I love the game, but there’s a few problems
Fri Apr 12 2024 Helloiloveplayingrovercraft2Don’t get me wrong, I love the game, I’ve been playing my whole life and I really enjoy challenges like the ones you provide In Rovercraft, like being able to create you own cars and drive them through multiple obstacles. But lately I’ve noticed a few bugs and problems with the game, like sometimes at the vehicle building screen my vehicle is misaligned with the grid and I’m unable to build. Also sometimes at that screen everything on the screen (the menus, the car parts, the buttons) all get squished into the center of my screen, forcing me to leave the game and come back. I’m on iPhone 13 mini so it should be compatible. Other than that, it’s not a bug but I think that the battery’s are not strong enough, I end up having to build my entire car out of battery’s and there is no room for creativity. Anyways the game is amazing other than that so keep making great games!!!
Cards make for grindy play through
Thu Sep 24 2020 DonGuerillaYou can’t just download this and in a couple days expect to have enough cards to get through some levels. BIG TIP FOR THE ICE LEVEL- use the flag to break the ice. I managed to play the whole way through without the icebreaker. As for the level that is underground. It is nearly impossible to finish 8 without three regular batteries. This is messed up. The charge should hold up better. I have two of each battery and can not pass the 8th level in Karen’s after over 8 hours of playing this level with a good amount of skill. It’s just impossible. Also watching the ad to start from a checkpoint is often BROKEN. Please fix this. I watch an ad and expect to start from a checkpoint and once the game resumes it says “driver down”. What was the point of me watching the ad, to then see my driver dies immediately before I can move. Please fix this devs. I will not make any purchases in this game until these random loot boxes are at least 1 USD, per box. 3 USD is too high for me to gamble with. 3 items randomly for 3 USD, and I have 22 items. There is no value here. What I need is battery cards that’s it. Why not let me buy that and that only? I can’t watch videos for gems. And no more free gems to unlock with progression through XP. It feels like a cash grab honestly. And I refuse to gamble on what’s currently offered. I guess I’ll go from spending hours playing to just 3-4 times a day when the deliveries pop up. Really kind of sad.
Great Game but limited by wait times and the parts system
Thu Sep 03 2020 Josiah somarRovercraft 2 has a much better physics engine than rovercraft 1 making it a blast to play and along with a offer variety of parts to play around with, makes have much more depth than the original. However, the new parts system and linear level system is the major underlying problem with the game. The game starts off fine, with the game giving you an ample amount of parts to upgrade your rovers batteries and wheels, but you start slowing down once you reach the second planet until you eventually hit a level where it simply impossible to finishes as you don’t have good enough batteries to hold energy or enough power in the wheel to climb a hill etc. If this was rovercraft 1, you would just need to go back to a level you can finish to grind more coins to upgrade your parts but in rovercraft 2 you can’t go back. So what’s the only way to upgrade your parts? Deliveries. Deliveries that you wait for in real time ranging from 3-7 hours until you get a new delivery. There needs to be an easier way to get part upgrades that aren’t just a waiting game. I understand the devs want the players to buy crates for real money but it’s going to be hard to reel in new players for buy these crates when new players cant even see the bulk of the content in the game. So unless this system changes, my rating stays at a 2. I would rate it 1 but the improved mechanics in this sequel warrant acknowledgement.
Great game engine with some serious flaws.
Fri Jul 19 2024 AddhhjutdryjjfGreat game, lots of fun, but also extremely frustrating due to some serious flaws that could have been easily avoided. There are a few later end-of-area levels that are difficult to the point of no longer being fun, requiring almost endless attempts to not flip your rover over. They’re clearly there to try to get players to spend money on upgrades, but ultimately they just end up being so frustrating to pass that I think most players will be best served to just consider throwing the game away once they get stuck there (Marena 15, Toxipie 15, Icelli 14). There’s also a pretty bad interface associated with repairing long rovers with the repair box, in which it is largely impossible to repair the rear components because one of the exit buttons will overlap many of the rear parts. This could easily be fixed, but hasn’t been for years. Ultimately the game is also too short, which seems just lazy, it couldn’t be that hard to make another couple of sets of maps and come up with more tasks. Overall, you’ll probably either end up stuck on the levels listed or you will play through the whole thing fairly quickly and wonder why there’s so little content. Good game, but this could have been great.
Game is rigged.
