LookALike Celebrity Look Alike in IOS

Find Your Celeb or Anime Twin

Walkthrough, Guilds, Tips on this special game

The Game

In-App Purchase
  1. set of twenty match stars - $0.99
  2. set of 1000 match stars - $3.99
  3. set of eighty match stars - $1.99
  4. set of 250 match stars - $2.99

Version 1.0.122019-06-07

small bug fix

LookALike is great fun with family and friends. Upload or take a photo and discover which celebrity resembles you the most. Try out various Anime match categories as well such as Naruto, One Piece, One Punch, or Dragon Ball Z!

Or try popular shows like Game of Thrones, Friends, The Office!

If you're a movie-goer, how about The Avengers, or more generally Movie Heroes and Villains?

Our match categories include: "Game of Thrones", "The Avengers", "Movie Heroes", "Movie Villains", "Pop Singers", "Friends", "Instagram Models", "K-Pop Stars", "One Piece Series", "Dragon Ball Series", "Naruto Series", "One Punch Man", "The Office", "Soccer Stars", "Billionaires", "Comedians", and "Rappers"

Purchase more match stars in increments of 20, 80, 150, or 1000. Save more when purchasing in higher amounts!

More categories are continuously being added! Request a category by contacting our LookALike support URL.

Ratings & Reviews

4.7 out of 5 with 3707 Counts
Age Rating 4+

Screenshots (Scroll Left & Right)

screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3

Promotion Videos

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