Feels just like the CW ports
Thu May 09 2024 Awesomebird4I first experienced Sonic 1/CD/2 through the Christian Whitehead ports, which still hold up well today, even with touch controls. I’ve already got Mania on the Switch, but it just felt right to have it with the others, plus it was a nice excuse to replay it. The controller support is great, and the touch controls work well for regular platforming. My only complaint with them is that blue spheres can be kinda hard to control with touch controls, but it’s something that can be learned quickly. At the time of this review there’s a glitch in the D.A. Garden where the song immediately before the one you select always plays instead, hopefully that gets fixed. But overall, one of the best Sonic games ever, if you have a Netflix account and have been considering this game, definitely go for it.
Port has issues that can easily be fixed
Sat May 11 2024 LilOrangeFellaDon't get me wrong, I love this game (I've played it more times than I can count on my Switch) and I was excited to play it again on mobile. However, this port has a few issues which make it a lot less fun.
Probably the worst issue is the audio. The songs seem to play a bit slower than they're supposed to, and stutters and crackling are very common. It's a big deal in this game because it has such a great soundtrack, so it being mangled detracts from the experience.
In addition, there's some minor but noticeable slowdown throughout the entire game, and it gets worse when getting hit and losing a lot of rings. I'm playing the game on an iPhone 14 Pro, which absolutely should not be struggling. The game works just fine on the Switch, so a phone that is substantially more powerful shouldn't perform worse than a tablet with specs from 2015.
The game is still fun, which is what really matters, but to see such a great game released in a state like this is disappointing, to say the least. Here's hoping a patch will come by and fix these issues.
Just like Sonic Mania on the Playstation
Tue May 21 2024 robloxguy2548It’s great port, and a plus for me is that it’s free! My mom already had a netflix account. As for the menus, i don’t see why they couldn’t just reuse the ones on console, and in my opinion, they butchered the sound test, lol, apart from that. Great port, would reccomend. Super fun, my only issue is that i think the debug mode is glitched because it keeps going away and i have to reactivate it, and sometimes it doesn’t even activate in the first place. I’m a massive sonic fan and i hope Sonic Frontiers can also come to mobile too, and also i’ve seen all the sonic films and am gonna see sonic 3 when it releases in theaters. Overall, a 9/10 port. Fun game, and great franchise.
Amazing Port, Except Sound Needs To Be Fixed
Wed May 08 2024 TheUltimateDriverHello there! Sonic Mania Plus Netflix Edition works great in Gameplay and Graphics(I would hope so considering it’s already a masterpiece on every other device)! However, there are missing sound effects that are supposed to play multiple time’s especially in Special Stages with the Blue Spheres. When you collect them, some sounds are missing that aren’t missing in the home console and PC versions of the game, as well as the audio being quite choppy when 2 things happen at once(music playing and a sound effect or 2 plays in quick succession) and at the Act Clear/Victory Screen. I hope these audio problems can be fixed and I’ll rate it 5/5 Stars, cause this game easily deserves it after the audio is fixed! Have a great day everyone that reads this and Netflix Games!
Still an amazing game, but it needs a patch
Tue May 07 2024 GuehdhdbdudhsjxAt the time of this review, Sonic Mania Plus on mobile is available for free with an active Netflix subscription, and I’m not one to complain about a free product. Most people would say that Sonic Mania IS, in fact, one of the best Sonic games, after all.
The reason I say this needs a patch is because the audio has a couple of severe issues (delays, audible glitches, etc.) that make it difficult to enjoy the game on mobile. If this can be fixed in an upcoming patch, this would absolutely be a 5-Star game, without a doubt.
As for the game itself, it remains a refreshing return to the classics, and is definitely worth checking out if you have a Netflix subscription. It’s a port, so if you want to know more about the game itself, you can check out other reviews online.
The amazing sonic mania, now on mobile
Wed May 08 2024 SonicArcadeI have been a sonic fan for years, we’ve had many amazing games through the years ( colors ultimate, origins, frontiers , dream team, superstars ). And a new mobile game called Sonic Rumble got announced today. So thanks to Netflix we now have Sonic mania on mobile! The game runs smooth and has good retro engine controls. I own the game on my Xbox and switch and it is good to play Sonic mania whenever and whenever I want to. Atleast the app file size is only 200mb. 7 months until Sonic 3 so get hyped.
Just get it on Steam or console.
Wed May 08 2024 Smashkid15TL;DR: Games awesome, but this port isn’t. Mania is amazing game with or without the DLC. With remind classic zones and a few new ones, it’s no wonder that Mania was loved back at launch. This mobile port however doesn’t seem both polished or well to play. The Screen is stuck at old IPhone mode, so you’ll get black bars on the sides, the menus have to load and load again for no reason, and many hud or ui graphics don’t look well or fell well though out. The life hub is under your score and the mobile Sonic 1+2 ports had them on the right side to compromise for mobile play. It looks wonky and gives less room for gameplay. At the end of the day, it’s ok but your better getting more for your satisfaction by playing on Steam or Console.
I love it but•••
Wed May 08 2024 Tony Jackal 🤠I have been waiting to play this game since the announcement was released and it came out today and the game is really good but the problem is the controls they are too tiny and they’re so low in the corners of the screen. It is hard to play especially during the special stages. and maybe you can make them more like the sonic 2 mobile controls and in the options you can let us move the controls where we would want them to be like in sonic 1 and 2 mobile otherwise so far it is one of the best sonic games I’ve played on mobile thank you and please read
Not but but there are a couple of things
Thu May 09 2024 NeversurranderI love sonic and the community. But now that they added this game I love it. There’s 1 thing I will complain about though. It’s the joysticks, I recommend playing on a like controller thing that will go to your phone or connect a game controller to Ipad/phone. But the gameplay is good and it’s running smooth. Thx sonic community for putting this on Netflix. Also you have to have a subscription sadly to play but anyway I’m out, Peace.
No Widescreen & Super buggy
Thu May 09 2024 KdukeyFirst of all there’s nothing more I have been asking for than for this game to finally get a mobile release. I’m happy for that but the execution is kinda lame. The game is super buggy and it does not support widescreen like the pics indicate in the description. There also needs to be an option to adjust the controls. I’m sure these issues will be addressed, but after all this time you would think that these things would have been sorted out especially the lack off Widescreen support. All other older sonic games made for mobile have it and why it was missed on this game is beyond me.