Best horse game ever 🐎🏇
Fri Mar 29 2024 DarkFox7111Rival stars is one of the best games ever if your into horses and challenges it’s fun it gets you going and it has beautiful graphics. I do actually have some suggestions to add to the game to make it even better: I’d like to see a new contest show up in rival stars such as dressage and barrel racing so creators if that’s a possibility I would love if that could happen. Also I’d like to see the Frisian horses added to the game I feel like the more breeds there are the more horses there are to choose from. Also personality’s, I feel like all horses have a different personality and that should be expressed in the game to make it even more realistic. You should also be able to bond with your horse and there could be a bond meter or something and you have to level up the bond meter to have more control over the horse while competing, again it’s just an option to add. I also think there should be more things to do with the horses themselves like feeding brushing cleaning hooves and other things similar to that, this could also contribute to the bond meter thing. There could also be other animals in the game like dogs and cattle. And as always there can be more coat colors and breeds and what not. But overall this is a great game for people who like horses or people who just want a fun relaxing game to play with free time. Creators I hope you take some of my opinions into consideration and thanks for the amazing game.
Incredible game!
Mon Feb 08 2021 Animal lover🐾I’ve been playing this game for about a month and I can hardly put it down! The graphics are the most beautiful graphics I’ve ever seen in a mobile horse game. The racing is really fun because you’re actually there on the track rather than just looking from a distance or from above and you are in complete control. I can almost feel wind in my face as I race around the track. Another thing I really love about this game is that every horse is different in some way. I haven’t seen two horses that look exactly the same yet. The horses also look like thoroughbreds instead of just any horse. The movements are also very realistic. I can tell that a lot of love and hard work went into the making of this game and I really appreciate that. One more thing I almost forgot to mention is the music. The music is fantastic, especially with headphones. Very good job 👍🏼. This is a great game and I highly recommend it to any horse lovers who read this review.
Edit: I love the new customization update, but the prices are way too high in my opinion. Also, there’s an annoying glitch where the black and cyan tack only shows as black when I’m racing. Those are the only issues though and I’m not gonna take any stars off for them because this is still a great game.
Another Edit: Can we please keep the quick ride feature? It totally blew me away and I’m really gonna miss it when it leaves! This was by far my favorite update!
Pitch perfect!
Sun Sep 03 2023 blakey girlOkay, I just want to start off with the fact: 👏 This 👏 Game 👏 Is 👏 AWESOME 👏 This game has to be the best horse game on the App Store! You can do so much, just about the same thing as other horse games, but this app makes them 10x better! You can do the usual: breeding, riding, racing, etc. But, you can also do: COMPETITIVE racing, cross country, quests, and so many other great stuff. If you are hesitant, you should download this game. Yes, it does take up A LOT of storage, but honestly, it’s SO worth it! This game is super high tech! Example: In the races the announcer says your horses SPECIFIC name! (it doesn’t say the name if your horses name is ‘****’) Also, this game is so detailed, like when you breed two horses, and you see the baby for the first time, it shows the baby standing up and wobbling, which is just so adorable. And when you age it up you get a scene where the horse walks up to you, and you can see the coat, stats, etc. And you like cutscenes, the beginning of this game is great! It shows your grandfather in a race, where you play as him and win. Then gives a ton of backstory to how your riding journey started. Honestly, this game deserves 5 stars. If you are hesitant about getting this game, take it from me: G E T T H E G A M E ! 5/5 stars, this game is phenomenal! It exceeds all standards to a great horse game! Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. Have an amazing day / night.
so close...
Wed Apr 29 2020 aherald21i'm going to start off by saying this is the best horse game everrrr! the developers really put in so much time and effort for this game to be so amazing. i truly love it. the graphics are great, the way that every horse is different in some way is fantastic. most games like this i'll ply for a little while but then get bored of it, but this game challenges you and you can always get better. i enjoy how you have to work hard to level up so that way you aren't just playing the game with ease. however, i wish you could care for your horses and foals. be able to see them in a field and stuff like that. it would be amazing to have your horses get older as you progress. also, with the breeding part, it would be so great to have it to where your foals would look/ get the color from their parents. and in the market, you should be able to purchase all of the feeds and materials because you need them and it can be hard to earn them from racing. the energy part, i think it should be able to increase as you progress through the game so that way you can race more. these are all things that i believe would make the game perfect. i understand that updates and changing the game takes time and effort and i really do appreciate how considerate y'all are. i love this game and will continue to play it. please take my feedback into consideration
Thanks, Ashlee
Best horse racing game I’ve gotten
Sun Jan 31 2021 unikitty505The game itself is amazing, it ranges from breeding, to buying horses, to upgrading, racing, and even free riding. I personally think that this game is the best horse racing game I’ve heard of and had, and I have A LOT. The graphics are amazing, and so is audio. I do however have a few recommendations to make the game better. I think it would be really cool if there was a horse editor, even if it costs like 10k to 50k coins, it would be great. I wish it was easier to get gold in larger amounts, because of this I only have about 7 stables, when I should have much more based on my level. It would really help with breeding if you could get exotic and rare genes/ coat patterns/etc, and that the horses with exotic genes cost less to breed with. Also I think some horses should be able to be trained more, because for many live events and goals you have to come in a specific placement in a race, and some horses can’t get there because of their max potential. Also it would be nice if you could choose which horse was on your Home Screen. More rider options, silks, and patterns for the riding uniform would also be nice. Another thing that could be added is more options for the name of your stable, what I mean is more sign looks, and colors. Overall this game is amazing and very fun, if you are a fan of horses and horse racing this is definitely the game for you. I 100% recommend installing this app.
