Wed May 19 2021 TattatotOkay so when the app first came out it was amazing. You opened it and you played Tetris. Then they added a bunch of stuff in the menus and I didn’t touch it for a while but now it is complete. If you want that old experience, then simply turn on airplane mode. Now, however, this is the greatest. EA Tetris was crowded and kind of junky but all in all, it was good enough. This Tetris is so much better. Swipe controls will never be perfect for Tetris but these feel fantastic most of the time. There is the option for buttons which work fine, but are small and slightly awkward. They are also unscalable and immobile. If you grew up with Tetris on a Game Boy or DS like me they feel marvelous and are in a similar configuration, but their cramped size hurt my thumbs after a while. The micro-transactions are still there but they aren’t going to ruin your experience. It is kind of scummy that the premium pass needs renewed and the thirty second unskippable ads before every game are unpleasant, but understandable. There is the classic marathon Version that finally got level select. There is Tetris Royale which is kind of fun and a three minute mode for when you are in a rush. A fantastic thing that they added were local and global leaderboards. Tetris is one of my all time favorite games and this one retains everything that made Tetris amazing in the first place.
Tetris! Still a phenomenal game changer when wanting a challenge and prizes!!!!
Tue Feb 11 2025 Kaoticblunt23Did you read the screw right? Yes! Yess! Yesss! You did it’s a classic but still I find myself drawn to it when in bored mode or having to out wait a few minutes of a boring meeting and waiting for my fast food in line. I don’t sit there dumbfounded trying not to stare at other customers. No, I open Tetris where I’m on a mission to earn some cash and prizes once you e signed up and next is getting to the level. I know it’s a scam. Well on my way there which forgot abut prizes of wanting to beat the stage and not let it beat me I was offered entries at other prizes and great offers. I’m waiting to see if I’ll be the lucky winner in a Mary j blige giveaway. As if her name isn’t big enough. So yeah I haven’t got there to the final but I’m a day or two away. But I enjoy this app it switched the original up and gave it a different vibe. You know , like our era vibe. So there’s no dinosaurs roaming across the screen. lol jk. But hey it buys my time when only have lil on await and it does me perfect. So don’t be square come join me and earn some prizes while you keep from boredom. Make sure you register properly or prizes won’t count. Ans I hope to see your name ampoules as a winner one day. But beware Mary’s mine. lol jk Take care and stay quizzing your mind with Tetris.
Could be better…
Tue Apr 11 2023 HeyRed95!I’m a long time Tetris fan. I just recently downloaded this from the App Store and have only been playing it for a few days. I’ve come to find that while this is great if you like classic Tetris, there are some issues to this app. Here’s my biggest problem with this app. As you progress in the game you are rewarded with coins or points. Now in other games, you would save up your points to purchase different skins or textures or power ups. When I went to the “Store” section of the menu, all it gives you is the option to buy more coins with real money. I looked all over this app and there’s nothing you can purchase with your points. So that means all your rewards from completing levels are completely useless. It literally does not matter. I don’t know if this is something the developers are currently working on? But why put a cash system in the game if there’s nothing to spend them on? My final complaint about this game are the ads. Yes I know most mobile games have ads in them. But you get hit with ads after every level. And it’s always the same Gardenventures ad. So that’s it for me. It’s not a bad app at all, but if they fixed these 2 things I’d give it 5 stars.
Edit: I just found out what the points are for. You can use them to get gift cards or money off at hotels. Which I think is kinda weird for a mobile game. Like I said, make it so you can use the points to buy textures or something to use within the game.
Not the best app, but has great potential.
Mon Feb 27 2023 xp2_882030kgz010602I have four requests for you.
1. Cut back on the ads a little. I understand that you profit from ad revenue, but if you stuff so many ads into your app that people abandon it to look for something else, you're actually going to get less ad revenue than you would have gotten otherwise.
2. More control customization would be great. I have a different app on my phone called Techmino that has a high degree of customizability on its controls, and I've been able to find something that lets me play a lot faster on said app since I'm able to adjust button placements, shapes, and sizes to fit my hands better. The tiny buttons you have make intuitive sense, but they don't work as well when you actually try to use them.
3. Add on-screen controls to adventure mode. It is very difficult to pull off tucks and spins with swipe controls.
4. This one is a much smaller issue than the other three, but it's worth noting since some players may be caught off guard by it. The "up arrow" button on the controls hard drops the piece instead of moving the piece up. I'm not asking for a button that moves a piece up, but instead for this button to be retextured in a way that suggests a hard drop. I can imagine a lot of new players accidentally hard dropping pieces when they didn't intend to, and a lot of new players soft dropping every piece into place because they thought there wasn't a hard drop button.
Good but needs some improvement
Thu Feb 08 2024 Sirens Of WisconsinSo don’t get me wrong for a game that was originally on the nes and now is on mobile, it isn’t to bad. But there are a lot of flaws. First it kinda feels like almost a candy crush type game, adding a thing called “moves.” This ruins the entire game because the point of Tetris is having unlimited moves while getting a whole row of blocks. Also, I almost feel that the levels sometimes get really unfair at times, or maybe it’s just a skill issue. For example, 13 lines, 40 moves, sounds easy enough right? Wrong, if your an og Tetris player like me you know that one of the best ways to play the game is by stacking blocks as much as possible until you get the long piece so you can snag a Tetris or 3 rows. But with the new move feature this completely ruins the gameplay of the game and has made me rage quit multiple times. Now don’t get me wrong, there is the marathon which is basically the original Tetris but almost feels like the blocks come at you way to fast. Also, ads kinda get annoying, like maybe put them at the end of every 2 rounds but nope, after every single one. This game isn’t bad it just could really use some improvement, especially to the entire move system.
