Solid but Lacking
Sun Sep 11 2016 Sereth219Every time Mina mobile releases a new game I get very excited they have all been 5 star games for me. This game is absolutely awesome. The music, sound effects, the story (still haven't beat it). The only thing that lets me down is the battle animations. When you compare this game to other strategy RPGs it excels in all area except for that. Take, in my opinion, the greatest strategy RPG ever, fire emblem. You move your units across the map, the same way you do this, but when you come into conflict you go into a better graphics fight. I know it's something petty, but it's one of the small things I've always enjoyed about other. Also the in app purchases for a paid for game. Other than those two things the game is still with the 2.99$, just not 5 stars.
Nice graphics, sound and art however..
Fri May 15 2020 iByronLamThere are a few minute details which high end turn based strategy games feature. One day into the game, I find myself not knowing how to check or accepting a serious flaw in the game. We are unable to view the range for our own units. We are unable view any information about the terrain, also. For instance, clicking or holding your finger on a unit should serve a purpose to display ranged attack length or unit information. Recruiting is annoying because everytime you view a unit, they prompt a 2 sentence pop up of information which increases time to select your unit. We should also be able to station units on saloons or homes. I’m also not sure if ranger attacks can go through them? They’re are so many mesas as well but shouldn’t we be able to place our units on them, or on hills. Also the menu buttons are way to close, they feature similar font and size. So often I will click on a different button than I desire, as they’re placed on the top right. I’d prefer more copy and paste of advance wars , Lost Frontier is old but there is much untapped potential.
One of the best turn-based strategy games
Tue Aug 18 2020 Archer552I play a lot of turn based strategy games on my pc, but when I’m traveling I have to play mobile games, and when I was looking for mobile games, I found lost frontier. This game blew me away, and this game is a lot better than even some of the games on my pc. The story is great, and it is one of the few mobile games that actually has a good storyline. The combat is really good, as it is simple to learn, but you can do so much with it. The campaign is the best part imo, but the challenge and custom maps are also fun. Also, it is really cool unlocking new abilities for your character as you go along. On top of that, to fully upgrade any character it’s only $.99, so the max you can spend in the game is only $9, and you really don’t need to pay anything as it’s not pay to win at all. I have never written a game review before, but this game is so good that I had too.
Addictive, contemplative, great fun!
Fri Sep 21 2018 Mangumhead1945I can’t say enough about this game. I’ve played through almost all the campaigns and challenge maps and have easily logged 100+ hours. I get lost in this game sometimes and the hours just slip by. The more you learn about each of the characters and the posses and the tanks, how they move and the damage they do on others...well, it’s a steady learning curve but so worth the time when you get that Victory! salute from the game. Of all the PlayStation and iOS games I’ve played, this one ranks near the very top. Purchased this a year ago and still playing and enjoying it. I highly recommend this for someone looking for a challenge with a great rewards system. I hope someday soon there is a Lost Frontier 2 because I will instantly pre-order it.
Not for everyone
Mon Sep 19 2016 anthonyclark15First off let me say that I personally LOVE tactical based RPGs like this, final fantasy tactics for the playstation and dungeon of the endless on steam to name a couple where you have to think critically about your parties composition to succeed. Coming from someone who's played these games all his life since he was a kid I can honestly say this is right up there with the best, the only thing holding this game back is perhaps the audience and the fact that theres little to no hand holding, I don't think iOS is a platform for these kinds of games, I'm glad Mika Mobile decided to bring this here, now I and many others have something satisfying to play on this platform in the way of a tactical based RPG. My only real gripe is the lack of online multiplayer but its still a 5 star game regardless.
Fantastic Turn Based Strategy
Sun Mar 17 2019 jakenutsCould someone either open-source this or charge me $20 for a DLC expansion (just more maps, minimal effort). There simply isn’t anything else with this classic TBS format & perfect iPhone play. Kills me that it’s just sitting and growing dusty.
My favorite iPhone game so far. I have searched obsessively for a turn based strategy game that incorporated terrain, unit types, capturing & defending space and am really glad I finally found Lost Frontier. It’s perfectly formatted for an iPhone screen, is easy to pick up and has alot of depth and enjoyable challenges in the campaigns. My only regret is that having finished the game twice there is no second version to buy. Well worth the trivial price and a great relief from the litany of “free to play” junk. Saddle up!
My Favorite iOS Developer
Tue May 16 2017 JamaicanLzrOrcaI have played and beaten every single one of Mika Mobile's games. Their art style in unique. Their ideas always stand out. They make solid and simple games with a lot of depth hidden under the artwork and story. None of their games are as easy as they look, and that's what makes them a great developer. Keep up the great work! I check up on you on the App Store about once a month, just in case you drop something new. I'm not positive, but I believe this is an indie developer. They only release a new game every year or two. Again, their games are always good though. You are the first and only developer I know by screen name. Keep it up, and I hope you have made a decent living for yourself making these great games!
Good concept, flawed execution
Tue Aug 07 2018 Tuges12/5Love Mika Mobile, love grid-based strategy games. I’ve cut my teeth on every fire emblem game I could get my hands on as well as the final fantasy tactics games and advance wars. When I heard Mika had made a strategy game, suffice to say I was excited! Sadly though, after playing for about 15 hours I honestly think I’m done with the game for good. The problem isn’t that this game is too hard, it’s that there’s only one “correct” way to do each mission. Basically each map is just a boring game of trial and error till you figure out the exact moves to finish the level with 3 stars. You just don’t get that rush of creative excitement that a fire emblem game affords you. I wish so badly that I could recommend this game to fans of the genre, but truthfully I suggest you pass on this one and try the Partia games if you’re looking for a strategy fix.
Best turn based strategy game on iOS.
Sun Jan 07 2018 Huh5632If you like final fantasy tactics then this is a great game for you. Takes some time to master and has a few challenges but is certainly worth the money. You will struggle to pass higher levels until your main character is maxed at lvl 40, so either pay the extra 99 cents or plan to grind it out. After completing the game with one of the three base characters you unlock a number of additional characters and can play the game through with them.
My one request for a functionality update would be the ability to skip the tutorials on rounds that you have played before as there is no need to see them again and again with new characters.
Could be great, but difficulty is a bit ridiculous
Thu Oct 14 2021 EazyE20This game as such potential but without an option to change the difficulty it gets a bit ridiculous. Idk how anyone could ever get more than 1 star on some of these, and then level 11 is just annoyingly difficult. You’re just fighting a near impossible uphill battle while getting blasted with cannons and I feel the game does not give you enough resources to even make it fun. I don’t really wanna just keep churning out basic units for 20 rounds until I maybeee finally break through…which I haven’t yet hah there is a balance between difficult and fun and difficult and not fun and this is already leaning too much towards the later. Adding the ability to change the difficulty setting would benefit this game greatly.