Love this game
Sat Aug 14 2021 don't try do downloadI’ve been playing for about 8 hours straight and I love this game. It would be awesome if every time you upgrade your tools or hearths you could really see it getting better like a visual change or sparkles or even make skins that you can win over time (for character and tools). Give the tools attributes like critical damage or aoe damage, or even maybe life steal for the sword. Also something like lucky mining or something similar. Also add items like boots that will make you run faster or armor that would make you stronger against monsters or even ad new weapons like bows, guns etc…
It would be amazing if went you and out in one island you can build a little boat as a final goal and go looking for different islands where you can start again and have different challenges. With this the game will become almost infinite my making it harder to progress every time you advance to a different island. It would be cool if there was different minerals and material for different islands so that your tools would look different.
Overall I really enjoyed this game, I think is the developers find a way to add more stuff but still keeping the simplicity of the game this game could be one of the best apps in the App Store.
Great, but could be even better
Sat Nov 27 2021 PleaseHelpICan'tFindANicknameSo far, the game is great. It’s the perfect time killer and it’s fun to explore and unlock new resources or npc’s across the map. However, there are a few tweaks that I really think the game could benefit from. First off, either give us a way to speed up ore generation wether it be an upgrade through gold coins or materials, or just speed it up in general. When upgrades start to require more than 10 pieces of an ore it’s extremely sluggish having to wait while you just farm extra wood and stone that you don’t need. Second off, please add a gate in the upper right barrier between the iron and the silver. It’s annoying having to run across the perimeter of the map just to get one resource that takes super slow to spawn. Even when you have barriers around both ore generators to protect it from mobs the fact that you have to run around the map just to get to them is sluggish and annoying. Or possibly give us a way to increase movement speed as the character is really slow. That could be an upgrade too and it could cost gold coins or material. One more thing that’s more of a quality of life rather than critical game mechanic change. Allow us to pin upgrades so while we are out collecting resources we can look in our inventory or maybe a whole new tab and see exactly how many resources we still need to make our upgrade.
Great game….. but…..
Sun Dec 19 2021 RobinHoodxBlade—edit—
After reviewing other review responses I see this is a money grubbing company also that probably won’t fix any of the issues I notated down to 1 star
Games great in its own. Could use some extra features like more mining spots for the two higher end island materials and more rocks all together. Also a way to escape the dungeon with going floor to floor. But…. The game is so poorly optimized that while running the game my phone won’t charge with a 2.1 amp charger and phone get unreasonably hot. Make playing it for long periods unfeasable. I’m certain it’s something to do with the ads but not willing to spend 7.99 when the only thing I want is to disable the ads. All the extra items will make the gameplay to quick and loose it’s value to me. 1.99 would be a reasonable “remove the ads” pay structure. Albeit ide prefer the old 2015 ways of .99. And to counter this would be to add the other items in the pack in its own way making it were if you got everything in the starter pack not in the bundle cost more(like 9.99) that way people will still be interested in the 7.99$ fee in game already but have the option for just ad free for players like myself. Won’t give higher rating till the over heating problem gets solved or explained. Only other game I’ve played that has done this(and worthy of the problem) is like asphalt and other high end graphics games. So not a phone problem.(Xs max) But I do get the problem on money grubbing ad based games also.
Amazing game
Fri Dec 24 2021 FrjcxgnccjIf your looking for a game to keep you entertained then you found it. However, the game has a lot of potential and room for improvement. For starters add more areas to explore and dungeons. You could do this by adding surroundings islands only accessible after beating the previous one. Then each island could have its own theme, civilization and dungeon. The mobs in said dungeon should match the theme. For example you could do a winter island, volcano/lava island, jungle island and a desert 🌵 island. Some mobs could be mummy’s, snakes, salamanders, yeti’s and so much more.
You could also add armor and different material material. I like the weapons but there should be different option like a long sword that does more damage but takes longer to strike or a dagger that attacks fast but does less damage. As for armor you could have the player start of with some type of leather armor then move to steel and then to titanium or some other material. The hearts you get in the game could also be improved. I like the row of twelve but at your thirteenth heart you could just change the color of the first one to orange and so on. if you take damage it’ll turn back to red.
It’s a great game and keep up the good work!!!!
Great Novel Concept
Sun Sep 05 2021 VelthAkabraThe game is essentially as advertised; you are on a single pixel art island going through a gathering and crafting loop to progress further inland. That said, the game is very compelling and superbly well made. There is no dialogue or tutorial but the game design itself explains essentially all of the mechanics. There’s even a surprising amount of choice in how you engage in the world (do you want to gather resources yourself or farm them off enemies?), and a fair bit of depth to the mechanics (for example, you can use different pathing methods to avoid fights or kite enemies).