Wed Jul 19 2023 MultiplayerrrrWhat happened to this game?!? It feels like every time tetris does something on mobile, it always involves bribery to the players in some way. There was that gambling tetris game, then when N3twork had this, they had prime time, then you can literally get coupons and reservations to hotels now?!? What happened to gameplay and you know, playing tetris??? I wouldn't be upset if the game was good, ok let me take a look at the game ok it got worse. At least when N3twork had it, you could play royale mode and prime time was a pretty fun event battling with players all around the world for the best score. The main event of this game now, with playstudios, is this level thing where to be honest every level is super easy and is just a way to stuff the players with ads. It feels like once playstudios got their hands on this game, they just took away everything good about what n3twork had, like what happened to the screen controls? With buttons and such, I'm not saying it's better but it was an option and now its not? Also they took away royale which, WHY? When will we get a good mobile tetris game (Thinking about it, n3twork was probably peak, as a competitive player it was the only time we got to play mobile tetris against other people. Also at first it was just multiplayer marathon, but n3twork changed it to actually send lines which I really appreciate)
3 stars because marathon still good
Clever Business Practices =/= Good App
Tue Feb 01 2022 Asian guy from KansasIt’s genuinely sad to see developers make slight changes that sacrifice playability for profits. I was excited when they introduced the Tetris Pass and monthly seasons, as it added a fresh breath to an otherwise timeless game. And you know what? It’s been fun! The challenges (though repetitive) make things interesting and though I don’t care much for the pins, the satisfaction of completing all the challenges is worth the time spent. It reminded me a lot of Fortnite a few years back, especially the way that I would spend real money one time to buy the battle pass, and then through completing challenges and playing the game, I would earn the necessary V-bucks to purchase the next battle pass. Call it cheap, but I felt it was a fair system that rewards the player for investing time into the game. The past few months worked that way with the Tetris Pass, but today I open the app to find that not only does this month’s season not include any coin rewards (not including loot boxes), BUT the Pass this month can only be purchased by paying $5 REAL MONEY. Gone is the satisfaction of purchasing this month’s pass with the coins I earned all last month. I get that they went more revenue, but I can’t imagine I’m the only one who won’t be purchasing the Pass this month, or any following months that require actual money. Poor decision on their part, but I get it. Whatever brings in more money, right?
Used to be better
Wed Feb 15 2023 BywaterGTo be clear: you can still play tetris, as designed. You don’t need to do royal mode or anything, so if that’s all you’re looking for you’re probably fine. BUT it used to have this fun feature where you win skins and various customization options by playing more and playing better, it made the game fun and easy to pick up time and time again. They got rid of it. This is my main grievance, especially since the art was genuinely good and varied. This isn’t my only grievance, though. It feels more gimmicky and fake, I think there are more ads and the loading times are way worse. The main screen is kinda ugly and working for challenges feels pointless because your only rewards are essentially power-ups for royal mode. I’ve seen people complain that it’s pay-to-win, which is entirely fair because the easiest way to get said really important power-ups is to pay for them. I can’t really speak to this but what i do know is it used to be easy to watch a short ad and get enough to last you through a few rounds and it felt balanced. It doesn’t feel like anything worthwhile anymore. Idk maybe I’m just caught up on what used to be, but it seems a lot of people agree with me and the number of players you’ll see with customization from the last true round of earning them is staggering. It just doesn’t feel worth holding on to or coming back to anymore
Too many ads, play area is very small, players should be able to play using a remote
Sat Sep 12 2020 COOLLBEENZZEvery single time I’ve lost a game was due to thinking I’m pressing one of the onscreen buttons, but in all reality turns out I’ve been missing because the UI and the rest of the play area are both unnecessarily small. As of now I am using an iPhone 11 Pro Max, but the play area is smaller than my little brother’s iPhone 5c. I don’t have the greatest vision which makes this problem a bit more frustrating, but I think there should be an option to make everything larger. I currently struggle and feel very uneasy with the given controls and would very much appreciate if players were allowed to use a remote as I’m sure the game could be played with fewer mistakes. I would also like to ask for the option to have a different menu background rather than hearing the guy talk as soon as I open the game. The last thing this game needs is to cut down a little on the ads. There’s usually somewhere you would go to remove ads, and I’m not sure if there’s a spot I missed, but I’d definitely buy that in a hurry. Other than that, I think this game could be a lot better with these changes. I really love this game, but I will unfortunately be taking a break until at least one of these features are implemented. I hope this game grows and I look forward to rating higher soon.
Updated: Absolute Garbage
Sun Jan 07 2024 Purple Orchid QueenUpdate #2: Just in case, I tried to give this another chance in 2023. Unfortunately, it is just no good. I can’t believe this abomination exists in the same universe where we have the awesome Tetris Effect game on the desktop. Seems impossible, but here we are. There are much better ways to monetize, and much better ways to bring in new players with a fresh new approach, but these developers are unable to honor the enduring legacy and appeal of Tetris. How on earth could anyone screw up Tetris?! It takes a special talent to ruin an easy win, but they did it, somehow. Uninstalled again. Three strikes and done. Shame.
Update: Just tried to play this again and the ads and other nonsense were too much. I get that they are trying to get my money, and I would gladly pay, but this is not the way to gain my trust and open my wallet. It’s just garbage now. Scrabble has been ruined and now Tetris. Wow.
Previous review: This new Tetris app is good. I like it, but the price for removing ads is too high. I have paid $5 for higher quality games but this is not worth $5. Maybe $3. So far, the only thing that puzzles me is why the actual play area is so small. Seems like there is a lot of wasted screen space. I could take or leave the themes. Overall, minus two stars for the wasted space and the fact that it is overpriced, at least in its current form. Fix those two things and we’ll have a winner.