Just Somebody
Sun Jan 22 2023 TurQuoise SeasThis game is awesome but...it could be superb. How? Just a few suggestions and Thanks, for the new additions to the game, however, it would be super cool if we could rotate the brushes and extras, change the colors on them and if we could have more brushes and more different extras, especially if we could change the color to go with our potteries. I, also, wish that we could shape the clay in more different ways. I love love love the game but I must admit I’d love it a little more with these extra perks. To me it’s the best pottery app I’ve seen but it could be the greatest. Awesome game app, though. 👍👍👍 Still need to make this a more awesome game app. I also feel that as a game that’s suppose to be relaxing perhaps you should rid the app of having to level up because of the many likes it may get. Players should just be able to like because they simply like the potter’s pots. Everyone should be entitled to all brushes and whatever else. When you make a relaxing game, make just that and not one of competition, where it would be more appreciated in my opinion, than one they’re constantly having to compete for to level up.
C’mon, really?!
Mon Jul 06 2020 DoctorSquidLike everyone else who has written a review, this is not about gameplay. Do I think that painting should be more accurate? Yeah. Do I think that some of the quests are ridiculously challenging and that there should be a permanent “help” button to alleviate frustration? Yeah, in fact I’m stuck on one now because I can’t figure out what the friggin pattern is for that eccentric flower pot. But all of that I can put aside because all in all it’s just a fun, artistic, relaxing game. My main complaint is the subscription model. $99 a year? There are MMOs that don’t cost that much. I’ve bought console games that don’t cost as much. And for what? More paint colors and a few more stencils? I understand that y’all need to pay your employees but it’s a ridiculous ask. If you made this game paid and asked for an initial payment of $4.99 or even $9.99 I’d be more willing. If you made it possible to purchase stencils and colors individually by being able to purchase all Chinese or all Aztec related features for a price I’d be more willing. If you made the subscription $1.99 a month I’d be more willing. But to charge more than most streaming services? I think it’s ridiculous. And while I kindly await my copy and paste response of “we do not ask for you to purchase a subscription, you can play the free version” may I just say - the customer isn’t always right, but this is the time to listen to us.
Climbing new levels and not receiving any new items
Mon Aug 15 2022 dailydesignerI enjoy playing this game, but as I’ve reached newer levels, I actually have become more anxious and frustrated because I expect to see new patterns, colors, clays or extras (handles, lids or decor) but I get nothing. I’m not a VIP but when I reached levels 4 and 5, I saw new colors I could get. Level 6 gave me some new patterns. I reached level 7 and saw nothing new, so I’ve played a lot to reach level 8— I just got to level 8 today and…..surprise—-NOTHING NEW FOR ME. I see so many people at my level with patterns that don’t seem to be available to me. They aren’t VIP’s either. I get so excited about getting to a new level and having some added elements to play with and showcase…but then I get disappointed and irritated that there’s nothing to show for my accomplishment at reaching a new level. When I look at the patterns in shopping, there’s a handful of new items that read “L6” or “L7”… I think when I reach that level, those are the patterns I’m going to be able to purchase. But when I get to a new level, those patterns are named with a new level number. It’s difficult enough to reach new levels; the goals set in front of you are wildly unrealistic (i.e., getting 50,000 likes)… the developers seem to cater to VIP players, but getting rewarded with new elements should occur at the entry of each new level, regardless of whether you’re a VIP or not.
Levels are dumb
Mon Dec 21 2020 Spencer's DogmomI paid the $99 to "get full access" to all of the colors, patterns, and clay colors. I assumed that paying basically ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR AN APP that I would actually get all of the colors and patterns right away. Nope, you still have to earn enough coins to "buy" them in the app. Ok, fine. But then to find out that you have to get all of these stupid points to level up is incredibly frustrating. There really isn't any way to get enough points to level up without having to get likes and followers which is annoying. I just wanted a calming activity to distract me from doomscrollong other social media apps. I don't want to have to worry about how many likes or followers I have. I hate that. I'm only on level 6, and it feels like it's so far off to get to 7. I can't imagine what other hoops I'll have to jump to to get to 8 and 9. I'm going to keep at it, because I paid $99 for it and I want my moneys worth. It just seems misleading to say that buying it gets you access to everything. Please don't force us into the social aspect of this. I just want to calmly make pots without having to worry about whether others like them or not! We nearly made it through this crappy 2020, just give us a break here and make this app truly relaxing and not competitive. Seriously. $99. For an app. That you don't even get access to. Can you tell I'm frustrated?
Disappointed a bit
Sun Feb 09 2025 k.marie_meI downloaded this game after seeing one of my kids playing it. I was hooked immediately! Within a day of playing I had decided to pay for VIP, excited to at minimum be able to fly through challenges and such without being interrupted with ads. I’m nearly always making pots, selling pots, completing quests as often as they come up, and really pushing to unlock more clay/pattern/paint variations. The issue I’m having is that now, several days in, I’ve noticed quests have slowed down considerably. The jump in achievements has increased so much it already feels like a grind, just to be able to get to more pattern options- because they’re locked behind higher levels. I don’t mind needing to level up to get to more on the game, and I even appreciate that you can’t just pay and have it all, but making 1000 pots when I’ve only made 135 playing LOADS over the last week feels daunting. Selling 500 when I’ve only sold 57 ((and some of those were me just churning out sales instead of getting to just vibe creatively)) feels daunting. When unlocking more patterns/colors/clays feels daunting and I’m only a week in, it sours the game.