Sun Dec 19 2021 ~CosmicUnlike “Rovercraft,” where you have freedom to “craft,” that is not the case with this game. Missions is basically the whole game, but you cannot win enough to upgrade or get new parts. You have to buy boxes from the store, which only give you exp for parts you already have, and a chance to win a new fixed part, not random. There is 1 chance to get a part per stage, and it’s from sending cargo.. but you can only do it 1 time, not repeatable. The other mode is basically endurance, with no rewards. Even the missions are nonsense, because they try to give you an “extra” load to carry on every mission, that is shaped differently on every mission, you have to build around it. AND.. I find that parts are more fragile and damage prone. The game physics are basically the same, nothing to complain about there. But I would NOT recommend this to anyone else to waste their time thinking it’s just like Rovercraft or a part 2.. i would still play Rovercraft 1. In fact I would download and play pong first. A severe lack of content in the game as well missions, there’s only like 4 stages with about 8 missions each.. really not worth wasting your time, stick with Rovercraft 1, more fun, more freedom, more parts, more things to do.
My honest opinion
Wed Jun 05 2024 Pineapple__17I’m actually pretty disappointed, the first game was kind of like a spin off of hill climb racing but the difference was that you could build your own car. I really liked that twist and it added a lot of diversity to an already simple and fun game, but with the second game it’s really a let down and I don’t really know if I should have expected different. This game has no personality to me because it just feels like a huge cash grab.
For starters the batteries don’t last more than 10 seconds and based off of other reviews I’ve read you can even really go back and play missions to get coins the level them up, which brings me to my next problem, why is everything so hard to get without spending money? I hated when I got the game downloaded and the first thing I see is a battle pass and supply drops which seem to be the only way you can even make progress in this game.
Overall the game definitely has better graphics and physics etc. but the actual gameplay is horrendous and every single time you go to retry a mission you have to watch an ad. A really long ad, nobody wants to sit and play ad watching simulator, and nobody wants to play a game where most progression comes through micro transactions.
Lots of fun but a step backward...
Wed Jun 02 2021 English PhD StudentI'm a HUGE fan of the Rovercraft series--I love the engineering challenge of building a vehicle that will go the distance. Unfortunately, however, this sequel is not as good as the original for two reasons. The first is due to the batteries. Whereas in the first game you could get pretty great batteries, this game gives you lots of crappy ones, so your vehicles end up being made almost entirely of batteries, leaving much less room for creativity. The second reason is replay value--you could always go back and play completed levels in the first game with your new/upgraded parts which made those levels fun to play again. This sequel never allows you to just go back to an earlier level in the game, and once you beat the campaign, you just get these interminably long "exploration" levels that you can never beat, and mind-numbingly boring "delivery" mini-games to try to unlock new parts.
Don't get me wrong--I still play the game a lot--I just wish there were better batteries and more stuff to do after you beat the campaign.
Great game, just needs a little polishing
Thu Sep 03 2020 DaveCotyLike others, I was excited to play this since I loved the first one. I’ve been playing for a while now, and I’m now stuck on the ice planet as I don’t have the right parts to break through ice. I’m ok with how the new parts are obtained, but I think it would be better if essential items were gifted when the new planet is unlocked. I want to keep playing, but I’m literally stuck in the campaign, and I have to wait several hours for the delivery mission cooldown, which is a little disappointing. The other mode only grants coins, which doesn’t really help me at this point because I already have more than enough saved. If there was another way to obtain new parts (without having to buy chests), I think it would greatly improve the gameplay so I’m not forced to sit around waiting to *hopefully* get the part(s) I need in the next delivery mission.
The game is broken and devs don’t care.
Sun Jul 11 2021 Bben1994Another pay to win game that is purposefully designed broken to get you to spend money to play or progress. The part system is abysmal. Multiple players have complained about it and the devs don’t want it fixed. The levels get to the point where you need certain parts to progress, but cannot possibly have with the amount of parts drops given through the campaign missions. Your only options? Play delivery mode once every 5 hours and hope and pray you get the part you need or spend countless amounts of money on gems for loot boxes that may or may not have the parts you need in hopes to progress. No option to spam ads for boxes or earn upgrades in other ways. And the devs don’t care. Go through the reviews. Player after player has complained about this since the time this game has been released. Would easily be fixed by an update and they refuse. Don’t waste your time. Just delete and move on.
Not as good as the 1st RoverCraft game.
Thu Jan 28 2021 jcx70tToo much grinding involved. The first RoverCraft is way more fun. After playing for one day you will be stuck on a mission waiting for RNG to unlock the upgrade you need to continue progress. I still play but only cargo delivery missions to unlock upgrades. Which is one mission every 5hrs. So far it’s been a month and still waiting to upgrade my batteries to be able to progress in the game. The first game is better. In this version there is no win scenario on each planet. You just run til you are out of battery power. And each planet feels the same. No sense of accomplishment upon completing a difficult planet like in the first. You can’t even pick the planet here you want to explore. The first week of playing I thought this was a bug. It’s not. The planets are on a timer. Should of kept the same formula as the 1st game. Just add new tools/physics/locations/graphics/etc and you would’ve had a killer game. Not this paywall-grinding mess.