Honestly I always prefer this over any other dress up app.
Thu Mar 31 2022 Sakura HanazakariWhen I first started with the app out I wasn’t that impressed since I felt it was lacking in clothing options , when I noticed ads would be removed upon purchasing new items however I felt it would be a good deal so I could try something new. I must admit I ended up purchasing quite a few of the bundles since I was dissatisfied still at what I felt wasn’t very many options in regards to clothing. However I was proven wrong.
I realized months down the road of having the app they updated with new additions quite a bit. Not just to the main source of the games clothes, but also for additional purchases. I love how they continue to expand upon the app, adding new items now and then, even types of clothes that might not be an option in most dress up games you would see. I also like how you can pick and choose the colors of hair and eyes unlike some apps. I might recommend something similar for clothes but it doesn’t really bother me much if I am being honest.
The only other thing I might recommend is more options in regards to two tone hair and highlights.
However this isn’t really a demand from me since I don’t particularly ever make characters with multi colored hair, let alone exotic hair coloring.
I am happiest that I can make both males and females!
Sun Jun 05 2022 bloom-!!!So,when i started playing maybe like a week after it came out. i wasnt very into it because i wasnt good at making people and i had no interest in the clothing. but ive grown into the game and i genuinely think its very fun. the clothing,hair,shoes, etc are very cute! i just have a recommendation for an option when dressing your person! there should be an option like there is a section with hairs, for poses. i think poses would be adorable! and maybe if you ever release poses, try starting off with 2-4 poses. like for example- 1. finger heart! 2. the two finger peace sign 3. a sitting on knees pose and last but not least 4. a left + right hugging pose! besides that, this is a very fun game! very well made and such cute designs. i just think maybe you should add color changing stuff. like where you pick an item and u can change the color. like with the hairs. anyways to anybody who reads this, thank you for taking the time!! 💕
Love it amazing game 🥴! Just a few things went wrong though…
Sat Jan 08 2022 æfdfdhcgnhfjOk this game is like the BEST game I have ever played. You can dress up characters and stuff but there is one thing..
….. when I try and take photos of my characters and allow it to go in my photos it’s not there. And when I try and make a gif it always glitches. I love it but please fix this one for me. ( I bet everyone will be happy.🥴) Ok now how I think the game is: it is beautiful and a gorgeous game. The characters are pretty and stylish. There are a few glitches that might make you remove the game though… 1. Gif making. When you want to take photos and make a gif it just glitches you out of the game. 2. Photo taking. It will not go in your photos when you take the picture of your characters! It blew me up once. 3. Random ads popping out of nowhere. They just come whenever I’m styling my characters. Now you may think oh it will be fine and short deal with it, well…..no, once I had a 3 hour ad and I tell you I deleted the game when it started. It’s not fun. 4. Kicking you out of the game. I’m not putting these saying the game is bad but it just keeps on kicking me out of the game form nowhere. And I don’t like it. Well thank you for reading my opinion on this game!
Fri Dec 06 2024 Trixie2013Crazy.coMy first impression of this app is it seems very girly after getting into it. I really was actually pretty fun and I enjoyed it however there’s still were some adjustments that I would make. For example, I would make more clothes options and also make it that white clothes can be removed or taken off There having been several circumstances in which I’ve put on clothes and then not like how it looked on the character, which was quite the conflict considering I had to make adjustments to the rest of the character to fit what I done added. I also feel that the characters should be allowed to be moved into certain positions such as sitting down raising an arm and more and also I feel like you should be able to customize the characters such as naming them giving them a background story or even they’re being a side game where you can put them into a life. Overall, the game is great, but these few adjustments would make it even better than it already is.
