Amazing game!!!
Sat Jul 13 2024 SfmviperThose complaining about being stuck and mtx yada yada, they couldn’t more wrong. This game is perfectly built and absolutely balanced beyond belief. I am beyond impressed and I really want voodoo to focus heavily on this game because they have some BIG here. I have another suggestions though, we need improvement on mid-air movement, I find myself rolling into walls a little too much when I want to immediately turn when I hit the ground but my character keeps rolling a little too far in the direction I jumped. The ability to change direction just a tiny bit more in mid jump would be absolutely game changing. Future suggestions I’d like to also make is having some really cool skins either for our characters and for our weapons, and by that I mean like animations and not just still skins, along with the ability to be able to show off our progress and characters to others, ya know.. kind flex a little bit 😂 lol. I’m a huge supporter of this game and I would love it also if there was some sort of invite people incentives for limited edition stuff or something. I’ll be coming back with tons more ideas here soon. I’m at the skull master V already and still grinding!!
Oh and there should be some sort of in game trading or something, like a black market for diamonds but it needs to managed and only available like once a week or something to avoid people just boosting, I’m sure voodoo can figure that out!
Pretty great but…
Tue Jul 02 2024 Hoppyninja667Every Voodoo game has been absolute garbage or is covered in mtx incentives. Thought this game was pretty fun, have a similar one with differences but it’s much much much farther along in content, so I feel bad that I bought the no-ads for this. I also feel bad cause, although it’s getting slow as I progress, I’m stuck on the 4th world and I’m leveling up my stats slower now. A few rounds for 1 stat, that kinda thing. But now I’m noticing I’m making it fewer and fewer waves into the world even though I’m not losing my boosts or stats. Using the same weapon sequences that have gotten me to floor 20 to face the boss multiple times but now all of a sudden I can’t make it to 15 then 10 now I died on 6. Could be I’m a conspiracy theorist or voodoo has mtx incentives that aren’t so immediately obvious. This company really need to pull its head out of its donkey.
Great game with potential.
Tue Apr 02 2024 The_usableThis game is very fun as you start to get stronger and the items get more entertaining as you level them up and not to mention the parkour it has to offer which it would be better if you were to add more animations. There is a couple game breaking exploits in maps that make you glitch under and can kill enemies without getting damaged but it’s a rare accordance that it happens which I have proof to submit to have fix if I get reached back on this review. And to also bring the issue that this game is fun but the amount of ads can be bothersome with playing it does help with rewards but ads every round can be annoying which if you can do something about it would be the best thing to happen to this game. Never the less this game is so fun and time consuming it won’t disappoint. Just updating the game for a overall better moment, animations and UI would make it more smoother and more enjoyable than it is.
Mon Apr 15 2024 blitzinghaloEach wave last a minute, EVERY WAVE IT FORCES AN AD. Sometimes the ad glitches and you have to close the app. I DONT MIND WATCHING ADS EXCEPT FOR WHEN IM FORCE FED THEM WITH ANYTHING I DO! I get trying to make some money but the cost for the ad blocker is way too expensive for the kind of game this is. Now i can understand watching ads for the unlocks and stuff like reviving… but in the current state, its way too ad heavy to be worth playing long term. I could see myself playing it long term… in fact i just spent 3 hours playing it and im finally fed up with all the ads. I cant tell you how many white out survival ads i had to sit through and the crappy slot games that just want you to spend money and lose it all with a fake mr beast on there. Terrible.
I know i put this at 5 stars, i just want people to see this if the choose to look before they download.
