this game, it’s the only iPhone game I’ve ever gotten into. It has a great story line and overall the upgrading characters to get more momentum in order to beat the archival makes you really driven to play so that you can get the income to move forward. That being said, the only thing I would change in the entire game (and the only reason I did 4 stars and not 5) is that the higher you get in the chapters, the more you consume fame (you need fame in order to beat the chapters) I think I’m on chapter 75 and for one of the 6 parts of the chapter it used 14 MILLION fame. I only get 800,000 fame every 30 minutes. So when I could play through 5 chapters in 30 minutes in the lower chapters, now I can maybe get thru 3 (like maybe I don’t think I’ve been able to yet) if I were to play all day in order to buy more fame. This one thing I would really appreciate if I could be lowered or the amount of fame you get be increase because this is the one thing making me play the game less. Like I said I absolutely love the game, I hope this could just get figured out.
(Updated)Good but has some flaws
Sat Jun 13 2020 randomstrangerontheinternet:pI downloaded this game after seeing an ad for it and I actually started to enjoy it after the first day. Today, I was logged out of my account and cannot remember the password for the life of me and there is no option to even change the password, which I think should be a thing. I tried to go to support on the app itself but it is entirely in Chinese, which is very unhelpful for someone who doesn’t read or speak the language. And my only other complaint would be that some of the outfits have an uncanny resemblance to ones in another Chinese game, Love Nikki. Overall, I really enjoy the storyline, even with the translation errors, and it isn’t too p2p which is another good thing. I just really wish this could get improved a little bit in the near future.
Update: I gave it five stars because even though it has clearly copied Love Nikki with a couple of dresses, I was able to contact support regarding my password. I started off using a translator for everything but eventually told them that I speak English, and they started responding to me in English. They were extremely helpful (unlike LN support) and I was able to get my password and sign back into my account. So very appreciative of this game’s support team.
Love this game! However..
Sat Jan 28 2023 LittlemissquinnI love this game! I have been playing it everyday for almost a year now, it is beautiful and fun to log in daily. I’ve even made a few friends within the Guilds you can join. You can earn ingots by logging in and if you want a little extra the prices aren’t too hefty. However, the only negative I have is that the powerful players only get more powerful, if you join a server with players who are already established it is nearly impossible to win any event as the top players will always win and don’t allow smaller players to gain anything, and winning helps you grow. It is slightly discouraging, and if you aren’t willing to drop hundreds of dollars to try and get ahead of those top players, you kinda have to accept never winning anything, it is possible but you have to save up for months. Other than that, the game is great, there’s plenty of games within the app itself so there is always something to do! The outfits are beautiful as well, my favorite part! I definitely recommend!
Favorite Game
Thu Nov 14 2024 CelseyJAbsolutely Love the game and how much it has going on but some things I wish were different
1. Server Ranking were paired off by VIP levels (don’t get me wrong I spend money as well but it can be VERY Expensive to try and beat a really high vip out to try and raise ur rank)
2. More direct ways to buy things (I wish I could buy more than just ingots more directly and I bet that way the people who know how to build themselves up would actually be able to match up with the ones who are just throwing money at the game and couldnt just overwhelm ranks)
3. Not a fan of how Grindy the game is but I understand
Overall I love the game and will keep playing for a long time and think it’s a good game for someone who likes games that have a lot going on if u aren’t into being competitive then you’ll enjoy all the branches and taking ur time collecting and growing if ur into competing u can enjoy hustle to the top and growing ur number and power personally it’s the only game I play on my phone Becuz it has enough to keep me occupied for a long time and as of right now after 1 month (and a lot of grind) I’m at 14M power and since I joined a new server I rank on top 10 usually so it’s definitely possible Good luck to everyone🍀
Tip for new players: If ur gonna spend get the growth Paths, lifetime and monthly passes they help a lot more than other purchases also spending on the sparkling stones events Happy Playing❤️
Erased all of my progress(data)
Sat May 15 2021 ameliareignI used to play this game all of the time but lately I haven’t opened the app. Now that I want to play it again; I’m told that there’s a new update and my account has been signed out and that the cache was cleared. I tried signing it back in because I’ve always had it connected to my Facebook and it completely started the whole game over. Everything is gone, my progress, data, and even the money I’ve spent on the game. I will never purchase this game again.
I recently posted with a one star because I lost everything after the game update. After searching through my google photos I found that I was lucky and screenshot my ID from the game settings (before I stopped playing) so I was able to get my account back with costumer service. BUT ONLY BECAUSE I WAS SMART ENOUGH TO TAKE A SCREENSHOT BEFORE DELETING THE GAME. (When you delete the game and redownload, it downloads the new version, not the one you used to use.) - please, take a screen shot of your user in the game settings and email it to yourself or save it to your notes.
Mon Jun 22 2020 Su Nan NanI’ve left a review here before and I still love this game! Great community and pleasant people playing. No nasty comments or people from the game. But, we were hoping that the game developers could include in the next update a silver to gold ingot exchange? And a silver to cloud brocade?
It could some by asking for a high silver price in exchange for the gold and brocade. Just so that the players who couldn’t pay can still have a chance to buy some outfits since this is a dress up game.
Most of the new players get stuck and can only get random pieces of outfits that they don’t even personally like. That’s why we see them leave the game. If it was made possible then more players would stay on each server. Keeping the competition up!
You wouldn’t really have to worry about loss of revenue since people will still pay to play! I will always get impatient and pay in game for ingots and there are plenty more like me out there! But the rest are either unemployed without steady income, students, or just kids still! Honestly if you can do the silver to ingots/cloud brocade exchange you’d probably see more people play and continue to play for a long time. Overtime you’ll get steady incoming payments from these players! Once people play long enough, they feel dedicated to their characters and will want to continue competing for a spot on the rankings. App purchases will still go on then.