Next Best Thing
Tue Jan 02 2018 SteveforLifeI just downloaded this app, and think it's very fun! It's so addicting already, I always try to beat my high score, which so far is only 500. I think it's very cool, and as I already said addicting. I'm surprised more people don't know about this app, I've only had it for a couple of hours now, and some of my friends already know about it! that bad? I don't know! Anyway, the game is very self explanatory and doesn't require directions, hints, or little starter stuff, or whatever you call it. It's one of those games where hours pass you buy, and you barely even notice, or is that just me that that happens to? But, when I'm running I find that the shield is always too high for me to reach because the sausage is always bending down. Also, why is the weisswurst slower than the smoked sausage? You (developers) should try to make the characters get faster as you (player) go up one. Just a thought. Oh, and when I am running and I come across the grill, I will pass it, but then when I'm off it, and it's still on the screen and it lights up, I'll get burnt! This has happened more than once, and I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but I'd like it to be fixed
Potential to be the next big app.
Wed Jul 01 2020 Anon sly fanThe short review: addicting and fun, great, refreshing, and new, but buttons need labels and the app should be $0.99 or $1.99 and add free or minimized to banners.
The full review: I downloaded this game while drinking my morning coffee and it’s fantastic. I don’t have to put in a ton of thought so I can relax while playing, but I also don’t feel like I’m mindlessly tapping my phone. In the 10-20 minutes I played I got through 14-15 levels and honestly I could see this being as popular as flappy bird. The game can be played with one hand which is a huge plus. If you’re someone looking for a fun game that feels refreshing and new, by all means give it a try. The cons to this game are few. The biggest issue is adds. There are adds after every game, banners, and demos. It’s too much. This is a game that I honestly feel people would pay for, rather than paying to remove adds. Also, the buttons need labels. There’s too many to assume their meaning. Other than that there’s just small occasional glitches that involve skippiness. Great game though.
Amazing game but some ideas
Fri Dec 29 2017 🍳🍫Okay let me start by saying that this game is really addictive.
Personally the ads aren’t a big deal but to some people they are and I think that you guys should take it down a little on the ads for those people. I’m not saying to stop altogether because I know that games need ads and all that stuff to get money. Also, I did notice that when you get frozen obstacles, you can get a hotdog bun pretty much every single time right after it ends and from that point on, you can run without dying for almost 100 points. There is always a little spinning blade that moves up and down that kills you at some point of time though. I don’t know if that is part of the game so you can’t get like 600 from running like that but one time I did get to 607 mainly running like that with a revive around 500. I don’t mean to be Mr. Paranoid or Imperfection but I really don’t get the point of the enlarging power up. You did almost all the time (or at least I do) when you come across that little spinning blade when big. Well if you guys and girls read this, I hope that you could maybe fix some of this (not that it’s broken or anything).
Mm.. really good but...
Sun Dec 09 2018 emzterz!! ★So, I have to start with the positive; Run Sausage, Run! is one of the greatest games I have ever played. My brother recommended it to me, and to be honest, it was great. You know when you get a new app, and you can’t stop playing for several days? Or is that just me? Anyhoo, that’s me, but this one took a TEENSY bit longer for me to get bored of.
One thing that I’d say is a stumbling block are the aDs. The Ads come to your game, and they won’t really stop. I don’t like spending money on something like “Remove Ads” unless it’s a game that I spend all my time on. (Forshadowing, Procreate) and sadly, this is not one of those games.
Something else is the fact about the spinner in all the game modes, and the Foot, specifically Beach mode and Garden mode. I shall talk down the spinner first. So the spinner is definitely nearly impossible to go under because it’s always on the same height as YOU. Wessiwurst, Smoked,Blustwurst, and Hot, Hot Dog, can never get past the spinner! Same exact problem with the Foot. The Foot stomps down as SOON as your under it, and requires some INCREDIBLY GOOD LUCK, which I don’t HAVE, so every time I go under it, I DIE. And I can only get past it with Frozen Obstacles, which is the power up I love the most.
As much as I talked this game down, it really is a great game, and as far as the whole thing goes, I encourage you not to change the sausage skins ONE BIT.
;) ❤️
Sun Jun 02 2019 gyrvehyhanhcjgebcdjrhzguvdHonestly, This game has my addiction all put in the game. Despite the game and the music awkward to see or hear, I don’t hate the game. It was not long before I got the ghost sausage. I don’t think this game need even more Improvements! Keep it as it is. Sure, you may add more skins and bug fixes but otherwise don’t change the whole game itself. I’m actually on level 50 something, and to my surprise I’m dodging most “Enlarge” power-downs. I know the Enlarges are not helpful because you can get hit more often, But nearly every time I get the Enlarge power-down, I run into nothing that you must be shrunken you normal for. This game should be trending. Oh, One more thing, Its funny how when you get the following: “Shrink” “Enlarge” “Frozen obstacles”, The music changes high pitched, low pitched, Or a ticking sorta sound. Okay I lied FINAL thing, I played this game on my bus in 3rd grade. I’m going to 4th grade and I will NEVER uninstall this game. I might keep it until I lose my Phone.
