Love it but.....
Thu Apr 15 2021 AlexMorgan1327I really enjoy this app. I like how you can play offline and whatever. But it gets boring after a while. You put Angela to bed and make her dance. I wish there was an option for it to be online where you could have a fashion show with your friends, or something. Angela has a very large selection of clothes which is fun. You get to unlock different outfits by taking care of her and increasing her moods. It does get updates often unlike a lot of apps, which is a fun thing to look forward to. But the spinning wheel!! I can’t tell you how frustrating that is. I swear it’s rigged. The spinning wheel is where if you watch an add, you get to spin a wheel. You will always win SOMETHING, but here’s the problem! About half of the times I have spun the wheel, I land right next to the jackpot. Now, I would say what the jackpot is but I’ve never gotten it and I’ve been playing for over a year. I have another suggestion. So when she is sad, you make her happy by playing mini games. Well she has like 4. There is definitely room for more mini games. I have one more “negative” thing about this app. The adds! You get one every 30 seconds!! Now the only reason I have this game is for the little stickers you get for texting, and it’s only purpose is to hog my iCloud storage. I’m sorry for being negative 😢 😣
Hope you download this ❤️
Fri Dec 02 2022 ⒸⓁⓄⓊⒹⓎ_V͜͡i͜͡b͜͡e͜͡s͜͡First off, this game is amazing!! I used to play it a lot, then I deleted it because of the rumors! But then I was watching some videos of the game, then I noticed that it was an hoax about “The man in her eye” call me weird or whatsoever but, I kinda saw a vent in her eye, but nothing out of the ordinary happened! also, I think I’m kinda paranoid, also the rumors are an hoax because Apple wouldn’t allow this! Like Laurenzside said “Apple wouldn’t allow this on here!” So I learned that you cannot trust everything you see on the internet, I used to think the man in her eye was true FOR YEARS so I stayed away from the game, but I was brave enough and I decided to download it, and drumroll please…NOTHING HAPPENED TO ME, see I’m still here, still ALIVE, and safe as well, so I just wanted to prove that this game is innocent, and all the rumors are an hoax, but if you don’t believe me, that’s fine, but I appreciate you reading this if you find it, if you don’t want to believe me then, don’t download I just hope your safe, call me a liar tbh, idc, but I just hope you see this, and change your mind about the game, but your scaring little kids into thinking this poor innocent game is dangerous, but it isn’t! Again, I used to think this was TRUE, but anyways I hope your safe out there! And have a good day or night, Bye!!
Kids, don’t believe the “rumors” people are telling you.
Sat Dec 24 2022 cherry blossenI can’t believe anyone would say “THERE’S A MAN IN HER EYE!”… Pathetic… If you believe that junk. Sure put your eye up to her eye. You see a ‘person’ looking at you. Have you ever noticed that you see a ‘person’ whenever the device dies? Or a ‘person’ when it’s off. Or a ‘person’ when you see a black screen? It’s your reflection!!! Sure, don’t believe me! But, your gonna be living with nightmares because of your fantasy of seeing a ‘person’ in Angela’s eye. This is on about all of the OUTFIT7 games. Seriously! Who came up with these stupid jokes to scare kids out of their wits?! You heard a noise? Do you have someone else their? Games have glitches you know. You’re having bad dreams? Why are you listening to these people who thinks it’s a good idea to scare children. Angela texted you? What are you talking about?!?! Any adults who believe this are just—just…. 🤦🏽♀️… Wow!… People actually believe this. Some of these reviews are literal lies. Angela REPEATS what you say! Please, stop saying these things. It is a stupid joke! Apple wouldn’t allow somebody to watch you! Just be quiet with your little hoaxes and stop bullying OUTFIT7!!! smh right now to you child bullies.
These rumors 1! 2 these adds! And 3 great app.
