The Level 1,000 Journey
Thu Feb 18 2021 GodofWar51I started playing this game a month ago typically like everyone else just wanting to try it out I then found myself consumed in a goal of reaching level 1,000 mainly because I wanted to see if the number could fit the box (spoiler alert) it doesn’t lol my journey was a long one I had to remind myself why I kept playing because yes this game does get very boring and does get exhausting I like that they add themes and skins you can purchase with coins you collect in game however by level 200 I had already bought everything my coins meant nothing I wish they would have added more skins and themes to the game also constant ADS I’ve watched a little over 1,000 ads in total the game also doesn’t allow you to buy no ads so your stuck after every level for the most part watching an ad and hoping to see that little X pop up to close it I also wish they made levels harder and different once you reach 300+ the levels remain the same and they like to use the same ones to make a level -_- super annoying but I’m down now I hope people enjoy this game and had fun when they did I’m hanging up my towel it was a pleasure
To many adds, and kinda slow
Sat Feb 13 2021 Starbucks_Whor3 <3It’s a fun game if you’re bored, but each level only lasts a minute or two and you get an add every time you start a new one. Along with 1-2 adds on the side of the screen when beginning a new level, making it feel cluttered and slow. At the end of each level you watch your lil character slide across to get to the chest, then get a pop up asking if you want to double your coins, the pop up is slow appearing and slow going away. It becomes slightly annoying as you tap a few times to get it to go away then get an add once it finally does.
Sometimes I’ll complete a couple levels and turn my phone off or go into another app, when I come back I usually have to recomplete a few levels, the levels are very easy, so no big deal, just something to fix in the future.
Every time you win a level you get coins, I’ve got about 5000coins and haven’t seen anything worth spending them on.
My suggestions for the makers of this game would be, maybe a few less adds, something more interesting to spend coins on, make the levels more challenging (like making moving objects, or objects to collect to open doors), and making the game run a little smoother. Other than that it’s definitely a fun game to play when bored at home or to pass time.
Excessive amount of ads
Wed Jan 04 2023 SiigilanteThe game has an unnecessary, excessive amount of ads, which is something they’re completely aware of. A lot of people claim a majority of mobile games have way too many ads, but this one takes the cake. There is no exaggeration when it comes to the amount of ads that you receive when you play. It’s not even like an ‘every time you complete a level you get an ad’, which is doable, but when you’re getting pestered with ads WHILST playing a level is ridiculous and unacceptable. Even if you turn your internet and cellular data off on your phone to prevent getting ads, the game acknowledges this and pauses the game while it tries to find internet just so they can show an ad. I honestly don’t know how they except people to even want to download this game when they can’t even play it in peace. Games like this shouldn’t even be allowed onto the apple store in the first place. Apple loves to allow certain apps onto the app store, but don’t prevent and/or remove the apps that actually need to be removed. Other than that, the game is fun and has potential, there’s just too many ads for it to be enjoyable. I’m very sure this game is a ripoff of the actual game it’s supposed to depict, considering how most of the game is in English, but some of the text is in what I presume to be Spanish.
I just got this game like three minutes ago And I love it
Mon Jan 01 2024 TfsylsehdrSo far, I haven’t gotten any ant I didn’t want I just love the game and hope you do too. If you download it, the same person created Bridge Race. And I already have Bridge Race so I knew if Bridge Race was awesome then I know this one would be too whoever created this game even if it’s a him/her is a genius and I am so glad that they stowed making games. This game is just like it is in the ads and I am so excited about that because like almost every other game is Clickbait and I hate hate hate hate hate hate click bait because I download the game and it’s completely different from the ad, and it just annoys me so much. I love that all of his/her games. none of them are Clickbait and that’s why I always download video games. Whenever one pops up on an ad I have high heel, Bridge Race, and now this game I hope he/her keep making games. i’m only nine and I already love this game even though I just downloaded it like three minutes ago.
I love this game but there is 2 problems.😐❤️
Fri Nov 12 2021 Allie564It’s very satisfying! The tiles move like butter if it were sliding across the floor. But there’s one problem with the game that happens every time after the level ends. 1. Too many adds: Every time the level ends, adds come on every single time! 2. Some of the buttons don’t work: This is also (sort of) part of the problem with the “Too many adds” thing. After the level ends, It asks me if I want to earn more coins, then I press “No Thanks” BUT, it always brings me to an add! 3. (This one is not a problem) Like I said before it’s ¡very! Satisfying, and I love this game a lot! I know I just started the game a few minutes ago, but I love it already! Even though the adds pop up every time… the game is not a problem at all! That’s all I have to say about the game. Again, I really love this game! Whoever created this is very talented like all the other ones, like, High heel run, Bridge race, And all of them like that! All games are creative! Well…. Some of them…. Anyway I hope that the creator checks my review because I want him or her to fix the 2 problems that I didn’t like. ❤️Bye! Have a great day/night!❤️
A perfect example of how NOT to make an iOS game
Wed Apr 28 2021 YoshinarutoGameplay wise, there’s nothing new here. It’s just like old puzzle games (or more recently, Quell), where you have to figure out which direction to slide your character, who doesn’t stop until they hit a wall. I’ve always liked games like this, and having an in game currency to reward playing is fine.
