I love playing but…
Thu Sep 29 2022 ErBug2023I love this game because it challenged me to think and I’ve actually completed all the levels so I am hoping there will be more!! It’s also a great stress reliever! But also costly because I was buying solutions left and right!!
So a couple of things that I wish were different, when I am placing my purchases “in my cave” it won’t let me go up or down I can only see 2 or 3 levels and I want to be able to move my “furniture” around. Also there are way too many adds…like I have to hit retry often because I didn’t want to always use up my solution but it seemed like there was an add after every single time. Like give me a few times to just hit retry without an add popping up! Also speaking of using your my solutions a couple of times I would use it but when it was walking me through the course it would be different than what was originally there and I ended up dying…with the solution!! But still love the game! Bravo!
Game is rigged to force purchases for solutions
Mon Mar 14 2022 app-lover79I have been playing this game for a while and was having fun, until I discovered that the miner does not function the same within each level. He will jump up on small boxes in one and then is unable to in the next, which is the only way to beat the level. Then it’s the same with moving the boxes or walking up inclines to the distance the miner can jump down without dying, you can’t have a character able to perform a task in one level & then take that ability away in the next, especially when that’s the only way to solve the new level.
It seems to me as if you are purposely doing this in order to force or trick your consumers into buying solutions to pass a level. It would be pretty convenient for a “bug” to make these specific things different across levels.
I don’t like being tricked not forced to make pitches just to beat a game. It’s ridiculous!! If you want to charge people be up front about it and charge for the app all together. Don’t rig the game , thats childish and poor business.
If these are bugs, then I suggest you fix it fast, because it’s not looking real good for you right now.
One of the best action puzzle games ever !!!
Thu Mar 16 2023 Floobus JohnsonI’ve been playing this Mine Rescue for some time, the developer keeps improving it with upgrades and more ways to stretch your brain.
Many levels are “challenging” they take ingenuity, logic, and often quick reflexes to solve, there are hints and thankfully if the level is just too hard, you can skip it. I paid the low fee for the “no ads” option but ads are necessary for hints and skipping.
This is a very clever and often humorous way to spend a few hours. I took a short break, now that I’m back playing, driving myself NUTS, my opinion only gets better every time I play. (I wasn’t paid to say these things—I mean every word). This is GREAT COLOSSAL STUPENDOUS AMAZING GIMPY SMITH APPROVED FIVE STAR RATED FUN AND EXCITEMENT (and a few impossible scratch-yer-head what’s with this thing anyway moments of concentration and confusion). Not a single complaint. I even love the easy ones!!
Have to use solutions for levels I beat already!
Wed Sep 27 2023 PandaPan-duhLove the game but there are a few bugs and annoyances. Too may adds first of all. I read some of the other reviews and looks like you already reduced the adds but just get rid of like 1 more add per every 5 resets and it would be perfect! My other main issue is that some of the levels I will do over and over again with no success until I finally either buy or watch even more adds to use that lightbulb for the solution only to find out it’s EXACTLY the same way I just lost the last 20 try’s. Why are the boulders farther apart or the box gets stuck sideways when I do the level myself, but when I use something I had to pay for it works perfectly. Not fair!!! I will be more than happy to give this game 5 stars as soon as this glitch is fixed because like I said, it’s a really fun game to just relax and zone out to. The levels are challenging without being too difficult to figure out. Well done game creators (other than the hint glitch thing) Love it!!! 👍
Tue Dec 07 2021 gullbiterLoved this game, played it for hours at a time. It’s fun figuring out how to move the rocks, crates, boxes to get to the exit. Unlike other games that go from easy to practically impossible, this game has easy, medium and harder levels interspersed throughout. There’s something really satisfying about making paths in the sand and seeing it fall away. Best feature is there’s no limit on lives. You don’t have to wait for anything to refill. Being able to furnish miner’s mine home with items you buy with coins collected is pretty neat. The only issue I had was sometimes on replay the miner does differently, like on your first attempt he can make a certain jump, but on re-tries he can’t. I hope they’ll add even more levels in the future. I’ve finished the game and miss playing it. I found ad-free and hints purchases worth the small amount of money, but they’re not necessary.
WARNING: Instant addiction WILL occur!
