Incredibly innovative stunning and informative
Mon Aug 19 2019 mayhemwinsI love both rhythm and story based games and it’s hard to find a game that can effectively pull off both- but this game does it! Even though it’s not an English language game the information and subtitles allows you to understand what’s going on perfectly! I love the innovative gameplay mechanic and how it compliments the stunning visuals that directly play into the story. It’s also deceptively hard in the amount of syncopation required even early on. Plus the informative section of the game really ties it all together- I personally love when games tie into different mythologies. And the score is incredible!
Sat Jan 23 2021 ThisappistotallyfakeThe preview does NOT do this game justice. I can’t believe it’s only 5 levels. The story line, the music, the art, everything is beyond perfection. PLEASE UPDATE WITH MORE LEVELS. This is honestly the first time I have ever left a 5 star review and comments for any game. It’s also the first time I’ve felt this overjoyed by a game since the apple store was released. These developers are talented. I cannot wait to see what they produce after graduation if this is the caliber game they’re creating while still obtaining their degrees. WTG.
Mon Jul 30 2018 Sliver CloudLove the game reminds me of taiko drumming. Please add more a lot more cause it was way way too short of game play. And it was really easy. But the game looks beautiful. Love it. We want more now! I’ll add the 5th star when we get more levels or a non stop mode or something. Awesome make one where it’s like the arcade dummer game taiko with music from Asia and keep it to two finger gameplay and you’ll have a huge hit on your hands. Been waiting for years and years for something like this. Keep it up and keep it updated. Thank for making my month all about this game. I’m telling everyone to download it today!
Atmospheric and beautifully simple
Fri Jul 20 2018 LtelleThis is definitely a case of quality over quantity- it’s short, which probably explains why it’s free, but if it were longer I’d gladly pay a couple bucks for the game. It’s educational to boot! Gameplay, music, and design are all perfect for mobile.
An issue I have is with the last level, which includes an achievement that requires “getting manchurian paper cuttings that bounce off Nishans shield” but there’s no obvious way to do this. It also claims that getting an excellent score on all levels will unlock a hidden ending but it does not seem to trigger.
Outstanding game!
Tue Jul 24 2018 LoooooopzIve never been one to leave a review but this game really takes the cake. I originally downloaded it because I enjoy rhythm based games, but I got SO much more. Learning about the legend and the beautiful meanings behind the symbols really made me stop and think. The only downside is there are only 5 breath taking levels. I hope the developers make more games like this in the future! Maybe do DLC of other legends? I would pay a good amount of money to play that.
Mind blowing game by a few students
Thu Jul 26 2018 ExplengThis has to be one of the greatest games done by students! The music, the animation, and the story is all filled with Chinese culture. Though the Shaman culture is nearly lost and forgotten, a team of talented musicians and animation artists brought it back to live. I love this game for both the culture and the astonishing level of detail. Bravo! This game is extremely well made. Tencent should really invest in more of these games and continue to work with these young talents.
Amazing and artistic masterpiece of culture
Thu Aug 02 2018 LoserinoI learned so much about Northern Chinese culture that I never would have known about and I learned in an amazing artistic and musical way, this really blew me away in terms of the art style and music. The game is rather short but as a completionist I’ll definitely replay stages to finish the compendium so I can learn even more about this fascinating culture. Clearly lots of passion and amazing design went into this game and it couldn’t be any other way.
Beautiful little game
Thu Aug 09 2018 skhdjeI ran across this game scrolling through my phone. What an unexpected delightful. It is beautiful to look at and fairly easy to play. The one down side is you can’t really appreciate what’s going on in the game background while playing. It is, however, meant to be played repeatedly so one can gain all of the icons and learn more about ancient Manchurian culture. I hope these young people fulfill their promise of more games to come!
Sat Jul 21 2018 HorribleMatchmakingI NEVER write reviews let alone 5 star. The music was the greatest. I don’t even listen to this type of music, I love rock, but this captivated my every being for a solid hour. The music really transported you to that world and made you feel the heart ache, the excitement, the INTENSITY! Astounding game, those university students have amazing careers ahead of them if they don’t already. I’m downloading every one of these soundtracks if I can find them.
Where’s the Hidden ending?
Sat Jul 21 2018 Budderboy1313I beat the game very quickly and did enjoy it but when I noticed there was a secret ending I worked to get excellent on all of the levels. After getting excellent I could not trigger the hidden ending so I got all of the achievements and still no hidden ending. Is the hidden ending hidden somewhere in one of the levels or is your game broken. I’ve noticed that out of your sixty some reviews, there was one with the same problem as me. Can you PLEASE fix this bug.