The issue is that like many other free games you see being advertised, it is literally filled with ads. I don’t just mean every few rounds, I mean there are ads EVERY round. As I always say for free games, video ads that give incentive (Adventure Capitalist/Communist are great examples) are fine because the player can CHOOSE when to watch them. This game has that and banner ads, which are fine. But forcing video ads that don’t give anything so frequently as a way to make the player pay to disable them is a dirty practice. Yes, there are big games that unfortunately do this as well (PvZ2), but they tend to only force ads every once in a while, not every thirty seconds.
Devs, if you’re reading, at least lower the amount of forced ads the player sees. Try playing you’re own game yourself without disabling ads and see how much fun you have. If you’re not having fun, then you need to change your game.
It’s okay but. . .
Wed Dec 08 2021 bbbbbbbbbbb///,///////I got this game yesterday and I’m only on level 8 but I just did a coins round and I basically I did the coins round but with the blocks agin after I did the coins round. It is also really easy to get to the chest at the end of every level because all you need to do is collect all the blocks and you get the chest. Another thing I (In my personal opinion) do not like is when you earn more of the secret prize at the end of every level is you only get TEN percent of it at the end of every level. There are a lot of adds but when you turn your phone\iPad on airplane mode it says no connection even though it seems like the kind of game that would allow airplane mode. (I use airplane mode so I don’t have to see adds.) if you are looking for a time spender game this is not one of them. It’s just the same thing over and over again. Then again I’m only on level 8 so I’m not a big pro on like level 200 so I haven’t played the game that much. That’s why I only gave it 3 stars.
Any way thank you for reading my review!! ;)
Not so good game
Wed Jul 19 2023 Hello hi ppppThis game needs to be re-fixed with the ads there is so much and we do not need that much excuses to get out of this game. I like this game but it’s really really annoying. I just can’t play in peace and I think other people notice of these things it’s really really annoying my mind and it just makes me wanna rage quit and I’m download the game. I don’t know why y’all just made this game with exclusive mountain of ads like there’s no need to have this much ads like it’s really really annoying my mind. like what another comment said it was really really annoying me that the ads which are annoying but I like this game it’s just the thing it’s justAnnoying me like literally I don’t need the ads like that much there’s no way we need that much of those camper just be like one or two or 10 it’s like there’s like inf of them I cannot even play I just wanna I’m download this game like this game is so annoying like I hope y’all fix it because this just annoys me a lot and I can’t even play the game like can you guys fix it please because we do not need like this much of these like it’s really really annoying and I don’t like it at all.
Good but mostly bad
Mon Jul 10 2023 cat girl87251It’s a pretty fun game, but it’s really slow and has a lot of ads. Like I used to play this a lot and thought it had a lot of ads, so I stopped playing it for that reason. After a while, I checked some recent reviews, and the developer said that they decreased the amount of ads; I started playing the game again, only to find out there were even more ads than before. The amount of ads out is unnecessary because the levels are very short, and you get an ad after every level; I also get an ad in the middle of each level, and because the levels are about 1-2 minutes each, I’m getting 2 ads or more every minute or 2. Another thing is, it’s really slow. I’m not talking about bad wifi, because all my other apps are a normal speed, and if you check other reviews, you’ll see that they’ve said it’s slow too. When collecting the tiles, the game is slow and glitchy which makes it harder to use. Even though this game is kinda fun, it doesn’t make up for those 2 annoying things
Inappropriate characters \ deleted on lvl 3
Sun Dec 12 2021 Godot101When you first play, you have characters that have no clothes, sure it shows costumes to wear but. It still, it always shows the characters bottom even when the character is facing the other way, when you get to the chest very easily; a cringe dance, I read other reviews on how it’s too easy and repeats and getting the coins is useless just to buy more bad characters that look like they have no clothes, if you just made it a stockman and not shove these no clothes long characters to children, they may think that looking at bottoms and all that is okay for a young age, at least put effort into your game and also don’t shove ads and add some more features to make it harder or whatever, I do not recommend this to anyone at all, not a good time water, and I’m glad I deleted it not wasting a bunch of time of my life, playing this not really okay game, left right, not really satisfying imo, and it is too easy, I deleted it from my sisters phone too and she said she’s glad, sorry developers, be more kid friendly and be more creative with your games.