Wed Apr 10 2024 SDRangerMy mother and I have long been addicted to Dig This and Dig This 2.. .so this game was simply the next level, and we have become glued to it since installing it 4 hours ago. We completely understand all the rules and evolving gameplay dynamics, although we find having to furnish a home to unlock new levels kind of odd and unnecessary.... (you know, because miners are SO much into interior decorating...) 🙄🤣…But there is one thing we just don't get, and of course it's the one thing the Instructions neglect to explain:
HOW does a player earn the stars required to add more floors to your cave habitat?? Hopefully the developer will either explain this here, or add it to the (i) gameplay flowchart on the Main Menu screen.
EXCELLENT GAME and at $2.99 for ad removal, it's a huge bargain considering the challenging entertainment you'll get out of this.
TO THE DEVELOPER: There is an audio bug that occurs when dropping medium sized wooden crates into water, for example, and other similar situations involving the crates, where the sound effect continues in an unending loud hiss. I’m thinking the sound effect is supposed to end when the crate(s) find their resting place…?
Still Bugs
Sat May 07 2022 b.ObeWould be an absolute 5 starts but for annoying glitches and only one response to 3 emails. (1 per glitch found).
Playing on iphone12. OS 15.4.1
Level 8-14
I sent in the complaint. It only worked after I paid for a hint - after already buying the ad free version. I did the same things as the hint before hand and failed. I think the program gives the green light to the hint but glitches on the regular level.
Level 13-19
Had to use a hint I “earned”. Again, I did the same as the hint previously but it kept failing. It worked with the hint doing the same things I already did.
And now Level 14-1 which doesn’t work no matter what I do. The small crate immediately slides to the bottom of see-saw which keeps it from being able to be tossed to engage the stone on the metal wall. No matter which part of the opposite side of the see-saw I get the large metal box to land on the small crate rolls off and hits the metal wall.
Sort of, thankfully, with update I could skip level tho had to watch an ad I paid not to see. Indy, it seems I’ll never have the satisfaction of “solving” the level.
I wrote to Carry 1st for all of these issues. Only got a reply on the first.
All in all a fun game, but the glitches are frustrating. Now even the update is glitchy. The game keeps prompting me to update and when I accept, it goes to the App Store and only Opens my game again. I assume the update took because I did have the option to skip the level that I didn’t have before.
Better - but new bug (help?)
Tue Dec 19 2023 PamTNCI used to play the original version of Mine Rescue and liked it very much, until it stopped allowing me to update it, telling me that I can't get that game in my country (USA). So now in that 1st version, I sadly can't play any level after 29, as they are locked. I downloaded this current version of the game, but it has SO many ads. So I paid to upgrade to no ads. I didn't mind doing that, but now the game won't let me deliberately play ANY ads when I want to watch an ad to earn rewards. Please can you fix this? I don't want spontaneous ads, and that is why I paid you for the no ads version, but now I can't play the game, because I can't deliberately play ads to earn points. {{UPDATE: I’m no longer having this problem - so thank you for that. However, on level 14-18, the little miner moves only sideways when he hits the bottom level. So he can’t step up to the exit door (and level can’t be completed).}}
Mine Rescue!
Fri Feb 10 2023 cogrlbuckeyefanThis is such an innovative concept and the game would be great but I agree with all of the other reviewers. I tried to find a way to contact app support but apparently I am only able to leave a review. You have GOT TO FIX THE ISSUES! As others have said, there are too many glitches to make the game enjoyable (or winnable) There are too many inconsistencies, such as miners getting stuck between rocks when they’re able to do the same maneuvering in other levels. Additionally, in one level, the stupid miner pushes all the boxes to the ladder, climbs up, and won’t come back down. There is even a level where the miner is not provided with the necessary equipment to get to the exit. He needs a jackhammer and it’s not there. Also, the “My Cave” button is grey and not accessible. It’s a great game but not worth it if you don’t fix it.
Love the game, but
Sun Apr 16 2023 shahanfWhen I upgraded part of my cave, I skipped over the middle upgrade and went straight to the third one, thereby missing happiness points. I didn’t realize until later that once I did that, there was no way to go back and get those points and I was stuck in a perpetual loop of never having enough points unless I want to repeatedly have to by expensive coin packs.
I tried deleting and reinstalling the game to reset it and start over, but that just made it worse. It reset my daily streaks and cave to the beginning, but not my mine progress. So now I’m stuck with having no way to collect gold in the levels, since I already did it, AND having to start completely over in the cave with no way to collect gold.
I’m frustrated enough that I’m deleting the game and won’t be playing it anymore.