Great game with one small complaint...
Thu May 19 2016 Cloudy ZI love this game, and it is more complex than it looks. However, with one small fix it could be a five-star game. The game should not disappear when there are no more moves, so that users can look at the board and see where they went wrong. Also, the current user's high score should be visible on the game screen, so that the user knows the score they are trying to beat. Small fixes...please!
More than what it seems...
Wed Feb 03 2016 reillyvFirst off, if you loved Simogo's other hit, Device 6, you will love this game. If you didn't like Device 6, you will still love this game (as long as you have a respect for puzzle games and care more about thought and strategy than mindless tapping).
As some other reviews have mention, there's a lot of depth here. And they're right. There are TONS of little hidden secrets. One example of this is if you hold on the "Spl-t" title screen you can play a mini-game where your balancing a ball. There's much more but I think I'll let you figure that out for yourself :)
On the surface, this game looks simple. You tap squares alternating the type of line you break. At first glance this game with its simple design, ironically has a lot of rules and looks complicated but once you start to get the hang of it you can't put it down (Also if you shake the device it can change the color if you ever get bored of the normal 'black and white' theme, and if you flip the screen over you can invert the colors). The goal is to get the highest score. Surprisingly, there are TONS of possible strategies to this game, and it's just one of those unique games you can't get enough of.
Remember, don't quickly disregard the game because of its early frustrations and huge learning curve.
All in all this is an amazing game that is easily worth the $2.99, all it needs it time and it will become your new favorite game.
Have Fun :)
Deceptively amazing
Sat Feb 18 2017 ex0du5When you pick this game up, it can seem boring at first. You get a few hundred points at first and you're maybe asking yourself "what's the point".
But you pick up a few common patterns after a few games, and start playing around, and soon your making a few thousand points. There comes a point where suddenly patterns start turning into strategies, you check out some ideas...
And suddenly the game opens up into something amazing and deep.
You realize you are fighting to stay on the cusp of creation and destruction as the whole world crumbles around you. The complexity of this struggle is great, and you build a huge chest of tools to carry with you.
Now you're making tens of thousands of points, breaking a hundred thousand, getting deeper and deeper. And you find yourself sketching mathematical analyses of fall patterns, looking for that something that unlocks it that you now know, just deeply, intuitively know, is hiding there.
This could very well be the mindworm that Device 6 alluded to.
Great game with no option to save
Fri Dec 20 2024 Motor DThis game ranks VERY high on my list of “games to chill out with.” It’s great to pass the time while stuck in a waiting room, etc. However, when you inevitably have to put it down, your game isn’t saved, and thus progress is lost. You can’t come back and finish it later, even if you just leave the app open in the background. If it offered the ability to save progress, it would EASILY be a 5-star game. Unfortunately, this is just too big an oversight to give it more than 2 stars. I’ve lost my progress countless times simply because I had to stop to take a call or do something else. So frustrating — especially since the game is awesome in every other way.
Seriously fun
Wed Aug 30 2017 HirætherPlay the game like a drum or move like a chess master with patient strategy, SPL-T is easy enough for young & old. It has the most valuable quality a game can have: it takes a moment to learn & a lifetime to master. The game board flows like a quick game of Go or Blockus but with nice even precision. It is artistically aesthetic to the Golden Rectangle and all relative mathematical studies, yet a child can play by flicking a finger tip. SPL-T should come standard on every phone like Minesweeper or Solitaire; It's just that cool.
Minimalist Perfection
Thu Dec 31 2015 Thiago MSimogo continues to amaze- each release is so different from the other, while maintaining quality, depth, and uniqueness. These guys are not just cranking out sequels and match three games!
Spl-t is a wonderful, addictive puzzler built for simple touch controls. I'm at 40k score with 300 splits and I can't stop trying to beat it. Just one more game....
Whether it's Device 6, Year Walk, or now Spl-t, you can't go wrong with a Simogo app.
Original and Unique
Tue Jan 26 2016 Nikwhlr09This game is fun to play, and it challenges you more and more as you begin to understand it better and develop strategies. Five stars, but if I had a suggestion, I think you should have a pause/restart menu. It'd let players save their progress and would allow them to start over if they know they made a sequence of bad moves that will ultimately lead to a bad score.
Great game with flaws
Wed Feb 03 2016 mike.greilingSubtracted two stars for lack of option to restart, and a lack of simple leaderboard support.
This is a completely deterministic game. There are no random elements, and therefore it can be "beaten" in the sense that there is one perfect, repeatable way to get the highest possible score. Thus, a leaderboard would just turn into a list of people who have done this in no particular order.
Still for those of us who don't have that kind of time, a friends leaderboard would be nice to have for the more casual players.
Amazing but
Sun Mar 25 2018 Danao ShmezoThis game is perfect.
I didn’t get how the game was great at first, but now, after some days, I’m just addict. I understand.
I should have give 5 stars.. but I really want something:
I don’t know if I’m the only one who want this, but it’s very easy to add, it doesn’t take place, and the game will not be less good with it.
I love this game but the score is only a personal thing here.
I really want to see and compare my scores with others great players in order to give my best to be ranked as high as possible !
Because actually, I don’t really know what is my level. Am I good ? Could I do more, way much more ? Could I do 1 hundred or 1 billion more ??
Whatever, a simple masterpiece.
For me, Simogo is as great as 1button.
new, more dynamic 2048
Mon Nov 21 2016 JonTalbsthis puzzler is guaranteed to make you think 10 clicks in advanced. w/ no time constraints and a consistent in game mechanic, anyone can sit down and fully indulge their concentration to solve an infinite amount of possible splits.
i believe it's a 5 star game on its first version, and needs an update to fix just a few problems. my biggest concern is the supply of the new black boxes. in some instances they stop filling in a particular column which i believe to be a coding error. this along w/ other concerns listed in these comments are the cause for my 4 star rating, but please don't be discouraged bc this is my favorite iphone game rn !