A amazing game that I highly recommend
Mon May 13 2024 ROITxThis is probably the most fun I’ve had on a mobile zombie game, the concept itself its basic, but the execution is perfect. No glitches so far, zero to no ads, and just overall a very rewarding game. The feeling of upgrading your weapons and getting new items after a wave is something I can’t explain. But their is some things I personally feel can be reworked. For example, the joystick. The joystick feels really wonky and I often find myself going in directions I don’t wanna go because of it. Another thing is the flip after jumping off a structure. It’s more punishing then anything. But besides those, everything else is phenomenal and I can’t wait for the upcoming updates this game will have.
probably the only good voodoo game tbh
Sun Jul 28 2024 Saiber42im writing this review since im astonished by the quality of this game. this lowkey sounds like glazing but voodoo actually made a decent game this time. the obvious pros is that this game isnt ad reliant unlike almost every voodoo game and is more geared torwards skill, etc. this game is sort of p2w but the average player can probably do just as good as someone who paid money. the only problem is that if wifi is turned on, ads appear after each wave but this is useless when i bring up my next point. pro #2, this game can be used without wifi which is super convenient when other voodoo game’s straight up disable u being able to play when u have no wifi. pro #3, voodoo just does this type of genre games like vampire survivor/ survivor io right. voodoo puts this type of game into 3d, and the high ground and climbing features add to the strategy to this game since u cant be stupidly overwhelmed by hordes of zombies when u jump off ledges to avoid said zombies. the only con is that their currently arent a lot of features that make this game super unique compared to other games like itself beside the fact it is more f2p
Very fun but annoying
Sat Jul 20 2024 bbbbbebebebebebebI used to see many ads on this game to the point where I wanted to install the game for myself to see if it was good. When I started playing, the gameplay was fun until I got to the red throwing zombies. Unless I maxed out my hp there was absolutely no way to avoid them because of how much they spammed. But that’s not the main reason I made this review. The bosses are. No matter how upgraded my weapons were the bosses were nearly impossible to kill. They had like several health bars. Not only that but the bosses attacks have nearly the range of the entire arena making it extremely hard to dodge. If you end up dodging their massive attacks then it’s usually by a couple pixels. I also forgot to mention that to regain health it cost 50 gems which are pretty hard to get?
sigh 😔
Fri Jun 07 2024 mirmugga1216i dont know what happened but after the latest patch everything has went downhill for me. All the upgrades i had now mean nothing, the monsters are basically invincible, 20 gems for a reroll? it started at 5! now i cant reroll anything and have to deal with not buying items through the waves. The gear system also lowered my stats seemingly since now they play a big part in how i do in the level. the new characters are a fun nice addition but now im so underpowered i cant even use their kit in a level. the character Echos weapon also has a problem with actually doing damage to the enemies. idk if its just me but the game seems ruined now.
The game cheats for you can pay to win
Tue Jul 09 2024 TheRealJoyBoyThis game is pay to win. The first boss has like 5 health bars that takes what seems like a century to deplete, The AOE of his attacks takes up half of the ring, so when you try to run out the way you’ll still get hit half if not most of the time and even when you do manage to get out the way you don’t have no time to recover because you’re gonna have to dodge again because he’s already got the next attack coming at you.
it doesn’t matter if you’re maxed out in speed (which I was) when the attack AOE is so large and you keep getting pressured. Like even Elden Ring bosses have a grace period this guy doesn’t have one! Don’t get me started on the fact one attack can cut your health in half or leave you on 25% or less even when you max out your health, so you getting almost 1 shotted even if you get grazed by an attack everytime.
When you die the cost of the revives is crazy it cost like 50 diamonds for a revive and doubles each time you die and the game makes it almost impossible to get a lot of diamonds because they WANT you to pay. I was able to max almost all my stats and had 4 maxed out weapons with the best items and lost to the first boss 3 times???? But the game makes sure to throw in a pay the win promotion every time
That’s not fair, it’s not an Elden ring boss
2 things
Thu Jan 25 2024 Quantum flashThe game is great and has a unique twist to it with the parkour features. Please make a roll button or “parkour” button that allows the player to do a flip in the direction the player is facing ( side flips, back flips front flips, Horizontal, vertical) that type of idea. Also allow maybe allow the player to merge weapons already in arsenal (com pistol + com pistol equal = rare pistol) type of idea. Last but not least please smooth out the gameplay as I experienced in higher waves a sort of glitch in frames, sometimes even in lower levels. Other than that this is a great game and I can see a lot of potential. I do hope you guys feed this the proper content it needs. Maybe even make a multiplayer co-op feature 👀. That’s all for now.