Overall a great game
Tue Jul 23 2024 我是你爸爸99The game is pretty good considering that I have a old ahh phone and it runs with minor lag spikes though a issue right now is the Ads cuz I was here before that time the game got removed from the App Store and I know a lot about the game and I also remember the ads letting you skip as soon as they appear and that was the good days, now I have to watch 15+ second ads to just keep playing the game. I also personally think adding melon coin to the game was a big mistake as I know that many of the players left after that was added but letting players themselves upload things was a big plus One of the things that kinda needs fixing is that for the generator item, I kinda downloaded that before the badge for it even existed (I was looking for a generator like something from people playground and I deleted cuz it didn’t work as what I thought it would do) We also need more syringe types as the current ones are getting boring and it could go along with the maps, like a anti acid syringe, or a anti zombie one? But overall the game is great as a alternative to people playground and I hope that it will have more mod adaptability such as coding things into items (please add the ability to let us players make weapons that “throw” projectiles)
Edit: please get better ads
Sincerely -A kind of satisfied player
Great game I’d give it 10 stars if I could but some improvements could be made
Thu Jun 13 2024 microwave 6545Like for starters what I like to call the BIO hazard update because it features like gas canisters that relies the syringes in cloud form new hazmat suit for protection for our friends the melons new syringes that can full on regin the body for lost or completely destroyed limbs or other body parts like the head but there has to be something left of the subject for it to come back maybe increase their durability with one mutations that give them extra or do something of the sort that end it for my first ideas that would improve gameplay. A search bar for the workshop where you can sort it of search for something single. Lightning or electricity that interacts with the world around it to create cooler sense you can also adjust the weather so it actually does something like if your on water and you activate snow the body of water would freeze. A button that get the to take of clothes because when I want to try and make a video with the game this can help instead of having to do spawning it back in with a different outfit is time consuming I am speaking for a lot of people but it’s still a good game so keep it up bio hazard update please mutations that add or regenerate lost limbs I really want this I think everyone does seriously and also I meant the lightning would actually shock things like fry a melon from the inside out
BEST GAME just needs one thing
Sun May 12 2024 scuvuc c kjHello this game is the best game if you’re looking for a fun experience it has amazing things that you can do it is just so fun. I’ve been playing this game for almost a year now even if there’s a couple ads at like 20 minutes into the game I just love this game. The ads are not even a problem in general, the game is just so perfect and amazing and a few things that should probably be added should be a grappling hook and you can just click the activate button and it would make it go flying if a melon is holding it or any other character/ NPC it would be really cool to have a grappling hook so we could make parkour and stuff. It would be really cool to have that another thing we should have is a thing where we get daily “Melcoins” we should most definitely get daily melcoins because I still don’t know how to get coins and it won’t let me upload a thing for the game like a mod, so people can use it for RP and stuff like that and maybe also make a cart as a new vehicle so then melons or any other characters can just sit down in them or just place them inside the cart and then they have an activated toggle button so you can make the character move around in it and also make it so the cart can go different directions and make the thing where you can control the cart but in general this game is the best I would read it 10 stars if I could
The request that will make others love this game.
Sun Dec 18 2022 Soraya_SunshineAs you saw in the title this idea would change everything! My idea is can you do in the main screen like the “main screen” where you can play with settings. You should put a make mod area in it so if you or someone else makes a small mod then ONLY the creator can use it. And this just in this game no mod apps or nothin. Or in quicker words just make a update where you can make your own mod and you don’t need a mod app. And you don’t have to remake every time you come back. And you can make anything in this make mod area. Example: an AK-47. Details: when you begin making a mod you will have to choose a category: explosive, firearm, melee, rag doll (melon), clothing, or syringe. Then you can choose a color click where you want to put it, then You make what size it comes in, after that you name it, and finally if it’s a Syringe then you choose a effect. If it’s a firearm then I think it should be 0.1 for a reloading speed like the rocket launcher, 0.3 for revolver t fire speed, 0.5 for a auto shotgun speed and 1.0 for speed like the sub machine gun / SMG. 1.5 for mini gun speed. Please do this, I know this is going to take a long time but in the end you will probably begin seeing all 5 star reviews and no complain about anything! (except for bugs and slow FPS, that maters on what the person creates.)
Fri Apr 12 2024 Just_A_Fr13nd1y_GuyToo hope anyone reading is having a good day I’d like to give an idea for a war vehicle or two that could be added, first what if the devs add a tank, now hear me out we could have a aiming mechanism when we control the tank and maybe a manual loading system like attaching a ammo or inserting an ammo box into the tank to give it ammo?, the ammo box part doesn't need to be added but would be a cool edition. Second would be a plane, ether a personal carrying type or a biplane (Because let’s be honest a jet would be insane and to fast) and that the biplane could have attached machine guns. Anyways thank you for looking at this, and if you agree with having these added please write reviews mentioning either of these or getting in contact with some devs and asking them to give it a though.
Update: Just thought of something, if the game is now currently rated for 17+ doesn't that allow the game to put a tad bit more gore to the melons and other fruit/veggie people? It would make it tad more interesting and allow us to do much more to these beings and would allow for more Intresting medical items to be added too, since the oldest tab that has lent been touched is the medical and syringe, PLEASE UPDATE THOSE, otherwise nothing much to report, this might be a bit late but Happy Easter and April fools everybody.
