I was a bit disappointed.
Sat Nov 21 2020 jdndhcydgdhxhjfdThought you could create a mask then sing yourself. I’m not going to say it is a bad app, because it is not in English. I will request that they please let you choose a language.
Even though it’s Korean I still like it
Sun Jun 06 2021 Knox Keegan BenderEven though it’s not English and Korean I still like it but my mom won’t let me so yeah that’s why I’m giving it five stars also because I’m a little bit of a super fan
Knox Bender
Hello it’s a Korean app!
Sun Sep 12 2021 supertalicThere is a show called mask singer. It’s a Korean show. They sing in Korean. There’s nothing to do with it. It’s for a show. You vote there when you watch the show. And the show is in Korean. So don’t rate 1 people. Again it’s a Korean app!
Not English
Thu Jan 02 2020 LuckBlowUpI thought this was English... Now I'm not gonna hate on it because it's probably a Great Game! Just I don't know what it's telling me... please add an alternate languages if you could. I love your alpaca game though it is so fun! I definitely recommend for everyone to go check it out!!
Add English
Wed Sep 30 2020 DobgivuggvyouknhvbjbvbjbI was happy to get this game but once I saw it I was like no English I like English that’s why I speak from and I can’t understand a word what they’re trying to say I don’t think I can get this five it’s just knowing English I’m just gonna give it one ⭐️ because it looks fun but knowing English so I think I’m gonna get this one ⭐️
Not at all what I expected
Wed Nov 20 2019 SaraAnne2325I downloaded this app because I thought it was interactive way to vote for singers. And it was not!!!! As soon as I opened the app, it changed to some other language, and there wasn’t a way to change the languages. So I immediately deleted it. I’d give it 0⭐️if that were an option!!!
Wed May 26 2021 Coiny6107 13I would really appreciate it if this were available in many different languages, including English
I speak this language
Fri Oct 16 2020 dowgang375I don’t care if it speaks english or not I speak both languages 😋
Wed Dec 02 2020 Ride with UberWhat type of app is it when you can’t pick your language. You can’t understand anything because it is in another language that is not English. How the heck are you suppose to vote when you can’t understand!
English version please
Thu Mar 11 2021 LynnCon63I tried this app last night and I am Very disappointed that It Is NOT in English! Could you please put out an English version or a way to choose your language! I deleted this app due to I can’t read anything in it!