Wow My Breath Has Escaped Me
Thu Jun 01 2023 Ac SmittyThis game was incredible. The voice acting was superb, sound effects were of high quality and realistic, the video effects were engrossing, the dialogue between characters was enriching and last but not least, I felt like I was there. I felt like the character I played was me and I really had someone else’s phone in my hands! I felt like this whole situation would only be resolved by my choices. That’s another amazing aspect! Your choices matter. Ever decision you make has an effect on the experience. So choose wisely. I learned that the hard way. The only thing that was a disappointment was watching the credits roll and my tears could not be held back any longer. I’ll miss all the characters for a long time. Cheers to you Paul, Ruby and the game developers! Cheers to you.
Beautifully done! only one tiny issue.
Fri Feb 09 2024 SpiiritiI absolutely love every Simulacra game so far, sitting down with a notebook & pens and just going to town on these games is something i’ve very much enjoyed doing across all three games.
This one has to take the cake on the most interesting, innovative and just kinda downright cool these puzzles were. the mural puzzle??? oh my god, genuinely loved them.
only thing i struggled on was the last part of the game, with the “past to the truth” part. the solution still makes no sense to me, but then again it’s hard to find any decent walkthrough pages or videos on this game.
I’m very excited to see what else comes out in the Simulacra series! one of my favorite horror series 🩵
Disappointment 😕
Tue Aug 22 2023 RtidupgtuI loved the other simulacra games a lot so was hoping this one would be just as good, but was disappointed. I haven’t even gotten that far because of how poorly it runs on my device. I’m using an iPhone 13 on the latest version and yet it feels very clunky and buggy, as if I’m trying to run a game from 2012.
For example, the “texts” keep freezing and the only way to get it to work again is by restarting the app and going back to the last save point (which is another annoying thing all on its own), trying to zoom in or out of the atlas map just does not work at all because the whole screen completely spasms out, and if I try to scroll up or down on a text conversation, it will “erase” the previous or subsequent messages until I exit the chat and go back in multiple times.
I loved how the first simulacra felt. It truly felt like I was on someone else’s phone. It was all completely smooth and well-made without any bugs like this. This one feels really poorly done. I’m not even intrigued by the story, which feels very quickly put together and poorly thought through, but I’m going to keep pushing through because I already paid for it.
Overall, a complete disappointment compared to their other amazing games. Think I’ll just go replay the others a few times after this ☹️
Hoping for a Simulacra 4
Thu Dec 22 2022 Mahboi22This installment of the series was pretty mediocre compared to the first two so in this review im going to list some things i liked and some things i didn't like: so to start with what i liked, i loved the used of the ATLAS system, although a bit tricky at first. I learned how to master it quick. I liked the relationship between Ruby and the MC, the video calling system was a good idea but could have used some polish. Here is what i didn’t like: some of the puzzles were a bit out of my range and i had to consult a walkthrough twice in my first play-through, where normally i would have either once or never checked one. I absolutely loved Pipe Dreams because of how it reminded me of the first game, but in SIM3 you kind of just say things connect some dots, say more things, and boom game end. Overall, a 3.5 out of 5. Not the best Kaigan games has to offer
Still great, not quite as good as the others.
Sun Jun 25 2023 Almighty CloudBeautiful art, cool new design features (love the ability to activate appliances and cameras in Paul's house), neat story. It's a solid, worthwhile game. The acting was subpar, though the actress for Ruby did a good job in that end bit. The big climactic confrontation felt small, especially when compared to Simulacra 2. The horror elements were very rare, and there were hardly any creepy bits like the background changes from the first two. Still, I enjoyed it!
Didn’t live up to expectations
Mon Dec 19 2022 seashelby8This game is a severe letdown in comparison to the first two games. The characters are very ‘meh,’ it’s a stereotypical ghost story, and it simply drags out for a painfully long amount of time. The story isn’t as complex as they’re trying to make it seem, and it just doesn’t need to last that long.
I constantly found myself getting stuck on every little puzzle, and had to rely on a walkthrough more than I ever had with a SIMULACRA game. Every time the game was like “But wait! There’s more!” I groaned in mental pain.
I’m being very dramatic about this but this is truly the worst experience I’ve had with a SIMULACRA game. It’s upsetting that this one cost more than the older (and better) ones.
Frustrated with game not saving progress
Sat Nov 26 2022 Chococat900I wrote a review about this almost a month ago and the issue persists, I can’t even play this game until it gets fixed because I keep having to solve the same puzzles over and over when it loses my progress and it’s getting so frustrating and hard to remember where I am or what I have or have not yet done.
Guess I’ll be wait for another update and hope they fix the issue. I sent a message to the app creators through their website and never heard back. Disappointing because I adore these games and I was thrilled to see there was a new one
Sun Feb 26 2023 nsjanfkendI just beat the game, and in previous Simulacra games once you completed the story you would have fast mode (to speed up the texts, so it would be easier to get different endings.) and there is no fast mode for this version? This is making it a drag to obtain the other endings. Also, the game kept crashing while playing, which would make me restart from my last saved point, and news flash, the game takes forever to save your progress. It’s a letdown, but still fun.
Game won’t progress
Wed Dec 07 2022 jessv8383Update* I had to restart from the beginning and be very careful on the order in which I did things and I was finally able to progress and finish the game.
I keep having to solve same puzzles over and over because it won’t save or let me progress past a certain point. Hopefully an update will come out soon to fix this issue.
It’s good but
Sun Mar 10 2024 thatonetransfemboyI hate how I can’t progress much further and I’ve seen it happen with my twin we both have to talk to Ruby in different parts of the story but we can’t it says she’s offline. I don’t understand. I looked everywhere and I even looked up a wall through and even the objective mentions to talk to Ruby. Also you need more check points cause I hate restarting the part over and over again. But mainly the ruby part is the issue please fix it. I want to finish the game.