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64 bit support, new tracing games
***** Developed by an award-winning education studio, 22learn, the creator of the best-selling Abby Basic Skills app, in cooperation with educational specialists.
Dive into the depths of the ocean to discover letters and alphabet. With its 9 fun games, Letters and Alphabet Adventure is the best way to teach children letter recognition, association of words with their beginning letter, and alphabetical order.
The application features a bright, colorful, child-friendly interface that is appealing to children yet does not distract from learning. Learn with jellyfish and cute sharks, jump on the alphabet when the alphabet song is playing and more!
To develop your child’s skills, we included the following seven games that cater to different skill levels and stages of learning:
* Letter Flash Cards
Choose from four different types of flash cards based on what you want to learn. For example, select flash cards that feature uppercase letters on one side and lowercase letters on the other and learn the lowercase form of uppercase letters. Flash cards are ideal especially in the early stages of learning when children are becoming acquainted with the letters but can also be well used once children already mastered the material and self-test their knowledge.
* Alphabet Song
Sing along! A, B, C, D… Listen to the song and learn the alphabet as the letters in the song are highlighted; play with the letters once the song ends.
* Jumbled Alphabet
Practice the alphabetical order with Jumbled Alphabet. Based on your child’s skills, choose an easy, medium, or challenge level. Fill in the gaps in the alphabet by dragging letters to their correct place.
* Letter Quiz
Learn to recognize letters. Tap on the letters called!
* Matching: A—Apple
Learn beginning letters of words. Drag the letter next to the picture that depicts a word that begins with that letter.
* Connect the Dots
Tap on the letters in the alphabetical order to trace and subsequently reveal a picture that was cast ashore!
* Matching: A—a
The fish moms lost their babies! Drag the fish with lowercase letters to the fish with corresponding uppercase letters!
* Tracing uppercase letters
Enjoy Tracy's funny animation and sounds as you trace uppercase letters! Learn to write uppercase letters!
* Tracing lowercase letters
Drag the cute animated Tracy character to trace letters. Learn to write lowercase letters!
In their entirety, the 9 games offer a variety of activities that will challenge and expand your children’s minds. This is the app your children will adore!
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