5 star rating on the game e strike
Wed Apr 29 2020 Sakala2020Love the game for sure . It’s a competitive game and gives you pretty close to reality situations with rolling the ball , which pins are left depending how you through , split conversions , and so on . Seems even a little sudden change for boards make the difference in your shot just like real life . Only complaint I would have is the game closing out in middle of a match as a glitch and then you just lose automatically cash game or not due to aborting the game when your not at fault . And lose your bet . As well as if you for any reason have to stop or pause your game for a lengthier time frame it automatically puts you at the lose . As well as it seems after so long of being on a winning streak , you end up continuing to leave certain pins even throwing the same shots you been all day and end up with this issue being consistent for about 5 games straight or repeated tougher oil patterns . Other then that great game wish you could switch equipment would be nice !!
Ok but needs work
Fri Mar 29 2019 Brady .SThis game is really fun and entertaining, especially when there’s nothing to do. However this game needs to work on a few things. The pin physics is ok but not realistic, whenever you hit in the pocket or light pocket it just leaves a lot of splits, like a 4 10 or a 4 5 7. I think that the pins need to be more realistic and not slide like rubber. If you throw a curve or a hook ball you will notice that it rolls realistic, but when it gets to the pins it doesn’t drive through the pins and as a result, splits and barley any strikes. I giving this game 3 stars because there are not a lot of ads. If the creator can fix the pin action this game would be 10x better.
Update: I think the new update is good but not that great. In the new update it seems 200 games are rare and I fell in to that too I mean you need at least one double and keep clean (making spares no open frames) to shoot 200. I think this is because the pin physics are still not realistic and what I mean by that is the ball gets to a good roll and hit ether in the light pocket or just the pocket and leaves a lot of splits like a 5-7 or 5-10 seriously? Another cause of no 200 game is the ball speed, sometimes when you swipe your finger up like you do, sometimes the ball just doesn’t have the velocity to carry the light hits the ball just moves like a turtle. I think that the developers need to take more time on their game and make it a lot better so people would enjoy more, Other than that good game.
Fantastic game
Mon Feb 04 2019 MirroredMindsThis game is really fun to play and I love that you can win real money. The gameplay is nice and there’s plenty of events to enter. The look of everything is nice and the prizes are great too.
I do have a few suggestions, but I want to say first, I think the devs are focusing on the right things, making sure everything is fair and runs smoothly. I think that is great.
My only complaint is that there’s no way to customize anything, I wish you could earn medals or something to show off on your avatar or through your profile. I wish you could change your ball or earn or buy new ones. (Maybe even offer different stats on different sized balls or something, but that may take away from the fairness of the game) but to be able to customize would be nice. I also wish we could see a replay of the other player in pvp games. And being able to save replays would be nice.
I really think the game is great, and like I mentioned, I think the devs are focusing on keeping things running right before they work on the pretties, but it would be nice to see some creativity thrown in there. To see it polished off like that would make me give that last star ⭐️
Scam - a complete fraudulent app! Fair warning
Mon Feb 01 2021 DuoTooTwoIt will not end well.......this app will entice the user to play 1st for points then for cash. Once playing for cash it will pit you against others - mind you will be playing BOTS that every 2nd game is already decided before you even play. So you will seem like you are winning and granted I did will over $3000, but I lost $3001 of the $3001 - I put into the game around $750. So they got me for a total of $750 of my own $. As you play you will find your game starts to go poorly and chalk it up to how you are using the finger or the speed - but little did we know that based on how long and what level achieved will all make it more difficult to improve your score and once you change the technique it happens again. I can assure you that there are not thousands playing this game - otherwise how could it take hours or days to find a challenger - at any level especially a beginner. I could go on and on - this company should have to go before an auditing firm to show the payouts to legit players - my guess it is less than 1 in 1000. I will bet anyone who wants $100 that after playing 100 competitive money games they will not be ahead. You will loose your shirt and car and house on this app. It should be taken down.
Love this game
Fri Feb 23 2024 D-dazzAwesome game. If you practice (and I mean really practice) you can get pretty good and win some money at the cash games. You hear about all these different bingo games where you can win real money but I’ve won more playing bowling than any other online game. At first it may seem like the prizes you can get for trading in your tickets are unobtainable (some are millions upon millions of tickets). But when you work your way up the tiers they start to become within reach (moving up the tiers multiplies your ticket winnings up to 6x). This works across all Skillz based games and is interconnected. So yeah, I highly recommend this game and Skillz in general. So far Skillz is the only legit company I’ve found when it comes to online games where you can win real money (with the exception of online casinos but that’s a different animal entirely).