Thu Sep 15 2022 root for robloxThis might be long but plz read 1: *THE RUMORS ABOUT OUTFIT7 IS…. Not true everyone. See, if you see these things either you are NOT doing what you are supposed to do or it’s really true (and it’s not freaking true). I never saw it! The man in her eye. Not repeating.. So……………. And I played since I was 1….Nothing happened to me. So these rumors are fake. Stop scaring these freaking kids cause I was scared but now I know they AIN’T true. And i’m 10! People says it’s scary as crap but it ain’t. It’s just a copycat game! The rumors are NOT true. I promise that* 2: *I love the game but it’s hard to lvl up and the clothes are a little pricey and I wish there was online games on there* *these adds are ANNOYING and bad adds that kids shouldn’t see!* REMINDER: RUMORS ARE FAKE ABOUT ANGELA. AND ALL THE OUTFIT7 APPS ARE COMPLETELY SAFE! IT’S KID FRIENDLY!! STOP THESE RUMORS! YOU ARE SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF US KIDS! IT’S 100% SAFE!! If you wanna feel safe (the rumors aren’t true tho) just turn off the microphone so y’all can stop trippin! Thank you for reading and please keep playing this AWESOME game! Thx family🙏 Edit: I agree with Crazy Star 17 Edit: All of OUTFIT7 is completely safe. Stop tripping about talking Angela, Talking Angela two, All of talking Tom, all of talking Hank, all of talking ginger, and all of talking Ben. They are all fine!!
Best, just hair suggestions
Fri Aug 21 2020 Nicknamessuck14I really like to play this game I play it every day now for the coins. Nothings wrong with it except for adds I know you need it for a profit but just for my suggestion no adds in the area if you guys decide to make it, please no adds. But I still do not get rid of one star for that. When you see all the awesome looking hair in the wardrobe section and you think some are cool some are meh, then an idea hit me! You could have your own hair!!! So this is how it goes... you have a section where it has a salon you make the hair However you want with some neat tools. Then a star of some sort comes to rate it it doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, you’ll just get more coins depending on how good it looks to the judge. ( not actually a shoot it star thing, or a real life judge.) so the you sell it. You earn coins whenever someone purchases it in the wardrobe. But. If it’s really unique people can either choose to bye it from a store like place. Off of the food market stores where you buy Angela’s meals. Orrr buy it from an area bought like the potions area. But have to pay real money irl but this time the game gets the real money and the person gets the coins. See now you can get money without adds. 😉So please take this into consideration I really want this update.
Ok buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut…🫤🫤🫤
Sat Nov 25 2023 Genevieve HayesPretty good, fun @ first. Buuut, I got a notification, which is fine, right?? Yes! But not when not even 10 seconds later, I get another one!!!!! I know. I can’t turn them off but I like to have them on. You may not be in control of the notifications but please could you please like contact the person that is? Thanks and after you do that you might also want to give it more of a variety of things like clothes and make up. Then that might make it a 4 1/2 for me, then again, maybe not. I do have that it’s a free Wi-Fi game that’s a plus. another suggestion is maybe that you can’t like finish the sticker books and it just is endless. Some things maybe unchangeable. And I understand that, but for the most part I feel like these are pretty change more things. Of course, I do not work for something like this, so I don’t really know. I’ve heard that in the reviews they don’t really answer that you want but y’all can prove that. But for the most part, it’s pretty good at it was really fun at at first but then I just got boring. I don’t really know what that’s mainly just an opinion. But you may find this like the most fun game in the world and that’s your opinion that’s fine. That’s all I really have but thanks anyways even if you don’t answer any of us and I hope y’all at least read it. God bless! 🙏🏼
It’s not as creepy as I thought but it is still pretty creepy
Wed Dec 02 2020 it just needs more updatesThis game is kind of creepy but not as creepy as I thought it’s kind of fun when the cat is a baby I don’t really want to take it out of that Little things that it’s in when you first start playing I don’t know why but it is kind of creepy when he gets older it gets really sleepy I barely ever get to play with it when I just leave it alone for one day and it’s still sleeping in bed it just pops up in the happy area thing and it says I’ve been waiting for you in a speech bubble one time I was talking to it and I said to it who are you it didn’t repeat what I said it just said kidnapper I was really really scared it’s extremely creepy do not download this game it’s spies on kids to some people don’t believe me but if you play you will... i’ve been playing this for a long time you got a believe me and trust me a long time ago on the other app they had this thing in Angela‘s eyes I got creeped out but I also saw it along time ago you can actually talk with the cat but now it’s a band and now you don’t see the stings in the eyes often or barely at all but it still can do really creepy stuff I think they took away the thing where you can see something in the eyes because it wanted to stop the bad reviews and when they made it they didn’t think about the bad reviews but they got so many bad reviews and one stars so they deleted it but they still have bad reviews going.