Your player who is addicted,
I recommend this game but......
Fri Jul 26 2019 AubreyALSo this is a great game and i really recommend it . It is almost a perfect app but some times it glitches and it starts you in the middle of the round and you have no chance at winning so you can get this app but in awhile this glitch will get on your nerves so ya you can get this app but be prepared for the glitch good luck .... so there is one more thing when you tap it makes you run super fast and you have like a %90 percent of dying and when you stop tapping all it does and walks slow and when you walk up to stuff you are right beside it because it ran so fast and when you get to it is calm and then boom when you try to get past it it kills you so not a very good game but if you want it that bad get it but get ready for the stuff that you will have to deal I’m only on level 2 and I have had this app for almost a year get it if you want but get ready for it and some people in refuse say there is a no blood mode but I have had the game for almost a year and I have look everywhere in that app there is not a no blood mode lies
Mon Mar 25 2019 JujufameThis is a nice game but it could of been better.I mean it’s nice but it’s so easy to die witch makes me want to break my phone witch is why I gave it a three. I mean you have a add EVERY FIVE SECONDS witch is SO ANNOYING. Also there is A LOT of glitches like literally true. See I got a freeze and bun and get 1,789 as a score like for real it’s is really true just try it. So like this a meh could of been better I mean like with this it is a so so. You can try TAKING OUT ADDS and there not even your adds just adds popping up like a gofer pop out of there hole like a bunny coming out of the whole. See I would of put a four if there like no adds because that is like SO DANG ANNOYING. Ohh and add some better skins I mean they are like really childish skins like know all the skins that you guys have and you guys need to make some more just that is boring how I just using skins that I have all the skins and there is never any events at all witch is boring o when I was playing the game I will for get I have the app. So I hopefully you will do something with that because I forgot I even had that game.
So GoOd 😊 but..............
Sat Sep 14 2019 Katie ColoñIt’s good and cool and I like it but it’s easy and I love the easy but can u but a hard and challenging one and a raceing one to can u add that crazy lab your the best and I love this game its a amazing and super fun app people think this game is boring then fortine so.... this game is fun to play and not broken to play it’s a great game. And I like it I give 5 star 🌟 because it’s a great cool and yummy game I love hotdogs they are yummy this game made me hungry sometimes and now I’m so happy that you made this game so make more updates and make more fun updates for us all playing this game (I Hope no haters came to this game and played it and they hate this game idk why but I don’t like the haters that hate this game this is a great fun game for all ages so have fun and no hate or bulling ppl for years and you will be happy all day and year) have fun and have a great day crazy lab I’m a big fan of u!! Now have more updates and more skins! (Dab on those haters 👌🏻)
Fun but too much rng and ads
Mon Jan 22 2018 locowarriorYou can try rushing through every obstacle or take your time on every obstacle, it doesn’t make a difference when you just happen to hit a size booster and then run into one of those blades that move side to side. Your field of vision isn’t big enough to prepare, sometimes there is literally nothing you can do to prevent dying and you just have to rely on pure luck that your in the right time and place to dodge a size booster or GG.
The ads are also pretty ridiculous, they are too frequent and the revive isn’t even worth it at all unless you get a really high score. The ads are 30 seconds long and even after it’s over you have to wait another 15 seconds for it to let you press x.
Overall, the idea is cool, humorous, creative, as well as addicting. The skins are great as well and they are very easy to unlock besides the one where you have to watch 1 hour worth of time killing ads to get. I really hope this game gets some major changes one day, it has a lot of potential.
Best game I’ve seen
Sun Feb 11 2018 ILikeBadLipReadingsSometimes when I’m bored I play a random game on my phone. We’ve all been there right? Anyway so when I was just playing a game, ads popped up and everyone hates ads. But THIS time, Run Sausage Run! Was being advertised and since I LOVE funny, entertaining run games, I decided to check it out. And I have to say, this game is over the top!! Best game I’ll ever see in my lifetime! It’s funny, random, entertaining, and just altogether addictive and awesome. I really suggest that you get this game as you are reading this!
This game is perfect to compare high scores with your friends and I have gotten around 5 or 6 of my friends to play it. And to be honest, I CANT miss a game that is funny, weird (in a good way), addictive, entertaining and all those. Awesome job, this game is just wonderful. Five stars for sure!!
If that didn’t make any sense I basically just said that Run Sausage Run! has everything you’d want in a game. 😁😁😁