Thought it’d be better
Thu Jan 17 2019 Nade2000I’ve been a candlepin bowler most of my life, now 65, so when an app company finally comes out with a candlepin bowling game naturally I was excited. Since I thought this app was very good bowling 10 pin I had high hopes for the candlepin version. It didn’t take long before my excitement turned into disappointment. While the graphics are write up there with the best of them the pin physics are not realistic. As someone else noted the pins simply don’t fall as you’d expect with a history of candlepin bowling. The amount of splits that occur is way too high and there have been numerous times when pins should’ve fallen from being nudged. I’ve seen fallen pins going through standing pins and not knocked it down. Pins don’t roll as freely once knocked down as they do in the real game either. And perhaps the most irritating thing about the game is how many times I have to throw the ball before it will finally roll down the lane. It’s taken me as many as five times throwing the ball before it finally went down the lane. UNACCEPTABLE! There is one other bowling game that has the candlepin version and while it’s not “as good” as this one, at least I have no problem throwing the ball.
Lots to Fix/Revert
Tue Mar 26 2019 beardownchitownRecently, the game’s updates have made the game far less enjoyable than it used to be. Not only is there often game lag even with no apps running in the background, but half the time the game cannot recognize the speed of my swipes and sends the ball down the lane super slowly. Honestly, the new design of the app and the game is the only thing the developer seems to have improved upon/gotten right. I used to know how to aim the spin and where to line up the ball for the oil patterns but a new update completely eradicated those patterns I had recognized. I no longer play in cash games (which I know for a fact depletes the amount of money the developer earns! *hint hint*) because I cannot trust myself or the game to get anything over a 120. I used to be able to consistently bowl in the 230s-240s or higher, along with most of my opponents, but it seems like everyone has been duped by the developer recently. Please fix these issues as soon as possible so I can continue to play in cash games and tournaments and enjoy the game once again! Right now, not recommended for anyone!
Update is ok
Fri Sep 04 2020 astech524I like the new update; however, I agree with the splits issue. You can throw the exact bowl 10 times, the same exact way... you will have 5/10 earn a strike, and if not, it’s a split that just wouldn’t happen in real life.
You can absolutely make money playing this game - the developers and company are profiting (and fantastic for them) a lot - I know the community who is consistently in here, and many feel this...
It is getting to the point where it’s not fun anymore. The skillz tech/customer support team that reallllllly needs improvement. Maybe there just aren’t enough players (though I doubt that’s the case), maybe the algorithm for matching players needs improvement, or maybe they need to tier and make another league (or similar idea). We want to spend money, of course win but understand that’s the gamble, literally; however, if you don’t bowl a perfect game, unless your opponent has an off match, you will lose.
Almost, but rounded up, I’d say it’s a 5
Fri Mar 22 2019 Puppy / WilsonpuppyOkay, this will be a long story. Many flaws, errors, and cheats my opponents use against me are in this game. But good additions cancel most of those out. There are still a few ways I can demonstrate the fact the game is glitchy and bugged. Not always but sometimes.
So once I was playing, fun time, yay yay yay, haha, enjoying the game. I threw a ball and was disappointed as it went into the gutter. I then threw my second shot and it went straight down the middle! I thought I would get an 8, maybe a 9, a strike could happen but was very unlikely. It hits all but the 7 and 10 pins. They do flips, which were so aesthetic, and then land PERFECTLY IN THEIR PLACES. Not perfectly but pretty close. And they stay. So I’m here thinking “Well, not all bad, right? I hit them! I got an 8. Right? Yahoo?” when I got a 0. Super annoying.
And my other time I was playing, yay, hahahah beat my friend, stupid idiot, and then I threw a ball. This time, it went my way. I got a very big spin, and it hit the 7 pin. Only the 7. Yet when the 7 was hit, it knocked down the 8, which knocked down the 5, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1, 9, 10.. all in a line. Like before, it was very aesthetic. I enjoyed it, a strike was nice.
So that’s my review.
Don’t waste your time with skillz
Thu Sep 27 2018 lioncatsLiterally just the worst company you could ever deal with. It takes 60% wins to break even. The whole matchmaking is a scam to try and make sure everyone wins half the time and slowly loses their money. If you get good enough to make money, they’ll stop letting you find many matches. Withdrawing is a huge pain and it takes forever to get your money with a lot of annoying steps to get there. Their customer service is understaffed and the worst customer service I’ve ever dealt with in anything in my life. Literally impossible to get a question answered. You’ll get a generic response that’s completely irrelevant to what you asked and it takes weeks for responses sometimes. The live chat agent isn’t able to tell you anything meaningful. Just the worst gaming experience possible because of them and how they work, and this is coming from someone who has made a lot of money from them. Plenty of people making money have quit because it’s not worth the headache they put you through.