Can’t pick College of youre choice - but why not?
Thu Oct 26 2023 &:&;$/$/7;$;((I like this game. I also like the regular, Retro Bowl, which I played for years now. The main problem with the college Retro Bowl is that you’re unable to pick the college of your choice. When you first start playing the game, you can only choose from a limited number of low to your colleges. The question is, why? Why Is it structured this way? If the goal of the developers is to have the players work their way up, I get it. However, at some point, it’s simply ridiculous to prevent people from playing the college that they really like.
If the goal is to prevent everyone from picking, for example, Alabama, and winning every game every year, well, then make it harder …. The real fun and joy of playing a college football game is the colleges themselves. If you can’t play the college that you like, then this game is maddeningly frustrating. To put it bluntly, as structured, it serves no purpose.
To be clear now I have won multiple majors championships with multiple teams, including Nevada and Las Vegas – I won with Las Vegas two years in a row - Which should set me up as a pretty good player. However, most of the major college teams are still blacked out and I cannot pick them to play. Why? It serves NO purpose.
A top alternative to College Football
Sat May 25 2024 PandaMann12Probably one of the best football games I’ve played. A free College Football game that lets me play out as my fav team and build them into a dynasty? Say less! It’s got everything Retro Bowl has but with a college twist. Player GPAs, Scholarships, you name it. I like the challenge of only having players for only 4 years. It makes each roster you have fresh. The gameplay is seamless and the ranking system is pretty cool, too. Not only do they have all 133 FBS teams (well, fictionalized counterparts), but also all 128 FCS teams as well (still fictionalized). The fact that they did what EA wouldn’t even do with their past CFB games is just amazing. But I will talk about the flaws. You can’t realign conferences to your liking. Want to move Winston S. (Wake Forest) to the Sun Sash (Sun Belt) for being a bottomfeeder? Too bad! Think your Midwest (MAC) dynasty team should be in the Large X (B1G)? Nope! There’s also no transfer portal, so that’s a bummer. That would really add some spice to the game. Also, no redshirting. Some would say the jerseys and teams aren’t exactly the same as the real CFB teams, but, c’mon, unlimited is ¢99 so get that. Also there is no field editor, so I CAN’T MAKE MY BOISE STATE FIELD BLUE. I know, bummer. But besides all that, it’s probably the best CFB game to come out in a while and it should definitely be on everyone’s mobile device. You don’t even have to be a CFB fan to get into RBC.
Needs to be more like the current college game
Sun Sep 24 2023 Oboy_98Love the OG retro bowl and have customized it as a college game for awhile now. So I was super excited for an actual college version to play but have found this one a little disappointing. First off, the gpa is weird as a lot of people have commented on so it needs to be changed where you don’t have to bench your players every other week. Once or twice a season seems more accurate. Second, where is the transfer portal and NIL? These are huge parts of the current game and could be easily modulated from the pro versions free agency and salary cap. New star needs to research this and add it here. It would be a nice wrinkle to have to match NIL offers from other schools between seasons.
Third, why can’t you start at the school of your choice? I like the work your way up approach but also might like to pick my team for a different game just for fun. I want to be able to do both. RB is escapist entertainment and sometimes I want to escape by working my way through the ranks and sometimes by dominating with my fave team. Give both options.
Finally, I don’t understand why certain parts of the game aren’t included. If you have kick returns why not punt returns? Kickers but not punters? Let us play defense! And actually see our defensive players we recruit in action! Let us have more players! 12 is not enough.
Overall RB is the best sports game app hands down and my fave. Keep working to make it even better.
Great game with small things to fix
Mon Oct 23 2023 valdesrI’ve been a fan of the bowl games for as long as I can remember and the developers are usually pretty good at making adjustments. College football is definitely a bit harder to manage due to the huge amount of teams, locations, bowls, rankings, standings, etc. I really do hope they can make it work because it’s ones of the best mobile games in our time. Issues I’ve noticed: ranking system is weird, doesn’t make sense at times; a lot of teams with the wrong names, and school colors (team editor helped for my favorite team); no way to maintain players GPA levels other than spending a lot of credits player by player each time (Maybe add option for investing in overall Academics); Other aspects missing is actual recruiting work not just admissions; the Transfer portal similar to Free agents in NFL version; having the name of the city or team in the end zone; other team being able to stop the clock with their own time outs; show the final top 4 teams in bracket form; finally implement some type of way to play defense and control my defensive stars. Great work to the whole team that has worked on this project. Hope it can continue to grow with a lot of support.
Great Game, small issues
Fri Oct 20 2023 Tribeleader52First off, I love all of the “Retro” games you all have made. The depth of these simple mechanic games are incredible. I’ll probably never go back to the original Retro Bowl after playing this version. I don’t mind the GPA mechanic. It’s not hard to work around that. I never spent points in the original retro bowl on players so now I actually have to for GPA. I’d rather more focus go into how the rankings work each week.
For example I started at Vandy and I played Georgia week 7. Both undefeated me #14 and Georgia #1. I beat them and Georgia remained #1 the following week while I only climbed to #7. I’ve noticed lots of rankings are weird like a 3 loss bama team or Penn St. will still be top 5-6 and one loss teams will barely be in the top 10. I’d recommend applying some tweaks there. It really breaks the immersion of the game.
