Needs work (constructive criticism)
Fri Jan 21 2022 Fighter2335I’ve found myself required to constantly “live beyond my means” throughout the entirety of my characters life. I also think it’s completely unrealistic for your character to be required to live in a certain type of luxurious home in order to get a new job. Also a bit strange for the character to be required to have 3months experience as a head chef to be Be an intern in the construction field of work. And it’s a bit insane for anyone one to work in a job where they are already living beyond their means and then take a job that pays less just to start their next journey. On top of all this the characters happiness is a big part of the game as well as their health as you progress in the game your required to spend money (you earn in game) in order to keep them healthy and happy in order to progress. Now while all of this can be assisted by exchanging stocks and gambling it’s still very Grindy. And lastly my biggest complaint is the adds you have far too many adds or rather they happen to frequently I understand that you get your funds from this game through adds but it’s extremely irritating that I will have to watch 3 or more adds navigating the game which would’ve taken me probably 15 second maximum without said adds. Again I understand you have to earn money if you want to keep this game up but I feel like theirs better ways to earn money then having adds pop up this frequently.
Wed Jan 08 2020 Koalabear#6059 add meFirst off this game is super addicting, I got it a few days ago and haven't put my phone down. I love how it’s challenging rather than super easy to just win. However i’m now in the “job in finance” section of the jobs and it’s just making me rage quit. Idk if it’s a glitch or if it was meant to happen but I would have over $100,000 and than accept a new job and randomly drop down to $3,000 or even lower. Like It just randomly took all my money and it didn’t say anything in the notification area. I know there can be those unexpected life events that makes you pay $2k for crashing your car or something but to take over 100k away is a bit ridiculous and annoying. including since the next job you have to get you need over 200k in your bank.
Secondly, they have to many sad mood lets. I mean my character gets sad over her husband not feeling a spark and it doesn’t tell me how to fix it and there’s not much I can do when i’m left with 3k after i get a new job. It’s just aggravating having to wait and try to get money with the casino and stocks which takes forever to get money including since you constantly have to spend money to get the happiness up.
It would be A lot better with you fixed the money thing and the mood things.
Game makes no sense, must live beyond your means
Tue Oct 12 2021 Earl_oharaCan't stress how dumb this game is. You have to eat a certain type of food, housing, relationship or vehicle to get a job???? No job cares what you eat, where you live, your car, or if you have a relationship. Having prerequisite for getting lower paying entry level job (i.e. Janitor) is to have already worked at a more prestigious higher paying position (top manager) is counter intuitive. Once you get into financial trouble for being forced to live beyond your means, it does things like sell your vehicle to which will cause you to lose your job; and the only way to keep said job is to buy back the more expensive vehicle, which you can't do because of your finances. Doesn't allow you to manage your life and allow you to scale back expenses, i.e. break-up with girlfriend, move back to more cost efficient housing, drive a used car, eat hot dogs; because for some strange reason you need to have a new tuxedo every month and live in a penthouse to have that higher paying job.
Meanwhile you can already have completed your law degree but for some reason will need to work your way past being a baker instead of working as a lawyer. If you opt not to do the Education part I can see having to work your way up the food chain. But it's pointless if I can actually be the head of an Engineering Construction company without even gone to school for it. Game needs a MASSIVE overhaul before I play again. UNISTALLED!!!
Pls add this or else one star rating
Wed Feb 08 2023 sam628363I unlocked dog and there is not even a cat pls add a cat cuz I’m more of a cat person so can you give a choice so you can ether get a cat or a dog if your more of a cat person or more of a dog person and add so you can choose what breed you want cuz its boring if you want another breed and it doesn’t give you it and can you add a sandbox mode so you don’t need expenses and add achievements for the story mode that’s the mode with expenses and make it so you can’t unlock achievements for sandbox mode but stuff is still required for jobs but you don’t have to pay for your pet, girlfriend/boyfriend, food, clothes etc. although you can still lose money from gambling and that go up or down to earn money game whatever it’s called but DONT YOU DARE make so there is no ads on sandbox or I’m going to be mad 😡 cuz I don’t want to pay for it so don’t u dare pls add all this or else one star rating ⭐️*after reading developer response* Tysm that means THANK YOU SO MUCH! *After a week* I waited a week and it’s still not there I asked for more stuff for pets and a sandbox and never saw it 🫤🙁🫥 *after a month* YOU HAVENT ADDED THIS FOR A MONTH NOW! 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 ARE YOU GONNA ADD IT OR NOT!!!!!?????
Elaborate Scam!!!!!
Thu Mar 03 2022 a joke of a gameFirst and foremost. I did complete this game and beat it entirely. The only objective to this game is for you to watch ads but here's the gimmick. for you to earn money in the game (around 500 each ad) it takes approximately 30 seconds. BUT, it also takes approximately 30 seconds for you to go through an entire month in game, to where you could just make your money on income. so you pay the 2.99 for no ads, just like any other app on the store. Here's where i realized they are an elaborate scam. first, with the timing of their ads and also the timing it takes for months to progress and second, they will have so called "sales" where you can buy money for a percentage off. for example, "buy 9k now for 50% off" but then you realize for that same exact price you could just buy 90k. so psychologically since apps are addicting you do it thinking you are getting a deal when in reality you aren't. i paid 10 dollars for my salary to double four 5 hours and beat the game in those 5 hours. third, when they advertise their app on other apps they make there game seem as if you have life choices to make and that the game is a lot more detailed and elaborate than what it actually is. the game BLOWS. and there's zero rewards for beating it. BASICALLY WHAT IM SAYING IS THE GAME IS POINTLESS IF YOU DONT SPEND YOUR ACTUAL MONEY.