Creators if you’re reading this, you should really add this in the game
Mon Apr 01 2024 FireyTBThe thing that you should really add in the game is that you Add powers, or do something to make the characters have the power like the character can control whatever power you give it. How you could give it is by double clicking on it and you’ll scroll all the way down to see add powers and when you press add powers, you’ll see fire, and water. If you click on one of them, you double tap on a character again and where it says, add power it would change into select ability. And there will be different kinds of abilities and if you really add this in a game, I’ll name the moves for you. They’ll be three abilities in each power, old name, the fire abilities, and the water abilities. One of the fire abilities is going to be called fire blast, and when you select the characters hand, you’ll see this the circle that’s right by the hold button and if you press it, it’ll shoot out the ability another one of abilities fire beam, and you will do the same as how I said the fire blast will work, but it will stay longer now the last ability is gonna be called firefly and this time you’ll have to click the body and press the circle and the characters legs are gonna turn into fire and if you bring it up, it’ll start floating.
Amazing game but the creators have been doing some stuff
Thu Jul 18 2024 liambamSo I love thks game job been playing since 2021 close to 2022 and it has been amazing the updates the new characters the new maps but now they have added ads and if leave the app running the ads actavait but if you notice they keep going on and on every like 10 secs this is because it’s on a timer for when ads play meaning that if you play for like a hour straight you’ll be getting like a gazzilion ads and the old workshop was better but now if you want to have mods/saves you have to watch ads because all 3rd party apps have outdated mods I understand why they did this bug ag the same time it’s just hard to play now I love this game I started playing again after my pc screen broke since I could not play people playground this game has been advanceing and it’s amazing but creators of you see this please just make it so you don’t get more adds the longer you play or if this is a bug plz fix it this is not hate and just please listine also please stop using your fandoms videos to advertise your game with permission and I have seen some of your playable ads and you added a random blue guy and made the game look horrible just plz listen don’t do that just advertise your game in a good way
This is amazing, but needs one thing
Fri Jun 07 2024 BZ1234l1 the secondThis is my new favorite mobile game I have ever played. But not everything is perfect. The thing is, I love how the elemental powers work in this game. Fire is perfect, water is great, I love the Earth like land stuff and wind. But there is one thing missing that I want, electricity, and not the way you did it. I think that it will be almost like Fire in a way, there you use the weapon or what ever and shock the opponent with it, I think that electricity is the one I have wanted the most, and don’t get me wrong, I would love poison and sicknesses, but there is too much potential for electricity. There is already electricity in the game, the guys that auto shoot you I forget the names of make electricity when destroyed, and the power element where you make electricity turn anything on without the power button. It has been in the game for a long time, and I have always wanted it in the game, if you guys here this, I would love if you can program it into the game. Besides that, I think this is one of the best games I have ever played. I love it and the electricity thing is just a thing I want. I love the game and I hope you keep going to make the game better and better. Thank you all for this game.
Adds getting more frequent
Tue Mar 28 2023 😒😎😗😤😚😒🥸😖🥸Ok, I will start with how it used to be, I used to play this game and love it (which I still do!) and every single time I played I would play for sometimes hours and only see maybe 1-2 adds. This is one of the main reasons I lived the game actually, fun game with very little adds; all the sudden after a while (about a year or 2) I started to notice that these adds are becoming more frequent. While I’m writing this review, I just got off of the game because I had been playing for less than 10 minutes and saw almost 10 adds! For this I was very disappointed, and this game is so fun and I don’t want it to become a sponsored game with weird adds that play over and over and
over. I understand that these adds make the game money but I meannnmm, 10 ads in ten minutes. That was very very odd, and like I said, this is come more and more frequent. All I ask is that you reduce the amount of adds to somewhere around 3 adds per hour, that way I can enjoy the game without being bombarded by adds that u honestly don’t want it be watching. Thank you! (Btw, the last part is messed up and it won’t let me delete it, sooo just ignor the last part!) the adds to about 3-5 adds an hourgame money, but I come COME ON m😤😤😤😤😤👿
Love this game but i have some requests
Wed Apr 12 2023 LALauxSo yeah I love this game but I would like more stuff like robots or monsters and the guns I want are ak 47 and muskets and I would like a bayonet that you can attach to guns and for melee weapons I want are light sabers and katanas and for the viruses I want is a virus that can turn someone into a vampire and a virus that can make someone have laser eyes and the example for that is if you hold someone’s head there will be a button you can press on the bottom of your screen that can activate the laser eyes and I would like a new section in the life one that has monsters like a monster the melon playground creators made or like a monster from doors or the backrooms and the last thing is I would like a new map that you put a melon on the ground and there is going to be a ceiling above him and theres holes in different parts of the ceiling that you can put stuff in for example if you guys listen to my monster idea you would make the melon walk through and then you can make the monster go through the hole and basically jump scare the melon and another idea I want is that you would be able to make a melon pick up a melon last thing in the living can you make a robot section that’s it