Old Brains Need Stimulation
Wed Sep 21 2022 granbackAt age 80, I am not very physically active. However, I do try to keep my brain activity stimulated daily. I read…however my eyes tire. The games are my “change of pace”.
Also, at my age, I am not comfortable giving out credit
Card info on the internet. Several times recently, I have received
Telephone calls using various scams. Today’s scam almost caught me! Luckily my daughter came to my aid. You can understand how greatful I am to have her. Thanks for helping an old lady. You serve, with you games, a lot of people lie me!
Thanks again! TMBACK
Sun Jul 12 2020 Happiness power😎😎I was super excited when I first saw this game, I love playing solitaire and consider myself average at playing, but THIS GAME IS IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN!! I am really frustrated, I start playing and get to a certain point where I can’t do anything. I think ok I must of done something wrong, no biggie, I try the level again. Do it a little differently this time but get stuck in about the same spot, I try this level a few more times with the same outcome, I finally decide it must be an unsolvable game or I’m not good at it. So I try a completely new game and the same exact thing happens that happened with the last. At that point I’m frustrated, solitaire is not supposed to be a stressful game, and now that I’m thinking back on it I’m wondering why I wasted my time even getting angry over it.
I try playing different games but I get the same outcome every time.
I wish they had playable levels and maybe it would be nice if we could chose the difficulty of the game.
Print changes welcome but too big too fast.
Wed Jun 08 2022 Meadville hungry galThanks for asking! I obviously enjoy solitaire, especially in the evenings after my supper work is done. Sometimes when I’m tired, my eye are tired too....I was so grateful that you gave us a choice (or is this a vote?!). My mouth dropped open when I saw how big the change was!! Everything was “smooshed” (yes that is a word!) side to side and I thought this could easily go to high anxiety (for real) and I found myself breathing faster and my chest got tighter! I kept playing and found that once the game ended I felt better. I’m still gonna play and I hope this all settles down or I may shop around! That’s about it.
Constant winner, lately
Wed Aug 17 2022 BudSr.Love the game. Had it for years. But on June 26, 2022 something changed. Up to then my win rate was about 42% (~680 wins on ~1600 games). Since that day, however, my win rate has increased to over 54%, and I have now won 426 consecutive games including seven games I had to replay to win, but I won nevertheless. To win 2 of every 5 through 1600 shuffles, then win over 400 in a row with no explanation! It’s great to win, but there must be a glitch because I know I didn’t become a perfect player over night. Staple Games, fix that glitch!
Deals are not random
Fri Oct 08 2021 joker7181Almost every time I play, I wind up with 4 cards of the same number showing after the deal or after my initial moving of cards, before I begin drawing cards. Similarly, I seem to get all black or all red cards dealt out. Both of these situations happen way more frequently than one could expect by chance. I believe the math behind the number generator for the cards is faulty, resulting in deals that are not random. This could be fine, if the deal wasn’t skewed toward showing all the same color and/or all the same card denominations. This means that you must watch ads so you can play for free much more frequently than otherwise. Also, it’s just not that much fun.
Needs a few things, but is very fun!
Thu Dec 31 2020 CatShoonI’ve literally never played solitaire before... and I might have just not noticed it but can you please ad a tutorial on how to play? I was very confused in the beginning. The Auto-solve at the end is good for beginners but is almost like cheating for those who are capable of doing it themselves. Dark mode is cool, but hard to get used to. The sound effects are nice and the audio is smooth. No bugs I can spot so this is a very good app! Totally recommend.
False Advertisement
Thu Sep 24 2020 tolmankyI downloaded this solitaire game because the advertisement I saw for it said “no ads, just plain solitaire.” I hate seeing ads on games I play when there’s not really even a way of upgrading (plus, who would pay money to play solitaire, which is usually free, anyway?) I started using this game and it was great, until a couple weeks ago when I started seeing ads on my screen whenever I clicked to play a new game. I finally got so sick of it that I deleted this app, and I hope you don’t waste your time with this one. There are a lot of free solitaire options out there that don’t lie to you about what to expect, or pop up with the same 3 ads over and over again.
100 to 0 real quick!
Tue Jul 26 2022 SouthGinger2JZI used to love playing this game, I’ve been playing it for a long time now, but now I’m sick of it! I would play this to kill brain cells in my downtime, and it was great winning all the time. But ever since their last update, I win one game out of 10 or 20 played now. It does not matter if I replay the game I just lost, so I can play the same hand differently, it’s rigged to make you lose. Just like a real casino! Because I would win most games, I felt happy and thought positively about a game I downloaded for free. But not with loss, after loss, after loss, after loss I’m irritated! So if you enjoy losing, go ahead and download this game, but then right after, call a shrink to get help for that….
Tue Jan 26 2021 arweavFound this through an insta ad that leads you think it won’t have the same annoying ads like every other. After you play like...5 games, a thin ad bar is activated at the top of the screen, ok, I can deal with that, but then the full screen pop-ups that you have to wait to skip through started.
Loved the design of the game, especially offering dark mode. I play to relax, and wish I could just buy the thing and avoid massive ads that are too jarring and very lengthy.
I thought it seemed awfully pushy trying to get me to review it between each of the first few games, but now I know that’s because they wanted good reviews before the full screen ads started.
Eye strain!
Mon Sep 27 2021 Hilal'sGI only ended up with this version because the app said it was an upgrade and advertised it as having better screens that were easier on the eyes. That’s ironic, since as soon as this loaded I was ready to delete it and find a different solitaire game. The cards are smaller, I really hate the card faces, and I haven’t found any ways to change the background, back of the cards or the card faces that would ease my experience. Additionally, there are features of the game that are not automatic and therefore the game is clumsier to play. Also not crazy about the sounds they put with it. Sorry but this one is a total fail!