Thu Oct 01 2020 ky0518Im not the type of person to write bad reviews.. I like to have an open mind towards things and usually stay quiet about it but i cant help but comment on this.. Those unexpected notifications where you have to sell your car for 30% of what you bought it for (knowing that having a car and other essentials in this game is the only way to move up in your career) for literally no reason at all is insane and actually extremely manipulative for an app gaming company. I’ve started the game over multiple times with the same message pushing you to get more coins or you’ll have to start over losing your car, job, house and everything even if you have well over enough amount of money to cover the expenses. This game is literally using manipulative tactics to get you to buy more coins by taking away all of your hard work in the game which is not necessarily surprising because thats what a lot of gaming companies do but I’ve literally never seen a gaming/app company take away everything the user worked and in most cases even paid for. If you want to earn more money through users set up a subscription in the game or find another way to allow users to decide whether or not they want to invest in it or not don't take away all of their hard work to get them to pay for it.. it’s sadistic.
Nice game, too many issues.
Sat Jun 13 2020 blossominglittleroseI promised myself I'd finish it once. It gets aggrievating when money drops randomly, and keeps dropping, the number amount of earned to spend is not balanced. Currently I have no extra and the earning is 6.9k while spending is 7.5k and need 35k to move on. Which brings me to the mood let's where everything pushs for upgrading such as better house, baby, higher education. You can't possibly do it without waiting HOURS for the career before to increase the money (possibly days irl), or watch so many ads that you're getting sick to your stomach, and doesn't even increase with career. Not like the balance of helps for mood and health matter anyway, lost chance for free mood and at.2% for health.. Which brings me to my last bit, ads, I don't mind them, know it's a source of income for the company but EVERY SINGLE TIME you switch screens? And you don't earn the cash for it like when you force them. I spend money on a game I enjoy, I'm not going to waste money on a game that's going to pick and prod at me til I BUY the no ad from them.. Reduce ads or make it all money earning possibilities.. Can't say I hate the game but this is why once I finish or decide the struggle is too stupid to deal with I'll delete and never look back.
A Hack.
Wed Jun 10 2020 kataarisThere is no way of winning this game without paying actual money...or doing a date/time cheat. Almost always, your expenses are greater than your earnings. Even when they’re not, your character only earns a couple hundred a month. The problem with this is that once you reach a certain job sector, you need to have an insane amount of money in your savings to get the job. If you happen to have that money, once you accept the job, those required savings are deducted and you almost always go back to no money without turning a profit. This keeps on going for every single job until you need over a million dollars in savings to get the next job. The only way to get that kind of money in the game is either by: 1. Paying 99 USD 2. Watching thousands of ads or 3. Just skipping days on settings on your phone to collect the daily rewards (which is just bull). This game was made to be un-winnable unless you make in-app purchase. And on top of all that, why are there only white characters? And who gets a law degree, a engineering degree, a business degree, and a bunch of others all at once? The game makes no logical sense and is just a bad rip off of other tycoon games. If I could give this game 0 stars I would. Don’t waste your time, play another game like BitLife, which is the fantastic original game.
Real $ to Win
Thu Nov 26 2020 Kelsey WickamThe game is super enjoyable, but all the jobs, after a certain point, don't ever give you enough monthly income to cover expenses. I tried to save up so much money and do all the education early on when I was making more income than spending, and it doesn’t work. You could save up and try and get the nice houses and cars, but one day you’ll just be homeless again cause you won’t be able to pay everything and continue to gain money. You can’t go past a certain job. And I tried to stay at a certain career that allowed me to make money but then the character is unhappy and wants to progress. So he dies. You also can’t take anything off your monthly expenses. If you don’t need something or go to a job that makes less money, you can’t take off expenses. I think this should be an option, because it would make it more realistic. If it were real life we’d get to make a decision about what we can spend less on. But we can’t.
I would pay an app fee for this game, but I can’t spend $10+ every game. I think it’s a great game and it’s addicting but it’s so frustrating and makes me so angry that I didn’t know I wouldn’t be ably e to complete without spending my own money. Feels so unsatisfying. Please consider just making the app cost a one time fee?
Was quite good until...
Sat Jan 04 2020 FeazantI had low hopes for this game at a first glance, but I was quickly impressed at the lowkey strategy and addictive nature of the game. I played it a few days and was honestly having a good time, but the game certainly has a few things it needs to fix. I don’t mind games that are difficult or challenging to learn, but when a game just randomly screws over the player it isn’t fun. The game has a random aspect in itself that can help the player, but can and will screw the player over for no good reason. You can be playing along like I was and have time invested into a character, be doing everything right, and the game will still take all your money and put you into so much debt (your character has literally everything taken away and is unplayable due to expenses).
That’s just the gameplay itself. The game has SOOOOOOO many ads to the point that you will be spending more time watching the ads than you will be playing the game (unless you disconnect from WiFi and cellular 😉). Many of the ads are unstoppable and sometimes for a 30 sec ad you’re spending maybe 10 secs in game. Great deal for the developer, not so great for the player.
Overall don’t get this game if you value your time or don’t want to ragequit over random chance 🤷🏼♂️