Game with a potential
Thu Jul 30 2020 E RuchI’ve learned all the right military tactics, so winning every battle became too easy too fast, more complex battle mechanics would be cool! Also some of them don’t make sense from a strategic point, for example it’s always better to fight in the field then in a city, in a city you can lose the whole army fast! Also some kind of dynasty system would be cool! You could build a family tree, and if all of them die, you need to start over, instead of when each sultan dies!
Great game
Sun Sep 13 2020 Caleb's Iphone 8So I recently bought this game and it’s very good for what it is I play a lot of reigns so it’s fun to see a game like this with different battle strategies and I think it expands a lot on the original Reigns game I know this is a different game from reigns but still expands in my opinion but I would like to recommend some features number 1 being knowing what effects choices will have in reigns their was a little dot on top of the different icons and what not that would tell you if it would be effected I think a feature like that would make the game even better also you should add more historical figures since their a good amount already another thing is being able to place different countries other than turkey and maybe you could add different time periods over all great game
It's good but...
Wed Jun 03 2020 FiVeNiGhTsAtFrEeDyOnce a ruler dies, I think when the new election comes that the new monarch should inherit the lands the previous one conquered rather than reset the whole kingdom/empire to the beginning. Also please improve on the battle choices, it's not really fun at the moment, also could you add a time? There is no time and we can be from anywhere from 1453 to like 2053. Also improve on the affairs system, not much going on with that. Also you guys should add a faction to play as, I know the game is in the early stages so for now there should be 3-4 playable factions, the Byzantine Empire, Mamluk Sultanate, Empire of Trebizond, and the Ottoman Empire being the default empire like in the game already.
Not a Typical Card Game
Fri Jan 21 2022 ANeverLackYou notice games like this but most of them are quite often the same. This game adds features that are different from other games that use the slide feature to make your choices, with consequences and rewards. Instrad of boring you to death by being repetitive, there is a chance of randomness and it is unique because you also get to conquer land, and manage your nation. For people who just ordered in their new iPhone, this game runs perfectly on it.
Amazing game
Sun Jul 12 2020 landonsnsoThis is literally the game I have been looking for, for ages. I love the concept of making choices for a empire and watching it grow. Although the game is in early development, I have a feeling that without a doubt everyone sees a great, and I mean great potential in this game. Also, one question, when is the next update.
It’s good
Thu Jan 07 2021 KDay77I’m having a lot of fun in this game, however I find it quite annoying how when I go over in a certain category, the next turn I have a card that can get me back down but it just ends that current game. I also think you should be able to start in other places, but besides that It’s a good game
great game!!
Thu Jul 09 2020 Shadowv1rusoverall it is a very good game. I just wish there was more choices and decisions to make. I feel as if it goes by too fast because too many wrong choices or the wrong tactic can take you out quickly. It should also have save states to save data and expand more on the treasury, army and etc.
Addicting Game with Need of Update
Sun Jul 12 2020 DanB1099I love this game! It is very fun and engaging. I think the “balance” mechanic makes the game so entertaining. While it is fun to try to get further with every new monarch, I think the game would be more fun if there was a different game type that allowed for advancement with conquest. When a monarch dies, the next monarch should inherit most if not all of the land.
Good game
Thu Jul 23 2020 TheGuardiansArmI like the game. My only issue thus far is that a lot of the grammar is incorrect and it can sometimes be a bit difficult to decode exactly what a character is saying. This is by no means a dealbreaker for me, and I still like it a lot, just a small gripe I hope to see worked on in the future.
Sat Sep 05 2020 Erengard299This is basically a crummy standalone sequel to Reigns. It’s entertaining for about 20 minutes until you realize the monotony of the game itself. This game just feels unfinished and mundane with a fraction of the decision making that Reigns has. To be fair I haven’t completed this game so maybe there is some charm hidden away somewhere. Otherwise I’m disappointed that it didn’t live up to the quality of it’s predecessor, Reigns.