Ever since I got this game I fell in love!
Fri May 07 2021 masamoyMy dad actually introduced me to strike force because we are both big marvel fans and once I got it I was addicted! The start can be a little slow at first but once you get to level 20 the action starts and the leveling up gets slower, right now I man currently level 67 and It’s super hard to level up, but that’s what’s fun about it! The in game purchases are SUPER pricey so I would recommend only buying them on a special occasion but I understand why they made them pricey, it’s a free game they need to earn some money some how. Another thing I love about this game is that each character is so unique, like literally every character feels like so much time was spent on them and it makes the game so much better! And the characters give you different abilities so it’s not just a different looking person with the same exact strength and powers! That was probably my favorite feature. They also update this game constantly! For example I used to hate this game mode called real time arena because I either fought people way weaker than me or way stronger, but now they fixed that so it’s WAY more evenly matched! Well overall I think this game is definitely worth a try and I can almost guarantee you’ll get hooked
Could of easily been a 5 star game.
Wed Feb 12 2020 Another iPhone GamerDue to this game always being super buggy, and since the last update that keeps me from using WiFi. I am going to have to give this (1 Star). I’ve been playing this game for almost a year. I’m almost at max level with almost the whole roster of characters unlocked. So yes I’ve enjoyed it. Can this be fun? Absolutely it can be, and super addicting too. But the devs are lazy and greedy. Also the lack of customer support is frustrating and disappointing, as they will often ignore most issues.
This game will mess up any character development with serious lag issues that will cause the game to do things that you may not want to. And resources are very scarce, unless you decide to pay the overpriced pay to win offers. Even if you decide to pay for stuff. Beware as this game seems to bait you into using your resources without you wanting to. When there are sales, drop rates become nonexistent.
So if you don’t mind using up all your data due to game breaking bugs that (won’t let you use WiFi) on a data hungry app. This game may be for you. If you don’t mind losing valuable resources due to buggy issues that don’t get addressed, then play, it’s a lot of fun. If you like making in app purchases that have no value. Then by all means you won’t have any issues. Until this game becomes stable, and has the game breaking bugs fixed. I will give it the 5 stars it deserves. Sad to say it has to get 1 star.
Good game. Bad business model
Thu Oct 17 2019 THEDESTROYEROFBERFDevelopers: Don’t listen to all these bad reviews. You made, and are maintaining a great game with a lot of potential. Most of them are complaining do to the fact that they aren’t any good at the game, because they don’t take the time to work out the math on what makes a team good. That said; they do make reasonable complaints about your strategy for paying the bills. Most of your players are marvel fans, not free to play game fans, so you can keep your player base more easily than other games like yours. Maybe, you could add a feature to allow your players to watch commercials in place of spending money for currency, equipment, and character shards. This way you can take some pressure off of your ‘direct purchase’ dependency, allowing you to give more for less, without effecting your bottom line. We (your players) are willing to make you money, and be loyal customers, but most of us do not have enough to justify spending ANY amount of money on a ftp game. Even those that do, can’t afford what o asking. It seems like a small few are paying an arm and a leg fo all of s to play. No fair. Maybe, give a monthly subscription option that gives more frugal players an appealing option. Give hem all the characters, while still forcing them to level like everyone else or something. SOMETHING BESIDES DIRECT PURCHASE REVENUE PLEASE. Thank you for your time. Take care.
Great game, if you’re willing to spend hundreds of dollars
Sun Mar 26 2023 MatthewC21This game could be the best app game out there, it has great challenges, good graphics, there are always new events/challenges & the character list is huge. But once you play for a while it becomes very clear you can’t advance past a certain level without having to buy items. They are really sneaky with how they do it but there are many aspects that will require real money. It’s incredibly disappointing how much they try to trick you into buying stuff. The worst part is how ridiculous the prices are for the item you need, it can literally cost you hundreds just to get certain characters or to advance them past a certain point. The biggest annoyance & way they try scam you is the number of gold/upgrade materials you need to advance characters, they give you a tiny amount of these things during game play so it would take multiple years to get all the characters powered up. They do a lot of sneaky things all trying to trick you into spending money, they don’t care at all about the players satisfaction or enjoyment of the game - every single thing in this game is just a ploy to get you to buy ridiculously overpriced items. So if you’re rich & don’t mind throwing hundreds of dollars to a greedy corporation who doesn’t give a F about you or being fair to its players then this game is for you. But if that’s no you, I wouldn’t waste your time. The game is all a big scam
Greedy Game Developers
Thu Aug 08 2024 Night-Life00I wrote a review about this game quite a while ago. I’ve played this game for a number of years. I just uninstalled because I couldn’t take the greed anymore. The developers make it so hard to progress in the game by having everything cost a lot and hard to get. You spend a ton of coins and resources to upgrade one character (for example, 7-9 million to get a character from level 0-80). They unrolled a new type of gold orb that allows you to get at least 1 million gold but up to 100 million. That was unveiled around six months ago and I have never even won one shard of it. This is one of the greediest games I have played, and I’ve played a lot of games. But ultimately what made me uninstall today was I got tired of breaking myself to building my characters only for them to phase them out for new characters. My characters no longer stand a fighting chance anymore against the new ones as they now replace my current ones - I end up getting destroyed. I work on building the new characters they unveil, but what is the point if they are just gonna get phased out in the not too far future anyway? I’ve lost my zest for this game for a few months now, the only reason why I haven’t uninstalled it earlier was because I didn’t want to let my alliance down. However, I have found that even since the beginning, they never really appreciated me so I’ve decided that it’s just not worth it to hold on.
