Good, but one thing that I’m confused about
Sat Jul 20 2024 Li a.m.This game doesn’t have any flaws. If there is one thing that confuses me, it would be the following: when you complete a level, you can choose to multiply the amount of money you get by watching an ad, but one of the “1.5x” indicators uses a period, while the other uses a comma. I guess I can understand this if it’s so that people from anywhere can understand it, but if it was just a typo, please fix this. I don’t want to give it only 4 stars and I can’t give it 4.5 so I won’t let this impact my rating.
Edit: I later found out that BOTH “2.5x” options use a comma, meaning this is definitely a typo. PLEASE fix this, most English speaking countries use a period anyway. Just for that, I’m removing a star off of this review.
Fun Game. One Flaw
Sun Jun 30 2024 JDBrown6Honestly so much of the app is a fun simple puzzle game so I don’t wanna complain too much. But there is one distinctly annoying thing that feels like it should’ve been cleared up easier. The timing of losing a level is odd. It kicks in when you fill the holes not like when you try to collect a pin when you have no free holes. This means I’ve lost levels with power ups I would’ve used if I had noticed that I accidentally backed into a corner or because I saw the next tray coming in and collected the pins before it finished moving and it flagged that I ran out of holes. It’s like such a small change but makes play genuinely obnoxious
Great game but paid for no ads and still have ads!
Tue May 21 2024 JoyfluteI actually like this game quite a lot, and I have downloaded and deleted quite a few of these types of games. So after playing a while, I decided to buy the larger “no ads” package. But while I got the bonuses in the package, I still have ads. And I’m not talking about ads to get extra bonuses, I still have ads in between levels and the ads at the bottom. So I went looking on the app for support, and to my surprise found no way to contact them! Then I went to the app store, and the app support button only took me to a website where investors and developers go to use this company. No support for the app itself whatsoever! Then I contacted Apple but since I wasn’t asking for a refund, just reporting an issue, they only sent me a useless email with links to “help” sites. So I’m still playing but watching ads I paid to have removed. Not cool at all!!
Sat Jul 06 2024 EnnuiDDEVS:
1. If the holes fill up and there is still a viable move, it should NOT result in losing the round. All the free spaces should be able to be utilized as long as there is an available move.
2. Before losing a round, the option to USE a special move (extra hole, hammer, next color bar) should be available with the 150 coins and -1 heart.
3. There needs to be a better way to tell what colors are under pieces. This removes strategy as there is a ton of guessing if a screw is red/orange, blue/gray, etc.
The first one is poor programming, if you are fast enough to click the screw uncovered despite filling up the free spaces, the next color bar will advance. If it takes you more than a second, then the round ends when all the free spaces are filled.
The second one actually allows players to use all options available.
The third is an accessibility issue. More contrast between colors makes the game open to those with color perception issues. And less frustrating to those of us approaching this as a puzzle that can be solved without guessing.
Appears changed but new problem
Sun Jul 28 2024 Janice8888888When you need to watch an add to get a booster/tool, it takes forever. First there is a 50’60 countdown ad, then a ‘buy’ screen and then at least one more countdown screen for at least 15 counts (sometimes more). By the time you get through the ad, you’ve forgotten your strategy. This clearly takes away from the satisfaction and enjoyment of the game. Most of the very long ads seem to have been removed. Thank you. However now several ads seem to “freeze” — you can’t close them (the ‘x’ does not work) and you have to close the game to get out of the ad; causes you to lose a life. Not good! Needs to be fixed.
Similar enough to the ad!
Mon Jun 17 2024 LunaÈclipse💞👌🏻😍😍😍First off, I haven’t played many levels of this game but so far its very entertaining!! I only have one complaint. I decided to get this app because of an interactive ad I kept getting. What really drew me in was the sounds! I loved how the when you removed the screws it had a very crisp… almost popping sound. Unfortunately, the actual game does not have that sound, it has a very quiet sound I don’t know how to describe. For me, the game is a 3 1/2. It would be a 4 or 5 if it had that nice sound it has in the ad!! (I do love the background music that plays in the actual game tho!)
Horrible Ads
Fri Jun 21 2024 AustinGrammaI saw this game in an ad and thought it looked like fun. Downloaded it and I’m already deleting it because of the ads. Don’t bother telling me how you “have to have ads.“ I understand that but yours are so bad I’d rather delete the app than have to watch them. The first two ads showed (1) a shivering, crying, whimpering puppy, freezing in the cold, and (2) a mother, baby, and young child also shivering, crying, and getting rained on through an open window that they don’t have the sense to move away from. Why anyone thinks adults would find this appealing is beyond me. Also, I barely had 10 seconds of play between ads, and the ads are the kind that you can’t shut off. Sorry, but I don’t need this.
Ugh 😒
Mon May 20 2024 Non- repeat OffenderI feel like I gave it a fair shot but it did not take me long to become bored and simultaneously annoyed with this one. There is an ad after every round whether you like it or not. Either you have that annoying bar you have to stop for more coins or you have a forced ad. I kept waiting for the need for strategy to kick in. I didn’t find that. Instead I got a remove 3 red pins - there are only 3 red pins type of thing- that with ads after every round didn’t take me long to delete and move on. There are too many other games just like this with strategy, no ads after every round and no bar to stop for more coins. I think I will stick with that instead. This may be entertaining for toddlers learning their colors though if the ads are appropriate.
Fun but annoying flaw
Mon Jul 22 2024 Bet this nick name isnt taken!This is a really cute and fun game to play, but it’s very frustrating to end the game as a fail when the holes are filled up, but I still would have had playable pins. In other games like this you fail a level when there are no more moves left. In this game you fill up the holes you lose regardless. Several times I ended in a fail, when I clearly would have been able to continue with my next move and win. Need to fix this. Gonna go back and play the others until.
Not terrible, but not great…
Sun Jul 21 2024 DAJCHudsonThe ads aren’t too pervasive and can be turned off for a fee. The level design is a bit haphazard, so things don’t get progressively harder in a linear fashion. Some levels seem impossible without using one of the ‘extras,’ which also undermines the strategy vibe the game is going for. The biggest flaw, however, is the way they track the holes you can use to solve each puzzle. Five holes should hold five screws, but you lose when you fill the fifth, so you only have four. What!?!? All in all, feels like a weak (but not terrible) knock-off of the screw concept.