My Favorite Game Of 2024
Fri Jul 19 2024 Dragonfy_80It is an amazing game almost everything about it is perfect, well almost. The ONE thing I want is something like the auction house from 2k23 so we can trade players with friends or and random people. Other than that the game might be expensive to others but that is how the game is, if you can afford the prime collection than spend $600 on it. Most people don’t realize that you pay for what you get like Rank 5 Steph Curry from the Prime Collection Is about 158,000,000 coins if you complete the Prime Collection. And you could sell those Steph Curry’s and become rich. This why NBA Infinite is my favorite game of 2024.
What are the devs doing???
Mon Jun 17 2024 tenguSamuraiHere’s my thing, i see point guards make dunks and layups on 2 bigs all the time, but as soon as a big goes for a shot attempt in the paint it’s always heavily contested it doesn’t matter if he’s guarded by a guard… why is this??? It’s should be easier, there’s no way a point guard should stop Giannis’s dunk animation because the defense was too close, if anything Gianni’s should be running through defense it’s like the devs don’t watch actual basketball, and why is it that all someone has to do is stand next to you to contest the shot??? It would make more sense if they actually tried to contest the shot by trying to block it. And why do the bigs have a consistent 3 pointer?????? Karl Anthony towns should not be doing step back 3s, they can’t be guarded and he’s not a player that always looks for a 3 pointer, all of these problems just show bad research and that always leads to horrible game development. I gave it 3 stars because I like playing with friends with a mic and the verity of players, it would be 1 star if those features we’re missing and that’s bad, that’s horrible. And one more problem, everything costs entirely too much pls Change that, I shouldn’t have to spend $80 for 1M coins and my players is $3M to upgrade, meanwhile it takes 7 days to grind up 1M coins, THATS JUST INSANE.
Game is terrible at times
Sat Jun 08 2024 SwingCarsThe gameplay is OKAY nothing over the top the gameplay is mad slow so if you don’t like slow basketball you won’t like it it’s really sluggish and it’s a money grab game all the good cards are P2P (pay to play) and you literally cannot make a contested layup or shot to save your life… at least on 2k you can make contested layups more frequently this game you will miss if you are contested.
New Update
Wed May 29 2024 Koba_11_This game was a 5 star before this new update. Now it is absolutely trash. Had like a 20 minute download and they were supposedly going to fix bugs but just made the game laggier. This new trial fix for clubs made clubs so useless. You can only use a trial player for three games. Whose stupid idea was that. This game just turned into the biggest money grab and pay to win game ever. The prime collections are so stupidly expensive. Now if another player on the other tesm picks a player that you have before you pick him you can’t use it. That is by far the stupidest thing in the new update. I have a 94 Giannis and I couldn’t use him for three games straight because somebody picked his 87 giannis before I could click mine.
Sat Jun 15 2024 Asuna StrawberryThe controls are buggy ash, add to the fact that the game don’t flow,how it used to, missed 5 wide open shots hitting the blue with a 92 fully energized dame with takeover…… extremely pay2win, you can’t use the same characters as the other team so if your on,y good card is chosen before you get to pick ya player then you have to use some else. Trial players went from 2 hour use, to now 2 hour use but for only 3 games. I loved this game but now it’s just so bad, I’ve reached hall of fame all season and I know I don’t play bad, but as I’m defending all of a sudden when I’m playing people my controls bug out and my game glitches causing the other person to score, like that’s absurd, either fix this game or more people are gonna delete it. There’s Clans of people who haven’t been on in a months because of how bad it’s getting.
Shots,Updates,Pay to win
Sun Jun 16 2024 …you can be wide open with a 87 jamal murray with 850+ mid range and 3pt plus coaches boost and miss, while a rank 1 anthony edward or rank 1 legendary curry is hitting 3’s with a low 3pt rating consistently. the top characters most people use are paid to win, people don’t know how to use the player market correctly, if your not on a team, they will queue you with people who just started playing the game with whatever rank you are doesn’t matter if it’s high or low ,while putting you against a team with all hall of fame players. they said they were goin to balance a few characters and even so they’re still broken. this game was good season 1 and beginning of 2 now it’s jus time to say goodbye 😂 do not play this game UNLESS you are willing pay for characters or lose freely.
Solid game
Fri Jun 14 2024 drummaboy10It’s solid I’ve loved playing it. The passing still makes me mad. We should be able to tap the player we want to pass too it makes it a lot easier. Also the shooting system is a bit wack. NBA players make contested shots all the time. The shot should go in or not depending on the skill set of the player, not the mechanics of a game. Joel Embiid missing layups on Steph Curry because it’s “heavily contested” is not realistic sorry. That’s big size difference. Finally the new Hustle Mode should be infinite just like the rest of the modes… other than that cool game and has potential.
Awesome but the players ruin the game
Sat Jun 08 2024 ashmash49The game by itself is awesome except for some minor things + the other players. It’s really rare that you can actually do an alley oop dunk (only seen it once) and sometimes defense gets finicky. But the worst part of this game is that probably over half the players take awful shots, don’t help you with screens, and don’t pass ever. These people are psychos. You’ll see people shooting 17% from the field and you really have to try to be that bad. Other than that, the game is super fun and really well done and I’m very impressed.
Decent but
Wed May 29 2024 Takssss22It’s generally a good game in terms of gameplay and online experience and competition. However it’s really unfair that you have to spend millions of coins to actually upgrade players when you’re barely rewarded with coins past the first few levels. Would be great if I wasn’t practically being forced to spend cash to make decent progress because even the diamonds aren’t gifted in abundance to buy only coach packs. And the rarity of legendary and epic players makes it disheartening to save up to buy all those tickets for nothing
Great now with massive potential(didn’t meet the potential)
Fri May 31 2024 TyLyghtEdit: was gonna write a detailed update but honestly game is not worth it, free to play got way worse and will have a hard time, good players don’t play anymore so ur left with all ball hogs and bots in solo queue and everyone left because all the new updates are greedy and no fun cool updates so if u play a lot it gets repetitive
Great details and variety, it’s like 2k myteam mixed with park and league of legends somehow. For real tho there is so much depth in this game, free to play is extremely possible and no ads