Hey Folks…Airplane Mode…No Ads
Mon May 20 2024 debs9*I like this game, but the problem I have is that I keep getting a popup that I need to update my app and it’s not even for the same game. And there’s no way of getting around it. So I have to shut it down and start up again. What’s up with that?
The Best Advertisement Simulator!
Sat Mar 09 2024 Hernandez6713Do you love watching garbage ads? Do you love spending more time watching ads than playing the game? Then this game is for you!
Nearly everything about this game is an advertisement! Despite how awesome that may sound, be prepared to watch the same 3 ads consecutively until you want to hit your head on something. Accidentally click a certain part of the screen? Ad! Click the button that doesn’t require you to watch an ad? Still ad! Thinking about breathing or giving your phone a look it wouldn’t appreciate? You guessed it. Ad!
But it doesn’t stop there. This game is actually so nice, that it gives you a game within the ads. It’s called “find the tiny ‘x’ hidden somewhere on the screen.” This is a game worthy of 5 stars. So much so that it made me return to therapy again due to highlighting my unchecked rage and aggression. If you’re having a good day and would prefer to change that, download this game today!
Tue Jun 18 2024 CymenthyThis is a nice game, and i enjoy playing it,BUT I am wondering if it has been taken over by the thought only of monetary issues because of the proliferation of ads in the enterprise? At first, it wasn’t so bad, and the ads didn’t seem to last that long, but now, I am getting a sore finger from trying to mash whatever spot I can to get the ad gone so I can play a short version of the game. I guess I could purposely get the wrong answer so I could keep playing, but that might get boring. I might need to contact the other person who said something about having to go back and see their psychologist, and ask who the doctor is.
It really is a nice game, but just be aware that if many ads bother you that you will be bothered.
Challenging, but gets intensely repetitive.
Wed Jul 03 2024 theoddguyI’ve played over 200 levels and I’m about to go crosseyed. The game is incredibly repetitive. It’s got its own relaxing, meditative vibe to it, which is why I’ve lasted so long, but good lord am I tired of solving the same 2 or 3 layouts over and over. Suggestion to the developers: mix it up just a little! Even different backgrounds, color patterns, etc would make a huge difference. I have no reason to keep playing the game at this point because I feel like I’ve been solving the same puzzle dozens of times.
could be so much better
Sat Jun 22 2024 BRINKwerks1. it’s just got the progressively harder mission-type path, but should also add an endless / arcade / casual option
2. should offer a 1-payment ad-free version. $2.99/week is a ridiculous price for a casual game. iCloud storage is $2.99/month for gigs.
3. on the mission path, make level numbers selectable for replaying. up around level 100 with the additional colors, yes it’s challenging, but it gets to where it takes the fun out of it. give the user options.
otherwise great game - addictive!
Ads, Ads, Ads
Tue Jul 16 2024 Grinning from ear to earWay too many ads! And the only way to “purchase” help is to watch more ads!!! Someone please tell me what is the point of earning gold coins if they don’t have any purchase power or reason for earning them? This game is fun to play and I love the sound of the bolts screwing into place, but I spend as much time watching ads as I do actually playing the game. Because of the ad issue only giving it 3 stars.
No Ads
Thu May 30 2024 CarolsJenbeautyFor $2.99 a WEEK, I shouldn’t have or see ANY ADS pop up. I have played a lot of games and have never paid this much per week. Usually you just pay a one time fee, not $3 a week. This is to let everyone else know, don’t pay for this. The game is great, I love it, but, you still have ads, even though you’re paying $12 a month, ridiculous !!!!!!!
Be ready to watch videos
Tue Jul 16 2024 eveflashThis game doesn’t give you any tools or moves be prepared to watch many videos for creat a new screw or if you need to undo. I counted you play one game so the make you watch a video, the rewards useless only 50 tokens when you play 3 special game and you’ll get 100 tokens. Not here to watch tons of videos to play one game while watching so many videos I found 3 games that much better than this one.
False Advertising
Wed Apr 10 2024 Super Tired of AdsI discovered this game through an ad, the claim of “No ads, only relaxing” catching my attention. I love these types of games, but the endless ads always bug me… so to discover a free app with no ads? How refreshing! Caught a screen capture of that advertisement just in case, and immediately downloaded.
Finished level five… and suddenly an ad pops up. So much for “No ads, only relaxing”. Deleting. False advertising, plain and simple. If you’re tired of your games being interrupted by ads, do NOT get this game.
Too many ads
Sun Jul 07 2024 sleepy in flThe game itself is good. Really makes you use logic and think. However, every time you do anything there are annoying ads w “stars” you care nothing about all for royal match. Which after all those ads I would never want to play nor look at anything with any of the people in the ads