Good, but missing a few features
Fri Nov 24 2023 MainMarbleManHello! I'd like to say that this is probably the best marble racing game in the app store in my opinion (if you get rid of the ads). The game has a simplistic feel and letting you create your own custom marbles along with unlocking new tracks and marble colors feels nice and exciting after a long race. But i noticed a few things that i would like to see in the game. Like...
Double eliminations (elimination mode only)
Unlike the bug where it eliminates one more marble than normal in a round and waits until the last round to take back the elimination. I just mean straight up double eliminations where 2 marbles are gone. Maybe make it a one-time purchase in an entirely separate section in the shop called "events" where you can buy stuff like the double eliminations or "advantages" where when a marble wins a round they get to skip a leg or two because of it. Mainly because i have a lot of coins and not much to spend it on. But i really like this game nevertheless
Editor is a bit stale
Wed Apr 26 2023 xxerojjThe track editor is great aside from the lack of things, maybe add some of the stuff the premade tracks have if you can, but my personal reason for 4 stars is that the marble editor is a mess, sometimes i cant exit out of zoom, the base of the marble gets moved to a random spot out of nowhere when i selected something else and when im scaling and object it sometimes stops working or goes the opposite direction. Great game though!!
Good Game + Ideas
Fri Aug 05 2022 cooljeremy777This game overall is a very fun and well executed game. I have some ideas too to improve the experience for me and others.
1. Marble Sharing
First, you could possibly share marbles by using the game, i mainly forgot what it was called but you can compare it with your friends and share marbles with your friends. You can put a limit of 1 or 2 so you cant get free marbles. Plus you can make it you get free money for sharing the app with them, or make them get a free marble slot in the marble creator.
2. Proliferation
You probably wont add this but if you made it so you only could pick from 4 marbles or something then you could possibly do it. I know it would be tough, but couldnt you just make the multiplying a lot slower? Then it could be possible.
3. First Place = Bad
So pretty much its like a thing where first place loses points and when they run out of points they get eliminated. You could make the settings so it can be last place is bad or make the points higher or lower than the original.
4. Editor Improvements
If you could add more items to the editor then it would be nicer for the first idea. Also you could add pictures as well to your marbles would make it cool.
Those are all of the ideas i have while making this review. But this is still a very good game and i recommend it if you want a 2d marble race on mobile.
Super fun and addicting but I have one thing that I don’t like
Fri May 17 2024 JdjdhejfjshfjdjfThis game is amazing, I have played this for hours everyday. I don’t mind the ads or having to unlock marbles with coins. But I always have trouble with the marbles getting stuck so I got rid of the collision between them and I found out that zombie marbles can still collide with each other. It doesn’t effect the game that much but I was wondering if you could add where zombie marbles don't collide. If so that would be wonderful! Thanks! I can’t wait for you to update the game! That’s if you still care about it. One feature I like the most is where you can create your own marbles and tracks, but I did notice that they eventually cost more and more coins to make. Good job on making such an awesome and great game. 😁😁😁
Best game I’ve ever played
Fri Jul 29 2022 game master spiesBest game I’ve ever played I absolutely love it I love all the different features and modes. I love all the new tracks they are so cool and unique. My favorite mode is points because it’s always interesting to see if a marble that was dead last ends up winning. A suggestion I have for the next update is for the individual tournament you should be able to have 64 marbles race and for the teams race tournament you should be able to have 32 teams I think those races always go by quick for me. Quick question is there going to be a app for the jet ski if so that would be great.
I’m sorry I have to say this
Sun Jul 09 2023 antfootball30Whenever I look on TikTok, I always see this game always look so fun, but I never said you have to pay coins just to get countries or other kind of marvels. I thought they were just going to be free but you had to just level up together so I was wrong and this was kind of dumb, because when I try to get coins, it doesn’t let me I watch all of the ads and all I get is one coin and it kind of makes no sense because today I got 15 like what but this is the second worst game I’ve ever played and there’s tons of bugs I’m sorry to put this review developer, but can you please try to do something about this? I still have the game on my phone though
Thu Sep 15 2022 Error Name Could Not Be FoundI like this game as the title says but I also have a few suggestions. How about combination mode where you can combine say beat the boss and elimination so that the last person gets out but there is also a boss. Another suggestion is a team marble race option so that if you choose to do your marble race in teams and then you choose elimination, then you can choose this team marble race option. When you enable this if one team member is last and gets eliminated then the entire team is eliminated. Thanks! That’s all! Your game is still AWESOME!!!
What should I do?
Sat Jul 02 2022 cadece the fox🦊I don’t know if it’s something to do with the game but for some reason every time I open the app it immediately closes out of it again. The weird thing is that it doesn’t do that with my other apps. I’ve tried deleting it and downloading it again but that doesn’t work. I even tried turning off my phone completely and it still doesn’t work. Idk what to do but hopefully it’s nothing to do with the app
Amazing Game!
Sat Jan 20 2024 hhhhh issue guy CD chhI’m sure everyone has scrolled through short form content and has seen this game. And when I downloaded it, I thought that either this would be a glitchy buggy game where you just have 2 marbles racing, or a game where you can create marbles and buy around 500 of them. I got the latter. This game is HUGE. Hundreds of tracks, marbles, and customs! Best marble race game I have even seen so far. Great job. Knocked the Scales Right off of me! Koopa
Without A Doubt Best Marble Race
Fri Nov 18 2022 DisappointedKoopaTroopa583Omg this game is so creative, original track design with old favorites too. Customizability is top notch with editors for both marbles AND tracks! And looking over the reviews I can see you truly care about your game and our opinion.
(PS don’t let those idiots who say not compatible 1 star let you down. These are probably 6 year olds who haven’t grown into common sense yet. Their opinions aren’t important yet 😂)
6/5 game and developer ❤️