Great game but keeps crashing - no support?
Sat Apr 06 2024 Carsonic6This game really makes me think and is simple, but tricky. Even though the levels repeat on a cycle, I don't care. It's really fun and engaging. BUT I'm at a point where when I complete level 700, it crashes. I've tried to access support on the developer's site but can't find anything for this game. I really hope they get it figured out so I don't have to just play one level.
Challenging and fun
Mon Oct 07 2024 BrillenaIt’s a simple yet challenging fun game. I consider myself a good gamer and my longest winning streak was 7 (not the greatest, I know). Sometimes I panic and send my ball the wrong way or I don’t judge the distance right and die. So I hit the restart button way more than I want too. Only thing that doesn’t make sense to me is the coins. Not sure why they give you coins that you can’t spend. At first I thought I’d be able to buy different ball designs and colors. And change the background and the enemies too. Maybe they will change that in the future. And finally, the ads aren’t as bad as you think. Some games make you watch the whole ad before you can “x” it out. At least you can close these ads out about 5 seconds after it starts instead of having to watch the entire 30 second clip. But overall, it’s my daily go-to game. Definitely worth downloading and trying it for yourself.
Too many adds and not enough lives
Sat Feb 15 2025 Sophslays213When I got this game and started playing it it was fun until I kept getting adds every time I won a level. It’s annoying especially when I’m just trying to relax and play a game. Another thing I don’t like about this game is that there are limited lives and that it makes you wait so long to get even one back. Once you run out of lives it just completely kicks you out of the game and it makes me angry and not want to keep playing it. I like the game in general but these things are complete game changers so if this gets changed the game would be perfect and I would be completely addicted to it.
Simple and entertaining
Tue Jun 18 2024 QRSpecVThis game is great! Like others have mentioned, it’s simple and makes you think. The levels repeat but the pattern of the red ball changes up so you don’t get in a memory pattern. The coins I have found are pointless. You can’t spend them on anything and so the option to watch an ad in order to multiply them is pretty silly. Only thing I can guess is for a high score but if you’re watching ads to boost, it isn’t really a high score. I paid the $5 to remove ads and it’s been a blast to have uninterrupted attempts
App crashes and won’t go past level 1688
Sun Mar 10 2024 Qik CrusherI was annoyed by the constant ads, so I ponied up and paid to get the ad free version. It’s an easy and fun mindless game to play, but now I’ve reached a level/point where the game just crashes when I complete the board and I can’t go any further. Very disappointing. I can’t even go back to earlier boards and start over, so I’m just money out for an app that I can no longer play. I’m giving it 3 stars because of the enjoyment I had before this glitch. I don’t understand why it would stop given the fact that it just repeats the same board themes in a cycle. Dumb.
Too many ads!!!
Sun Nov 13 2022 shawnfromnewburyEach level takes approximately 15 seconds. After every 2 levels you need to watch an ad. So watching an ad every 30 seconds is a little ridiculous. From a profit from ad stand point you would make much more if you spread the ads out a little more. For instance I did maybe 10 levels, so you made a profit for 5 ads with me. Now I’m deleting the game, so you only made profit for those 5 ads only with me. But if they were spread out a bit more I wouldn’t mind playing it and you would of made profit for hundreds if not thousands of ads over time with me. Just a thought. We both win that way. I enjoy the game more and you make more profits over time.
Great game but crashed
Fri Mar 29 2024 teabear142I love this game but I can’t get past lvl 76 it just crashes after you finish it and starts the lvl over again if you try to go back into the game. Seems like it’s not only me either looking at the reviews it happened to a lot of other people with different lvls.
What’s up with this version
Fri Mar 29 2024 Pinkster 13I feel like it’s Groundhogs Day. I play level 112, and when I win, I get thrown out. I load it again and I’m still on level 112. I’ve played level 112 for at least 6 times. I closed the game, went back to it and same level. I delete the game, reinstall it and start over. It’s fun, but a drag to have to delete and reinstall. Do another update please to fix this, I’m going to start to look for Bill Murray otherwise. lol.. and yes, I agree, too many ads.
Band the adds
Sat Oct 07 2023 Addz = noThere r to many addz and I don’t like them man who ever u are who made the game ther r way to many addz and yes I did give u a 5 star bc I’m nice but get rid of the adds that’s why no one what’s to buy ur game so like get rid of the adds or at least js for me pls and thank xoxo 💋💋💋
Beyond annoying amount of ads
Fri Sep 20 2024 luvleggsI can see having to see and ad if you fail but you not only get them, you get the add on time on top of it and for a level that takes 5 seconds to finish and be rewarded with a 30 second ad that then extends to 45 seconds because doesn’t actually finish is ludicrous. Getting uninstalled just not worth it