Been playing for 20 years
Thu Jan 26 2017 MarchondoI am pretty sure it's been almost 20 years since I first played Snood. I used to have it on my pda, back in the day. I still play every day. It satisfies my aptitude for spatial structuring, and somehow is the perfect activity to keep one part of my brain busy while I listen to other things or think about issues. A cup of coffee, a podcast, and snood, is always relaxing. I am sad that it's no longer being updated and I'm grateful it's still working on my iPhone 6 Plus. I will miss it when it stops working. Great, classic game, Dave.
Frustrating mechanics but hits the spot
Mon Mar 19 2018 Ben lepusAh snood. Such a good game to unwind with. I love that they included the old-school faces. But ....This game has a major flaw in the mechanics where , especially when trying to aim those tricky bounce off the wall angles , the cannon gets stuck and doesn’t know you want to shoot , but keeps getting repositioned. Or you can’t drag the cannon to the right spot in one swipe - it is sooooo frustrating and definitely throws off my grove. Why, snood, why ? Unfortunately this little bug has huge consequences because I find myself aiming badly or settling for whatever I land on, ultimately killing that super satisfying sense of honing of one’s aiming skills. The beauty of snood is its simplicity - don’t need to be fancy - just need to work right.
Snood addict ❤️
Tue Nov 28 2017 Snood addictBeen playing for over 15 years. Glad it’s been updated for the iPhone now. First started playing on the computer, but have it on my phone for years also. It’s my relaxation 😊
Definitely addicting!
Please update for ios11!!
Mon Oct 16 2017 E's DesktopI have been playing this game for over 10 years, started on my computer in college. Please update so that it can be used for IOS 11 and future Apple updates.
A classic
Fri May 14 2021 mvendrelI’ve been playing Snood since 1998 and it’s my favorite. Saving Snoods by combination of puzzle solving and marksmanship never fails to amuse and waste time effectively ;-). If it’s good enough for The Woz — it’s good enough for me!
Awesome game brings back memories
Sun May 25 2014 Cody grimI love snood I use to play this all the time on the PC when I was younger it's very fun an addictive and for a great price and it's awesome u can play as classic old school snoods love that great app did the game justice keep up the work.
Does not work on iPhone 6 Plus
Wed Oct 21 2015 wrobertschicagoUsed to be my time-killer while waiting for flights, doctor appointments, car oil changes, etc. Freezes on my new iPhone. Argh.
Used to be great, why no update????!
Mon Jun 27 2016 AnthonyBBI downloaded my snood app on my new iPhone 6s that I got last year (2015) because it was the best game to play on my iPhone5s. But it froze as soon as it opened. The same spot every time - which snoods did you want to play with? Every time !! Why hasn't there been an update ?!? Seriously disappointing since I have been able to play for about 7 months now. Please fix soon :(
Snood is back on the iPhone!
Sat Oct 12 2013 ScreechLAGlad they rereleased this game. And that it's optimized for my iPhone 5! Hope they keep coming out with updates.
Love this game. Needs work for iPhones
Fri Jul 21 2017 LoufbernabeI love this game. I used to play it on a pc when i was a kid.
The aim of the little arm is not quite accurate. And you should really make a specific button to fire a snood. Too many times did I accidentally fire a snood in the wrong spot while trying to just aim in the right spot.
This makes the game just frustrating.