Also if a team doesn’t play in their conference championship at the end of the season it should hurt their ranking for the playoff. 3 loss bama shouldn’t be the #4 team in the playoff when they didn’t even play in their own conf championship.
Again, these are small issues and I love the game just ideas for how you could continue to tweak it.
What’s with the hashes
Tue Jul 09 2024 ThebestatretrobowlThis is a great game overall and I have loved it for the time it’s been out and have been playing it like crazy, but recently the new update was released and everything is great except the wider hashes. Whenever I run a play I could get downed in the middle of the field but it will still put me on one of the hashes. Also multiple of the routes are messed up specially the ones with the TE. He’ll end up running across the whole entire defensive line just to get put in the dirt before he could even run his route. The way there’s so much space on the opposite side of where you are on the hashes completely throws me off. Sometimes my wide receiver will just streak wide open because of the weird placement of the ball. Don’t get me wrong I love a free touchdown but now it’s just annoying. Also the runs are all over the place. What looks like a inside run ends going outside and it messes me up. Overall the wide hashes just mess with my mind and make the hard for me to play. I want to play the game but these hashes just get on my nerves over and over again. I really hope a developer sees this and responds. PLEASE FIX THIS
Awkward mechanics in the game
Tue Sep 26 2023 dom rugbyFirst off I love this game I have always liked cfb better than the nfl but have been disappointed in just a few aspects. First off I like how the game doesn’t let you pick the specific team and have you build up to get that offer, I have been an Ohio State fan for my whole life and the fact that I have to build up was kinda interesting but way too time consuming as it took me 9 straight seasons of winning the major to get me that offer. Second I think gpa was an interesting twist but I got my players gpa from a 1 to a 3 using coaching credits in the meeting and he still is benched? Finally I think it’s interesting how its much more difficult to become ridiculously overpowered because you 5 star players wont reach their potential by the time they’re out of college. I also think its weird how some jerseys are completely inaccurate since the teams don’t violate copy right, why was this not an issue in the original game, if you don’t know what I am talking about for example university of Illinois’ uniform is purple and yellow instead of the navy and orange, the indiana hoosiers are also like a texas orange instead of the dark red
A bit rigged?
Sun Oct 22 2023 Nickname here you goGreat game and I recommend it highly. However, as you play on there is clearly an algorithm that works against the player. I have it on both the phone and ipad, so play two separate leagues and I play often (I travel a lot, so it’s a tidy little activity while the plane is boarding, etc). In two unrelated experiences the game is constantly penalizing me with negative issues, sometimes two at a time (curfew, skip studying, etc.). The game clearly wants me to pay for more credits to upgrade, increase GPA, increase happiness, etc. Similarly, the whole GPA path is basically a pay to play/win scheme, in this case, sort of literally. You essentially have to pay to play your players. Otherwise, they are often on the bench. In my lifetime I don’t know if I have ever heard of a star player actually benched for academic reasons, while if I didn’t pay for grades it would happen to almost every player every season. That’s a bit much. Injuries as well.
Finally, add a SIM button. All my offensive players are injured (another thing that has happened on iPhone/ipad at similar times), it would be good to sim the games without them.
Near perfect
Sat Sep 30 2023 RobuxSuxThe game is such a fun sequel to the original retro bowl, but there are just enough differences to make it a noticeably different experience. I think more players leaving during their Junior Years could be an interesting addition, as well as the installation of a transfer portal feature. The in-game sprite comparison between the original RB and RBC seems extremely odd- I took screenshots of my Colorado QB from RBC when he’s throwing and my custom team’s QB from RB when he’s throwing and the difference is very noticeable. The Retrobowl in-game sprites look more built and full, while the college sprites look like they’re starving. The college qb’s arm is one pixel thick! I’d love to see a mix of the sprites in the college game- maybe have the star players have the original sprite? I’m no game developer.
Another complaint is a stupid one, but when I see a college like Northern Iowa called NIU instead of UNI on the scoreboard just bugs me- same with Southern California not being called USC. I wish having the premium in the original retrobowl would transfer over to the college experience, but I could understand why it wouldn’t be.
I love this game but,
Mon Sep 25 2023 Anynouoms PlayerI love this game but, there are a couple major things missing, 1: A rivalry system, I know it may be complicated but if there could be something maybe in the team editor where you can assign a rival, and then the last week you play that rival should be a must in any college football game, 2: a transfer portal, I’m sure this is on the way but during the offseason you can select player that want to play for you with CC just like free agency, but only during the offseason, it’s not a necessary thing to add but it would be a great addition to give a team a boost, 3: finally, whenever player go to the draft and you over fill you scholarship fund I think it would be nice to receive some reward so what is for every 5k or 10k over the scholarship fund you go you get 1-2 CC to give incentives to have players declare early and give the player more chance to improve the facilities or raise the scholarship fund. Those are just some ideas I think would add a great deal to the game but still a great game, highly recommended to anyone