Newest Update Breaks Your Game
Wed Sep 30 2020 WrekeetsI’ve had this game for quite some time and always enjoyed it. You failed to product test the newest ISO-8 update however. After downloading the new patch, I attempted to open your app no less than five times and was met with the exact same result. Upon loading to roughly ninety percent at the start screen, the game attempts to do its typical download of updated content (something which I fail to understand why it could never be included with the downloaded update). I am unable to move around the normal menus while it is downloading and mid download it opens the completely unavoidable iso-8 tutorial which shoehorns players into that menu. After being forced to continue, the downloading of updates freezes indefinitely and then the load screen is stuck in a forever loop while trying to open the iso-8 tutorial which is literally the very content downloading. This persists assuredly indefinitely but for sure more than five to ten minutes. There are always quirks with your app and any other apps after an update and this should’ve been tested for and should be addressed. Beyond that, there are the obligatory issues that never seem to be addressed or fixed at each update. From simplistic changes such as the level cap randomly dictating that some players can not progress beyond a particular level and others can. The level max is pointless if I can’t even reach it because I’ve maxed out at a point that is obviously not the true max level.
Getting Over the Top
Wed Oct 20 2021 Brebre316271515So my biggest complaint is the whole Magic stats in battle, my gear 12 Black Spider; 33k stronger than my opponents tier 10 at best was slower than theirs?! Makes no sense. Most team compositions make no sense. The Blitz Sim should be available at 55 at best; Due to the mass amounts of XP needed to level up. How about Finishing some of the incomplete teams. Characters with an event story should have their shards only available through events and they should do 1 event story on the 2nd week of every month. Bring back Character specific Raids. Either lower the gold and level module cost or give out more... because you are sucking the life out of your community. Alliance Donation points should allow you to upgrade war rooms and effects and even hold more members in alliance.
If Iron Man is a legendary; Captain America should be. He should summon 1 missing Avenger as an Ultimate Skill and Taunt as a second Skill and Shield Throw as his other. Passively He should Inspire(Give Energy to Non-Summoned Avenger Allies every turn) and gain more block as his HP decreases. Bring more Synergies(Team Attacks) like the avengers have none.
Now the good, they have dumbed down the offer spam thank god, the story is fairly original and has a lot of comedy(Scientist Supreme is Roast Master lol), constantly releasing new Characters( which is kinda a double edged sword cause older 1s get ignored like the Hand). Real Time arena is kinda nice.
I’ve been playing for two years
Sun Oct 18 2020 LeonDaLionThis game has kept me entertained for a while. They keep adding new characters and teams, they’ve been consistent with delivering new content, and they keep it interesting. I have invested a few dollars in the game just because I want to support it, and occasionally there are deals to be had with shards.. certain one-off deals, for instance, 50 shards of a decent character for $1.99. Otherwise, I’m not the type that’s going to shell out $15 at a time, or more. Throw more reasonable deals at me and I’ll spend more. Like Costco. lol. Volume. Anyhow, I like the alliance feature a lot. I’ve found a good one that expects you to keep up to a certain point but doesn’t expect it to be like a second job. We progress together and we don’t go insane in the process. There are all sorts of alliances, some have really high expectations and some don’t. Mine is somewhere in the middle. Favorite characters in the game: Minn-erva, Black Bolt, Phoenix, Ultron, Thor, Hela, Black Panther, Star Lord, Magneto, Symbiote Spider-Man, Venom, Shuri, Captain Marvel, War Machine... I love finding other combinations of characters to use that syngergize outside of their intended teams. Favorite teams, though, outside of that: Asgardians, Hydra (for war defense), Symbiotes (can’t wait for Anti-Venom to complete it), and Power Armor. Great game.
Could be 5 stars
Fri Jan 24 2020 JoshuadwllFirst off, I absolutely love this game! I grew up with these heroes, and not I enjoy sharing that love with my children. The rare characters often are only available through purchase, or require an outrageous prerequisite to aquire. While I completely understand that it’s a fantastic way to make TONS of profit from fans who spend money to play (like myself), I would be much happier with the experience if the developer’s were more forgiving with the timetable for which the character events are available. Give us paying customers a chance to make it through a pay period so we can have the funds to accomplish the tasks required. Maybe give us a way to reserve promotions for a Later time, like a raincheck, otherwise it can be incredibly frustrating! I NEVER spent money on mobile games before, and now I have invested more money in this game than every other form of gaming media I own combined, and that speaks volumes for how amazing I find what they have created. That having been said, when I can’t take advantage of a promotion because of it’s short availability, I feel unappreciated as a customer. The game deserves a review that ends on a positive note, so I’ll say this. Hands down my favorite game that has ever been created for the mobile platform. Amazing!
Good stuff, data mining major issue recently tho
Mon May 08 2023 SethmithikThey take provides a lot of distraction substance to be for sure. Great sound effects and visuals for a limited autonomy rpg. They have really upped their game (puns he funs), and allow for more “freemium” style playing. You can progress slowly(and more surely) now compared to a year ago, without the need to pay to play. Whales are rampant at only much higher levels. Ok…have y’all read far enough now? Here’s the dig, recently they have started asking access to and “creating” quicker paths to simply logging in? Like “hey we’ll take your email log in; your biometric, and phone passcode and add it to scopely’s ‘data base’ so everything is one button press away for logging in!”….right so you’ll gain full access to my phone so I can avoid protecting myself and spending an extra 30 secs loggin into the online store? Don’t fall for this guys. Looking at you Youngbloods under 21. Gotta long way to go, don’t just give freely your identity to what is theoretically a casino guised as a game. I still really like this game, and most functions work amazing. Most ppl are super helpful and friendly in alliances. Just seriously, DO NOT PUT IN YOUR PHONE UNLOCK PASSCODE WHILE LOGGING INTO THE WEBSTORE, bypass all the easy routes and log in normally. I love you all, have a good day
Ps….wtb ad blocker