My opinion of the game
Wed May 18 2022 lunabelle&tixieI love the game and the dynamics and the nostalgia I get from playing but I really don't like the new dancing thing, It's really glitchy. Sometimes I have to pay a diamond just to use a damce move twice so I can get enough points to get more cards, I've gotten all but two cards and I still haven't gotten the permanent butterfly face makeup yet. Sometimes when I do the dance thing, I do everything correct but it stays on the screen and doesn't give me the points for cards, but it also makes her tired and puts her dance happiness to 100! I don't understand why that happens, and it's really frustrating since I had to pay a diamond for the dances too. I would also like it if there was more variety in the clothing choices, but the second game makes up for that very well so far. I just started the second, but I like the prices a lot more too. I was even thinking of getting the first one again since I had it as a kid and loved it! The games are really fun to play, but the dance part really needs to be worked on, as well as the stickers probably. I watched ads for an hour straight trying to get the last card I needed for the red sideswept hair and I just needed the rare 41 card, but I got so many duplicates of wverything else for multiple days in a row even though I play a lot.
There’s nothing in the eyes!
Tue Apr 02 2024 👹👻👻🤒👿🥴😷My people, stop making these stupid, scary comments about a man or woman in the eyes! It’s not true! Like good god, just stop. If you see something in the eyes then think about it logically, has anything ever happened, like oh, I dunno, A mysterious person ever came to your house? Probably not. Never trust the internet. And if it does ask you for personal information then just make something up like “I live in Florida.” (I don’t actually live in Florida) And also, I’m not trying to be rude or anything, but OutFit7, if you are pranking people, just stop, it scares little kids out of their minds. That goes for everyone, if you’re purposely trying to scare kids, just shut up and keep your opinions to yourself, and OutFit7, don’t be stupid and act like you don’t care about the kids that are playing these idiotic games. (No offense, but they really are dumb.) And also, this is actually scaring people into thinking that they’re being stalked by a guy in the eyes. But the fact that you continue to be cyber bullies. Yeah, that’s right cyber bullies. Get it together. And stop being so melodramatic about this. The game is pretty good. I just don’t like how she’s so sexy.
Sun Jun 28 2020 ooopoppooMy talking Angela is a great game I love it after the first day of playing it I made it to level 9 there are a few things I wanted to say about the game first the mini games shouldn’t be so hard for example the mini game were you have to stack the suitcases it shouldn’t be so hard to stack them second when you go to the dance floor and u have to watch video to get the happy star have moves and then after the dance when you watch the video you get super star makeup I love putting makeup on my Angela but when u but when u put it on her then it only lasts for a day third I want some hair options that don’t cost so much for example I am dying to get the pastel twist but it so many gems fourth the gems when you go to the wheel u have to watch an ad every time you want to spin the wheel fifth I want to know why you get the cards you need then when watch an AD you only get two cards number one and number two you always get duplicates so there is no point in trying to collect the cards if you are not going to get any new cards I hope you enjoyed my review P.S I want a developer response please and thank you but I do love your game it is the best game I have ever played 😋😜😛🤪😝🤩🥳😎😺😸