Tue Aug 02 2022 Sprite is my favorite drinkLet’s just start off with I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH I love making avatars but I can’t have gacha anymore so I downloaded this and I thought it was gonna be like one of those games where u have to watch an ad for basically everything but I was excited to see there was no ads on any clothing! And not many ads on the actual game I do have 4 tiny suggestions tho 1. Please make it so u don’t have to wear a jacket for a pose and make poses 2. Please make it so u can make the avatars smaller (this one isn’t really a big one I don’t mind this one a lot) 3. Please make more little kid/toddler/baby clothes and a pacifier so I can make my baby avatar look more like a baby 4. Please make the overall straps go over the shirts thank u for reading I hope this was helpful! And also thank u devs for an amazing game!! ~yours truly, Bricks ^^
Love it but a few suggestions
Mon Jul 10 2023 ameliasmomOk, so I already wrote a review a little while back, but I would love to talk about some other things I thought of. (Btw you don’t have to read it, and creator of the game, you are making amazing games, and don’t need to put in my ideas, but you can at the most take them into consideration if you like) 1. I kinda wish you could change the height of the characters, like if we wanted to make kids. 2. I said this in the last one, but I think it would be cool if there was like a cottage core pack idk. 3. I wish there were more mustache styles and/or beards. 4. Finally, it’d be cool also if you could design your own dog.
Hi! If you made it this far, thank you 😊 I appreciate you for reading this. Again creator you don’t need to make these things happen, they were just some ideas I would like to see happen but no pressure. You’re amazing and have an awesome day. ❤️
Could you try and add these please?
Mon Oct 18 2021 poptroprollThis game is amazing and my sister and I really love it so don’t worry this is nothing bad ☺️. I just wanted to know could you guys try and add purple, pale ivory and brick white dresses to the game long, flowing and smooth ancient Roman and Greek inspired dresses, it’s just my sister is an artist and draws anime characters and she has this one character that wears clothes like that and your game really inspires her to draw a lot of new outfits and expressions and if you do end up doing it please take the time you need to get the inspiration for the dresses but even if you don’t add these things we’ll still love it either way but if you DO add them it’d be a great help and I hope you all are staying safe, happy and healthy and remember stay lovely. Thank you for all the hard work. Rose 🌹
There’s some little complaints, but it’s great overall
Mon Jul 19 2021 .?.?.?.?.?.?......?????These are all very nitpicky details I’m gonna complain about, but overall it’s a great dress up game.
I love the visuals of this app, but it has a limited amount of short/ curly hairstyles. There is a ton of wavy/ long hairstyles, but not enough representation for tighter curls/ braids. Plus the short hair options are either really masculine or too clean-cut when I want a cute pixie/ shaggy cut for a girl. Also it would be neat if it had the option of highlights like in pastel friends, and if we could color the bangs a different color from the back main hair.
The coat options are alright, it has all the basics but no uniqueness. Part of what I liked about the previous games is that the coats were individually unique with their own accessories, it just brings more life and characterization to the avatar. You could pick out a coat and base the whole outfit off of it.
Sat Feb 12 2022 KP@icloudI love this app so much! I love the cute outfits, hairstyles, and outfits. But there are a few things that kinda are needed to be added. One thing is that there isn’t a dress department. There are only like, 5 dresses on the whole thing. Mg friend asked me to do a fancy version of our friend group, but I couldn’t do so, unless almost everyone wore the same thing. I feel like they also need to add more normal lengthed shirts that are actually cute. ( not that they aren’t cute)! And that is literally it! So cute fun and satisfying!!
You also don’t need to watch adds for anything. There is nothing you have to pay for! You you get everything! It’s an offline game so I can do it anywhere. Love this so much! Almost no complaints at all!!!!!!!
One of the best, a few suggestions tho
Wed Feb 15 2023 DemiseBunnyOkay, let me just say first that this game is really good. The art style isn’t stiff like a lot of other dress up games and everything looks cute and well done, though I do have a few suggestions I think that would make the game amazing!
First- hair. I like a lot of the hair options, but I’d like more fluffy styles with fringe. Kinda more anime or trendy but I’ve noticed I have a hard time making a lot of characters accurately in this app.
Second- the eyes. I like to make a lot of cute characters but I always struggle with the eyes. Bigger, more kawaii anime-esque styles of eyes would make the face feel more balanced since the nose isn’t very detailed and the lips tend to be big.
Finally, the clothes. I don’t have many issues with this actually, since updating I’ve always loved the variety of clothes. If anything I would just like more color varieties for existing pieces. Maybe some more pastel stuff?
I don’t like to buy a lot of additional stuff for mobile games, but honestly this game might be worth it when I look at the shopping catalogue. Overall wonderful game and amazing job making it! It’s clear how much work has been put into this game already❤️