Good game, suggestions
Sat Dec 11 2021 loveinfortniteThis a fun game with multiple cool characters and ways to battle you can do story mode pvp if you want to challenge other players and other ways to fight. I just want a couple things added to this game 1. Make it so when you evolve a character their level limit goes up and you can level them up more I think it makes more sense because when you evolve then you limit break them but only make it so they can level up 20 more levels or else it would be too OP 2. Add more deals for Christmas that is when your likely to get more purchases. Anyways I hope the developers of this game the best of luck.
What happened?
Sat Jan 07 2023 JayZRahhPreviously I believe I gave this app a five star rating with just the complaint of prices for “BE” characters. However now after an update the game has completely gone down hill. First of all the characters do not relate to dragonball anymore at all, now this is likely due to some copyright strike although the names were clearly changed on the characters so that would be odd. However this isn’t the main issue, there is now only one game mode which is the power tournament which is just extremely boring, there is also no online or boss fights that do not cost money. There’s only one way to get coins and unlock characters. Also even though their appears to be a ton of characters, most of them you need to buy with real money which is dumb, you should have the option to get them free as well. Moreover previous characters that I had were lost, and I have to basically start from the beginning again. I would like to say to the developers, even if you are no longer able to add dragonball characters, add more game modes and some type of story mode around these new characters and make it so that you can get more of the better characters for free (as in not paying money). You can still have the option to buy them, but only having one “BE” character available for free is pretty absurd.
What Happened Currently
Thu Aug 10 2023 VivekGamezI previously rated this game a 5 star game I played this when was in 7th grade December 14, 2020. All the characters used to be there and sends me notifications. If I’m being honest this was the best game I’ve played in my iPhone. Then in 2022 August to September more characters. The League I was in was Top Player. Strongest character Evil White Broly. Now I don’t mean to brag about progress here. The main topic of what I’m saying is what current happened. Now the characters aren’t there anymore except some of them are, There only one game mode that’s just boring to play, there’s no online gaming mode to connect network, no boss fights. I had 20 million coins and I gave up so I deleted the game and I re-download it now this shows me a sign that I have to download it again in response. I’m not sure if this is a glitch or bug. Or this could be a copyright strike. But for Developers and Creators I would like to ask if you cannot add any more dragon ball characters then maybe add other characters that might have the same skin tone color and maybe more game modes.
Great with some problems
Sat Sep 10 2022 every name i out is takebIt’s a really great game well balanced and really fun to play and the fighting is great all though there is one issue with the power challenge I could be halfway through and go to respond to a text real quick and when I go back the app resets and either have to pay .99 cents to try agin or wait untell the next game other then that it’s a amzing game and I can’t wait to see what it will become keep doing great!
It’s a good game but why make ssj4 goku a higher level than SSG goku
Sun May 01 2022 Son_ZekuOkay for starters I’m a dragon ball fan and to be honest you really need to fix the levels of ssj4 goku and vegeta and SSG goku because Super saiyan god is stronger and faster than super saiyan 4 in every way. I’m not a power scaler but I just know that Super saiyan god is stronger than Super Saiyan 4. So could you kindly fix the levels of those three? I’d really appreciate it. Thanks 🙏🏾 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😊😊😊😊
What happened to this game?
Fri Dec 09 2022 random nickname belikrI’m giving 1 stars just so that everyone could see this, When I had this game all the characters were there, I don’t know if this is a glitch or a rework or maybe the game got copyright strike, but the only thing available to play is power challenge, and there is no limit on how much I can play, please fix this as soon as possible. Last time I played it, it was good, I’m talking about the version where it had online, story mode, vs AI, story mode, power challenge, the one linked with dragon ball was good, this one is very bad please look forward to improving the game
It’s not pay to win
Sun Sep 11 2022 Nathan the cancer boyIn this game people think this is pay to win but it’s not bc you have to win in rank battle to use the pay to get Stickman its some what pay to win but still it’s so good that it doesn’t even matter if you pay to win like goku said you can beat any with enough train and hard work
Mon Sep 12 2022 Skibidiman441I’ve had this game for about 2 years when it came out and I remember when I was on the toilet and A piece of my skin came off and I was bleeding a lot and kept playing this game so you know this game is good when you keep playing it when you are bleeding 10/10
Wed Oct 26 2022 KTIII PRODUCTIONSWe all know the previous version was Dragon Ball Z and they finally got it shut down obviously. The thing is that people including myself have spent money on the game for many reasons and my biggest reason was to stop mandatory ads. Reimbursing those faithful customers should be warranted. You all reset the system and all the characters that we’ve unlocked and earned are now history and forces us to have to start from scratch in ways. At least give us the characters of equal value and the same attributes back.
Sun Feb 20 2022 BIGGEST DISNEY FAN :)I love this game as a big fan of dbz I like how it takes characters from every show. One thing I want is for the developer to keep working on this game because I really want more dragon ball heroes characters plus there’s a new saga that’s about that so good luck developer and don’t forget about this game.