There are areas where the pacing drags a bit. Some resources are slow to respawn and you may wind up standing next to a resource waiting for it to come back for a while. The game offers a new gameplay loop partway into it that makes resource farming a bit easier but a lot of the stuff I was enjoying earlier wasn’t part of this new loop. I found myself sitting and hoping for an ad to watch to speed up the process.
That said, the wait times we’re talking about are maybe minutes long. It’s absolutely reasonable. And the game was an absolute gem otherwise. Easily worth a dollar or two, and it’s free!
Awesome cute game
Thu Jul 01 2021 Samy0005If you need to relax, why not play this lol, I’ve been playing a little under an hour now and I’m curious to know how much more this game will expand it just keeps adding with more stuff to do, there’s no set objective you get to explore and figure it out yourself which is nice when all these games today have quests and missions and lists of things to do it can be overwhelming and eventually turn boring doing the same daily missions etc., this game you do have some freedoms. It’s what the game suggests you are trying to survive on an island collecting, building and crafting! What more do you want! And being free to play they need to make their money somehow, the ads seem to be well placed, as I’ve notice they only come up when you are resting, and they offer bonus materials for ads seems fair to me!
To the Developers:
Awesome job! There is however a small visual glitch that I’ve noticed when you obtain a new heart, it doesn’t always register that you’ve used all your energy, it’s not game breaking by any means just a small thing I’ve noticed!
Cute RPG which is more than just building
Thu Feb 02 2023 Calilife415I found this game while searching the depths of the Apple store. I dove into the category section of “offline games” and found this game. While playing this game, it was diligent to wait for the character to upgrade/build materials. The character is slow and reminds me of an RPG character from older game generations like Pokemon Gameboy/D.S. Warning, when you’re restoring your hearts you get an ad, and it doesn’t restore your hearts any further, it made me leave the app on default. Although once things start progressing further away from the island, it starts becoming addicting as the setting is cute and you want to know what else the island has to offer. And dying in the middle of the floor levels was annoying. Although I still liked this game, just some short cuts (teleportation?) and better ways to advertise would be better(like offering material for extra lives). This game has more potential, like adding more adventure in the game. Other than my complaints, this game was well done, although I’d like to see more. It’s unfortunate the Apple Store hid this game with bad games.
I like it 👍
Thu Feb 06 2025 Heartris 💗🩵I really enjoy this game! I’m not a huge gamer, so I don’t find a lot of games interesting or fun. But sometimes I don’t have anything else to do, and when I want to play a game, this fits my personal preference. It is a nice way to relax and play. I love the little characters and all the different ways to level up. I also appreciate that, while there are ads, they are not super disruptive. You also don’t need to pay to gain more coins and hearts, you can just play the game longer, which I personally enjoy as it is a bit meditative that way. I think it is nice how it starts as a cute island with a mystery and then develops into something very adventurous and more challenging. I think that the interactions are nice, but a bit simple. I would love for there to be more (optional) development of relationships between the characters as well as with the landscape (like gathering flowers or changing outfit going farther down the island onto the beach and into the sea, ect.).
But it is still fun and a great game that’s free. Thanks for all the hard work to make it nice!
So cute and great ad frequency
Sun Jul 16 2023 AlbusDBanditI love this game. You can actually just relax while playing this because 1. It’s so cute and the design is simple but very pleasing to view 2. The game play is not super challenging but you do have to think a bit to figure which tools you need to upgrade first 3. The ads are not constant! Which I love and greatly appreciate that the developers made it so that they wait until you regenerate hearts to play an ad, perfect!
A few other things I love is that the wait times are not ridiculous, like when you regenerate your hearts it only takes a few seconds. There are times when you have to be patient but i find the timing for all of it so perfect and just enough to make the time challenge your patience but quickly reward you. As well, I love the step by step process that you go through to upgrade, build defense, and battle.
I really appreciate the developer’s work as I can see they really thought of everything to make it perfectly enjoyable for the player. Very cool game! :)
3 days going and I love it!
Wed Dec 15 2021 -Cito-So far I’ve been playing the game for 3 days straight. It’s time consuming to collect resources for upgrades but I enjoy exploring. I bolted to see how far the cellar goes for fun and made it to B18F. So it was cool seeing all the variations of enemies. Hopefully there’s still more to explore. It would even be cool if every couple of stages there are some bigger boss enemies. Maybe there is and I haven’t been able to make it. But fingers crossed for it. As I think that would make it rewarding to keep going down farther and farther for continued play value. Would love to see more updates to this game in terms new islands, tools, challenges. One draw back, I of wish the cellar screen would take up the entire screen instead of just be a small window to interact with. It makes traversing and attacking enemies harder bc there’s not much room on a phone. Maybe on tablet this wouldn’t so much an issue. But it would be nice if on phone maybe the screen could be rotated when your in the cellar to make it easier to navigate?