Good game, premium membership is whack
Mon Dec 07 2020 Enemies-of-the-heirThis game is infinitely better than the first Let’s Create Pottery in a lot of ways. There’s way more quests, a better public forum, and way more design options (colors, brushes, extras and clays).
That being said, the premium feature is pretty seriously flawed. Most of those extra designs and colors require a premium membership to purchase, which is disappointing on its own. I was even more disheartened when I decided not to continue premium after my free trial ended; it turns out, any premium colors and brushes you buy while your membership is active, you can no longer use it your membership expires. This is kind of ridiculous to me. If I bought the designs and colors in question, that should be it; I should be able to continue using those.
That being said, I understand they need to make money; it just seems like it could be a little more reasonable. I will say, all of the regular quests use only non-premium designs and basic colors that can be blended, so you can continue those pretty endlessly.
Sad to rate this
Sat Nov 14 2020 LittlegreyowlI really loved the first pottery game and I even bought the upgraded version. But this.... this is disappointing. Not only to find out how limited the free version is, but how expensive and over priced the subscription is. If it was a reasonable price for the app or a subscription I would gladly pay it because this is a fun relaxing game, but no developers, it is not worth $100 a year and all their responses to the reviews on here are insulting.
I would have kept my mouth shut about it but I just updated and a lot of the features I already earned I can no longer use in the free version. Some of my favorite and most used stencils are now are only for subscription, and expensive clay it took a while to save up and buy I can no longer use. Luckily they left the handful of paint options alone, and I would have been playing a lot more in the first place if there were some decent paint options for the free version.
I just don’t understand how making this so expensive so only a select few can afford it makes more money than making this a decent price many people would be will to pay for. Please don’t respond to this with more of the same “no it’s not too expensive” excuses, I’ve already read them all and none of them justify it.
Daily quest, Level 62
Mon Mar 13 2023 GemInI042202!For all my non VIPs on this app, yes the daily level 62 is unbeatable for us. You need a VIP brush in order to complete it, which is unfortunate. I’ve played this game off and on since i was in middle school and I’m now 21 years old, so it’s been awhile. I really do like the relaxing game itself, but i do wish at LEAST the daily challenges where for available for us non VIPs. I would love to see all the possibilities with the patterns i have available to me, cause i can’t always make them up on my own without being shown them first. But i say, and I’m sure a lot of people using this app would agree; that daily levels should be for everyone! Otherwise it’s hard to continue WANTING to play this app. And I’m sure you want people to play it. I’m not gonna pay 100$ for some virtual clay, when i could quite literally buy a cheep pottery wheel for that much to do in real life. The prices are the craziest thing if seen on any app to be brutally honest. But that’s all i have for this, i hope the people struggling on level 62 find this and find the answer there looking for. It’s in bearable for non VIPs, I’m sorry :(
Quests unplayable to non-members
Mon Apr 19 2021 leedactI really do like this game. It’s very relaxing. While I do think that non members are at a total disadvantage and the membership should be less expensive, my main problem is the quests.
I am currently stuck on quest 62 because one of the brushed required to complete the quest is unavailable to non members. I understand that the developers have to make money somehow so charging for a membership is a valid solution(with more reasonable priced obviously ie. 3.99 each month). Where I draw the line is the fact that non-members can’t complete some quests.
The quests should not require a player to be a member to complete. It makes me angry that I am unable to progress through the quests unless I pay 3.99 a week. Sometimes even the daily quests are unplayable because they include a vip brush.
What I would recommend doing is making all daily quests and gameplay quests playable to non-members and then having an set of vip quests that use vip brushes and are only playable by vips.
Until this change is made and I am able to ACTUALLY play through all the quests, I’m unfortunately going to be taking a break from this game.
Not like the old app: not paying VIP to complete quests
Wed Sep 23 2020 NeonDragonessI played the first Let’s Create Pottery years ago, and I would be on that app for hours at a time. I hoped that this would be like the old game. Alas, the VIP limits free-to-play options vastly. At the very least give us quests that don’t require the VIP patterns to get the pot acceptable to send off. I’m somewhat stuck on quests and the completionist in me is itching. I don’t have the funds right now to afford VIP. I would be happy with one-time purchase options, even if there is still a VIP system with that.
If you like the old app (especially the paid version), stick with that. If you want a few pretty gems and you’re okay to play with getting vastly less, this app doesn’t hurt for free. If you want to throw money at it, hey it’s your money but right now, I think it’s not enough bang for your buck. I’m going to keep it on my device just because I think it has potential. Three stars but I might change my mind if there is an update that makes this app more casual-friendly.