I don’t know how I feel...
Mon Mar 08 2021 Me the streetmeatThis game is good, and bad. The gameplay is awesome, the storylines are great ,and the time taken to organize the scripts is perfection. But, the graphics are kinda bad. The people glitch and look overly edited. And the worst part of all, when I played this game, I heard a really horrible noise. The audio of the music was trash! It sounded all glitchy and fuzzy. When I heard it at first, I thought something was wrong with my iPad (I dropped it in a sink full of water earlier) I thought that water got stuck in my microphone. Thank y’all so much for reading this review. The last thing I would like to say is that I have nothing against the creators or art directors of this game! These are just some suggestions that might need to be fixed. Thank you.
Good game!👍🏻
Mon Jun 27 2022 SeaShantiesAndWoodfiresIt’s a good game and the creator Did well on making it realistic but it doesn’t look like and like it doesn’t look like doesn’t look pretty real like when you’re going out of the house to go somewhere it just teleport to there it’s not like an actual route where you have to walk there also sometimes I can’t really understand what they’re saying I need too pick something and I don’t really know what that means like does it mean pick up like just like pick with your fingers I’m not sure what it means so some things I can’t really understand and it’s just I don’t know what to say about this game I download it because I thought it might be fun or something like that a little bit weird which I liked but when I got it like sometimes I can’t even understand and it’s just like the same routine over and over like washing dishes putting like it cracked eggs in the garbage like vegetables in their crates like is it the same route over and over again and it’s not that much of what I was expecting so I don’t really know what to say anyway thank you for reading my note and everyone else’s thank you!⭐️⭐️⭐️
I don’t really like this game
Fri Nov 10 2023 syinaprincessI don’t really like this game because whenever I get to the 3rd or 4th level it’s not letting me do anything I tried it so many times but it’s not working if you see the plz fix this it will help other people including me please fix the bugs but yeah I don’t really enjoy it but it’s fun try this out and it sometimes glitch’s me out I love this game and all but it’s really annoying how I delete it and start all over again and over and over so please fix this I don’t want to be like this for the rest of my life I wanna know what’s going on in the next one not like this just being stuck but it’s really good to know what to do it helps you know what to do when you get pregnant so if any of y’all have this problem I’ll check it out maybe in the future but if this happens again I’m not really going to enjoy this game and people who are out there and play this game and have the same problem as me plz read this if I make no sense that’s fine but yeah plz read this who ever is the owner plz if you don’t I will have to stop getting this game but good job I don’t really like this characters.
Sun Apr 24 2022 scigolayfirst, it’s easy to move/talk in-game, also, the ads are very short and the long ones are mostly interesting. second, it’s just like real life basically and it makes you get more and more excited about what’s gonna happen. next, I’m gonna talk about how everything goes; it’s not a glitchy simulation, and it has very smooth transitions and sometimes awkwardly funny moments. lastly, it literally gets me so interested in playing it 24/7 like playing it all the time instead of the roblox game I play. Ideas: maybe see if you can add some where you choose what to happens next and then you see the other part after. next/last idea: maybe you could add like when you get gems, you also get money that could be able so you could customize your house. thats all from me, bye!
Constant ads and chores
Sat Jan 06 2024 CassandrahendersonSo I’ve been playing this game and mainly doing around the house while I was pregnant. And that was ok because I hadn’t had the baby yet. I figured once I had the baby I would get to spend time with it. When I had it I did get a little bit of time to feed, bath, powder and change it’s diaper. I played it music and tickled it. But after spending a little bit of time with the baby. I’ve been doing chores again constantly haven’t seen the baby in a long time. Once your doing chores around the house your the only one there. So I don’t understand how I would have to do dishes so many times. For example I would do dishes, watch an ad. Then put tomatoes in crate, watch and ad. Then do dishes again, watch an ad. Then put potatoes in a crate, watch an ad. Then do dishes agian. It’s ridiculous and the organizing books part don’t even make sense. Overall it’s more of a chore simulator and wife simulator than it is a pregnancy simulator.
It’s good, but they still need to upgrade more
Mon Nov 18 2024 This game‘s not worth itOK, so I give this a two stars because first of all there is way too much ads and everyone doesn’t like ads like who does like ads anyways and second of all when you finish and when you have the baby, you just have to start all over again there’s no there’s no new anything you just have to start over and over and over so just a waste I download this game and I’ve been playing and playing the game took five hours. Five hours is way too much and trust me. It’s harder than you look because usually a normal games like this there’s only one thing you have to solve in the next one, but this one has like 1 billion it literally took me like one hour to finish one level one level that’s why I think you sit down because this is just a waste of time the game waste of time you don’t download
I don’t know how but it’s fun
Sun Jan 12 2025 XX dobleI love pregnancy games, romance, games, and things like that. This is one of those pregnancy games I love it’s fun and it’s 3-D and has a simulation and if you are stuck and I have no idea where to go they’re weird footprint thingies you can follow and the controls are very easy, I’d rate it five stars which I did. I hope you have fun playing this game. If you download it. have fun and have a nice day and one last thing maybe even two last things or three you can get gems and there’s even a store and this can also help you read by reading what the people are saying!!!!! :)
It’s pretty good
Tue Feb 07 2023 kkltr15Well, I was playing the game and I got my baby but a few days later I wasn’t even going to my baby I got pretty mad but if I didn’t tell this problem it is the best game and I couldn’t even get to the last stage so I recommend to go half the game and I don’t really know if it’s a glitch and if it is a glitch, please fix it there’s a lot of ads but I don’t care for me so people don’t like a lot of ads don’t play the game The game is fun sometimes frustrating but I am still playing it so please please please fix The glitch 🙏🙏 four stars.
I hope you can fix it.
Little overrated
Thu Jun 01 2023 BubblemaskSo I got this game and it’s very nice but the characters are like a little overrated so they look very weird. I wish we can customize them that would be fun. It’s kinda like reality so that makes it better. There’s not a lot of adds so that’s a good thing . I mean like this games is fun so I’ll give it that. There is levels so like we can experience more of it that’s a good thing. Overall the bad things I will say it’s a good game and I recommend it you guys who ever is gonna get it. So yeah thanks for reading. Also in the future I hope they update the characters!! 😃😀
Love Maddie
Sun Sep 19 2021 Sumér PeeréSo so fun! Please keep adding levels and updates because i really enjoy playing this game! The only things i’d like to see is being able to go back and play chapters you’ve already completed, or press a button to reset your progress so you can do it over again. i had to delete the whole app to start over which was frustrating. I also would like to see a refilling waterbottle animation. when it gets empty, we can pick it up and refill it in the sink or wherever. other than those things, love love love it!! keep up the awesome work!