My opinion
Mon Aug 16 2021 colin+djFirst off lemme say your game is amazing I love the new jumping but I do think u guys should still add show jumping cross country abs dressage it would put your game over the top and your game is better then any other online horse game I think it’s time for you guys to take it to the next level I wish also horses were a little cheaper or we won more money from races also I wish breeding was faster and I wish we won the horse money not those little gray tokens I wish there wasn’t a time limit on free roam or at least if it is the time I’d like 10-20 mins and free roam should be free no video watching I wish it was easier to get different colors on the horses and I wanna see less brown horses I wanna see a different variety of colors I’m the shop more often I wish we had more customizations for are characters abs I wish we could change the genders of are characters at any time I wish that stallions were more common I have a full barn of mares and one stallion especially when breeding I wish the farm was actually like real like we could explore u should add different places to go to race and actually taking the trip or being able to drive to the horse shows or at least watch the drive no time limit and I wish to be able to brush and care for are horse feed and wash them and be able to watch them all play freely that is all I wish
Sat Jan 20 2024 AddisonLilacOkay, this game was one of my favorites! The graphics are beautiful and the dynamics and storyline, even though it isn’t huge, is just wonderful. I was breeding up high level horses pretty easily. Racing is a blast and super fun. Training doesn’t take too long and there are barely any ads! I literally have no complaints. Except one… One day, while I was trying to do the SIMPLEST THING, (change my ranch’s sign and name) it froze. My keyboard that I was typing with just froze completely. So I thought “oh, well I can just close the app and then restart it. But it my home button wasn’t working. In fact, nothing on my phone was working. Except for the shut off button. But when I shut it off, and turned it back on, it just opened right into the app again. So finally we had my phone die, it was at full battery so it took all day but it died and when I turned it back on it had reset. I love this game, but apparently it was too much for my phone so I sadly had to delete it. If this ever happens to you gamers, just have your phone die and it will reset. I don’t know WHY this happened, but it makes me sad that I had to get rid of this beautiful game. All in all, this is four stars, i had to knock off one because of my phone freezing up but it that gets fixed I will GLADLY update it up to five stars. Thanks for the great experience and wonderful gameplay time I had.
OH MY GOD - (praise + an issue)
Tue Jul 13 2021 #unikittyloveeThis is a really good game. The gameplay and graphics are great, and the horses’ behavior is natural (I would know since I ride). I love the foals (they’re ADORABLE OMG) and the coat colors of the horses are amazing (palomino, grey, chestnut, Appaloosa, dappled…). BUT. *****I HAVE A PROBLEMMMM.***** When you go to breed, you have to pay silver and tack/feed/whatever, right? So. In the beginning of the game, when you’re just starting, the fees are small. But now, I’ve had this game for a yearish, it’s really expensive. The silver isn’t much of a problem, more than the tack/feed/whatever. There’s two kinds of that: the basic tack/feed/whatever and the silver kind. The basic is much easier to get than the silver kind. For example, in the Market, basic costs 70 gold. Silver kind costs 300 gold. Gold is FREAKING hard to come by, unless you pay like 15 bucks just for 300. So the fact that gold costs so much, plus the fact that you need sevenish silver kind to breed, plus the fact that you also need silver kind to train, it all adds up. I think the developers should take away the silver kind from the breeding cost, or take away 3/4 of it. If you agree with me, write “Edit: 🐴💵” at the bottom of your review and say the reason so other people know too. Obviously, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, but it would be greatly appreciated. It’ll benefit the entire community. Edit: 🐴💵
One of, but not the best.
Thu May 02 2019 ColoaderI would call myself a Derby Owners Club veteran, and therefor will compare these two games because I feel NO game has ever been better. I’ll start by saying this game is GREAT! It’s the closest thing to DOC I’ve seen. Gameplay is great, graphics are great, the racing is different and cool.
But.. (I won’t complain about wait times, free to play, so I get it) but the fact that you get locked out of literally everything is annoying. You should still be able to race while upgrading, just don’t apply the stat until it’s finished. Same for breeding. The training is so lame and boring. DOC made a great stat improvement system where stats were based on how well you perform in the mini game. Here you just tap a button. Real original. Same with feeding. DOC allowed you to select your stat (and ultimately the type of race horse style) by choosing different foods which allocated different stats. There’s no feeding in this game. Another person said the horses should have ages and I agree! You can just race willy nilly, and without a class system like DOC, there’s no real excitement for the next race, you just do it because you need experience.
With all this said, it’s still a great game. It just lacks the replay value when you get to a higher level. Maybe there’s no more grade a horse racers because no one can come close to DOC, and maybe the fact that they don’t revive the series says something.
Nice Game, but hard to advance
Tue May 17 2022 anoymous🐴Hey guys! So really neat game!! I’ve always loved horses and when I downloaded this game I was blown away by the graphics! I really enjoyed the racing and breeding and free roam. And I love that you added jumps. But I have one MAJOR issue! It’s waaay too hard to level up! I am currently at prestige level 13 and it was so hard to get there. I stopped playing this game for a year due to that fact. I know you get some prestige points from competing and stories, but it’s not enough and it gets super boring when I have to go through 2-3 prestige levels just to breed the next level horse! I’m pretty sick of being stuck in one prestige and nothing to really look forward to in the next prestige. I want to breed or buy the next level horses, now. So, I recommend reducing the amount of prestige points for each level or increasing the amount of points that you get from each race to like 1000+. Once my last horse is leveled up there is nothing to do because I can’t improve for higher races. I’m spending way to much time trying to level up. Please please do something about this!!! Also, it’d be neat if you could really interact with your foals in the paddock and watch them run around. I’ll try to stick it out a while longer, but if this doesn’t change, I will drop the game altogether. Otherwise extremely nice game!